Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS LOOK FOR HAT BEAT PERSONALS ON PACK 7 IN OUR HALLOWEEN EDITION, OCT. 31! To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 ( I ASSII IKI> POLICIES Placement Adi may he plated at RcautvRJO, I Mi (m«m office) «* I O lka*kiU>re. Mam Hoof Payment All adt muil .he prepaid unJett billing ha» been etiahlitbrd It* fulling arrangement* |4ra*r tali V46 4 M 1 or »n^» by the ciattifird office, KD l-.Ml Deadlines l me A*l* 1pm. one hu tine it day prior to intcftaei I>111day Adi I pm . I*v hunnctl day» j*»<* to tnterlion Refunds Refunds will he limited to crediti only So t ath refunds * ill ittuod after the a*J deadline Copy Acceptance Ihr ( >1)1 reserves the right to rrvttc, rvtlaiufy .reject or cancel any ad at any time (iencra! Policy Pirate check your ad' Report ern»fi immediately by calling 14b 4141 \A r tanm* fr rr(j*«nihle for rm*t than i*ir t incorrect imrrtion if you do ru* notify ut <4 the ern* In I p in t*i the day of the firtt mvenmn Ihc <)l >b cannot be haMe for an amount greater than liar amount paid for iu«h a * . ».n. 4,1 , h.. ' . VUttl iUmiIaU m! k titii i to pffc ' V **» . ■ fX ! . - 346 4343, m lh, » /t. M/EK W D Room 300, Erb Memorial Union (EMU) ios PERSONALS Attention Peasant Girl Youf praeenc • »• required •! the ' j ties' houee dance of ail Um». j S«»mp Stomp Youenowt*’**- n *) j The King I Congratulations Panhellonk: Officers Vice President Dana L I Hannon Kamata M ( fternal Rotation April V Great Job Sigma Kappas XLl Sandra G. We love you! Love, Your Sisters j.rv • mm tm. m ** t mu main cm $k on Nf iU“J • (ti-.a ii># rr*t you fhftA way Inst I knoti toftg'4 ‘ be « Mkftl A,tt v-> rtyymo* ftro n lh# pst%i l urvtl YfiS KAH Sembo lorvghf tt the n*gw You become rvy t 4 f>.-. i kna» you Y B S A AH Yo So/* M Tbs n. your M*g So fvUon V« iuM Pvy *«ui J V>r ' KAH Jt NNH * M I T ur«*gM r& the 04m v. in -'ufy ho Muw ui ■' rig fl * f r fc i1 yo. i ii "y k’' *«> v\ YDS Thank you. Partly Day a parttc f»anta Congratuletkona Sigma Kappa on 3rd place* 110 LOST i FOUND Mai* Schwinn 10 4*1 U'**o !» iVW a " try ' <•' • j* ' lx. ’M kHtru fnt*us*\}*» if you have wome!hir>g to wall you hawa aomalhmg fo adwartiwa ODE ClA‘.iSIMEDS 115 TYPING SERVICES Profaaaional word pfocawnng , ,*k*r *M 1 i . ^.f-J «’ • A. : o •14 > > » ►Wilted caring editorial fiwlp for | international atodant* Maf»*ra | ti>«koa di**ar1al*on* Grad %c hcx>‘< [ afiprovad l o» rale* 34*»t4f'9 TYPING UNLIMITED Hart>ara l and l a*ar Pnrttar 486 3Ml f c>rtni»- y k* a:«*l B kxj T*w*.v’'u Typing & word procaaaing - »*1 (XIQtt ! ./"> A'Oo'UJ f '«*U P«. *1 ■ ; a (H» vo't CVl C.ng4 w* { ' ' • C«b Tom m; I AG IK I Yf TYPING f DIT »NG By «» per«»-* i*! w'0f t!i D M«y> at jd*rt tov* typ^ii 4414 .