Bush approves funding for new NASA space station WASHING TON (A P) President Bush signed legtslu lion Monday enabling his administration to move ahead with building the Space Station Freedom, which he called "an essen tial step in meeting our fu ture space objectives " Some 52 