*V-« f acettenf typ*»t, wt t*'*» *f*J '« g m*y»c*R ex' IBM (.orypjmt lyaurr encl .. pr-iYtMP f«?«* C*l» Peggy •! >■•»< »i BZ&EEBZZB3ISB~‘ * * (*»4e*tc S» fc»"»l Afwk I M$rii»N$i * lean Pnatwg/YnapfcHJ CAROL YM _ 0*0 V 344-4510 iH ai rn woru nun ramnu i.am tTi h wmn arretracD nmi "ffWitini !.i ImwAJO I ASt M miVTIM. BK***»H?*t!*L 605 E 13th i» TUTORING l ngitah tutoring C#rv,**i. aiporwoGiKj I I l I SI instructor fW'i¥fxx:«4 Jo.tue "MS .’437 GREEK MATH TUTOR 1!M Gritwrl [ Tw**^ Thur* 7 JO p m to 9 00 p m ] 12JWSTRUCTI0N FREE MAC ORIENTATION Wednesday, October 30 4 30 pm - 6 30 pm Hoorn lli ClMlipuling Ctttlaf Haft* Macmtofth Operation* tor b*2inrv*r» DO FOR SALE MSC Huffy t& •(>••(! "»>■ S • fV tM \ c POOt T AUl I ... I ». «J >• . V< X A if brush P«iuh« i tank regulator •nd painti indudod StSO M6-1S97 ikokenoa. Si* SO K nd**n ha*#, $12 Soft h#*t 1SO0W portal*# h#at#r. 10 gal Sbopvac t>km*f $S0 3-4S 3t /1 us CARSTRUCKS GOVT. RNMC NT 51 l/l D V»r>« *»% f cytft Mo'c-tak*. ('. -jrvon «»*. ‘ *«vyS. •.• *■ t\ Buy Mutt »«H ‘ \t' ’ TiTfc?.i\ • .a GT GftsK* 0Op0 ;4t //is 5POWT V Bl Uf Of l UXC 80 7 men pi act. cows must : ►* l1 X. Ml Hi ONI Y P'C.OOC Mil IS <:Aj>sf nr cujtch. emeu* MiMS I'AHf S WAMKAN T V ONI Y 8*»30C UA> i Of ft H 4/M %4£4 1 (MM NISSAN KING CAB 4X4. t>-fe* f/k nv. N» W BRAKES. HUNS 1 ,H| AT f-4'00 144. HWT • 1 Ma/da fc?t Good ooncwion. n>rj* pmxi' |.i 7504900 J«r-r *»»' 34? 6GB? •5 launi IMatk Aj*o <.k*»n & Ottp®ntiftt>*e 66* "vw*a |iv90C >4 \ 4fX+ *85 RanauX AHianca. mwbu m 52.000 msHrt pan tod curxJrtoo l?XKX^Oo 34«. *>3y N 464 2640 83 Honda Paaaporl acootaf loo VI MY mx! yfo<« transport*! ton *>r cxw c* too' 2 hatmot t *»«•-»?. 8350 667 506 7 • 7 I) hi* Honda Spfoa. «*•>»*•**.< exxd-t #jr 1,500 m. 8»'jC'»Oo 34? 460 T iss BICYCLES Brand naw 1000 Btanchl hybrid b*ka WHT 25 bftfra* pump. 2 «Ck* **g« MOftt md 30 m< T U on t**® 8400 C » a*wr f J*M m*ry (i<»* 6B3 3650 Kuwahara 21 10 apaad l •?'.»'*» hr* usa I concMion l'4\otx> Cm 341, 9723_ 18 Tra* 800 I t! Contf'!*>•■• |1iG--'Ot>o C«v *41 ■45/63. 17S INSTRUMENTS H#cordmg arUftt JOHN SHAHKf Y (tur^u* av, fM <*' ■! «*MO# Of GuAikf Piiif**' "-tj.su- 1 <*j A r>um&o# of fur s-^art •' l ' O <. ‘ , J^TW^U f' * l A-'vo C Di4*Txi#xj ow. jotfivnod ?S A 8MI I CifM«!>S liti fl/Xj ■ tMtfrft. <»'XJ l»‘ll I f Of J4SMU* '344 44‘»*> 20S OPPORTUNITIES 195 TRAVEL "Solo" plus "Beyond the Rock" follow • lone clanbar from a mraty canyon floor info a braathtakmg panorama of anow and forbrddmg paaka Wadnaa day Oct 30 at 12 30 U of O Outdoor Program. Mm 73, f MU 346^3*5 __ Trivaling Soon? Apply for a cradit card Fly anywhara tn tha USA for 116(3laaa Calf TODAY" 4AVA830 BOSTON- BouncT.'-p tnmnng I ugona 12/14; raturn 1 S MOO obo 346 80S6 MS OPPORTUNITIES MAKE IMPORTANT DECISIONS! ASUO it'Oumanffy fifing MMttt on !Na CONS f 1 r U T ION COUR T Appttcal «on» and jab daac/lptions tvu available «n tha ASUO Ot&ca. Suita 4. EMU Application deadline * Nov 1 al 500 pm ASUO * nr AAYQ I mpipynr STUDY ABROAD IN AUSTRALIA Information on carnetier. ymv. gradual#. summer , and mtamsh«p program* m Perth. Toernavuie. Sydney, and Melbourne Programs atari •' t h i»gi IiimAa ul iid BMI I«»nUt I (Hill* u4 InUffuMfcrtMi V**un IUU. *4-93*7 MONEY TO STUDY! Graduate St udents: Corm* to the GRADUATE FUNDING LIBRARY at 125 Chapman Hall to learn about • Funding for Graduate Study and Research • Dissertation and Post-Doctoral Funding • Publications with Funding Information • When and How to Apply for Funding Call 346-2804 for further information. 205 OPPORTUNITIES Tutoring, data** m wdf«ng, cm raMNnii.ng couniw»< ■rtrn !0 StUCNknl* *»>••* t>»4 20 jOlO t Uu<-4| ;«g« K>w -.ncoma, or physical or Warning Umrtatons, stop by 66 PIC and as* tor mfo on EOP Oiho' ivj*>om< suppon sww.m i\-u .i,.i to a.!! s? jd»nts Unrvsrsity Day 1W2 H**p bnng logrthr*' th« Un.vw-n.-fy oommuniy ky a day Accwphng ap pnc«i*ons tor co8S l arkwood Ln. Eugon®, 97401 WINTER TERM INTERNSHIPS OIsolation Masting Monday, Nov 4; 3 30 P M. Thusa am jus! a low of tho Silos tn«»J tvu tt, a tor win!of mtorn&o ps You must t>o a Jf/Sf with a Maj-Wm «n the Cdwgo of Arts & Sooocos m order to participate Sth St Public Martial KVAl T V Kaufman s Eugana Clinic BRING Rscycltng NAa Stora Oragon Dap! of Corrsctions Eugana Symphony Association Looking Glass Shsltsr M Damian Publishing Rand positon descriptions in 221 Hendricks Hail f or first chance at interview s^gn ups. anend Oriental ion MMwiing Monday, Nov. 4 at 3 30 P M in EMU Gum wood Room. 210 HELP WANTED AIRLINE tow y»» ng sladams and graduates to f*i! many antry ktv& posrttons Slaving wuary >ang* to 24K with travel banafttai To appfy 303-441-2455 Extension 9A ALASKA SUMMfR EMPLOYMENT ftshanaa Earn 15,000. ■"month Tree I ran* portal on» ttoom A Board' Over 8.000 Openings to wxper-encw nac*n.'-»ry Mala or Famata lor •mpWymant program ctgi Student t mp*oymar| Sanncca a; 1 f>^41 114 Voiuntaara rvaadad? 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THU't S AHAlriZNHAli< iN MY SOUP1 HA, HA, HA! J» v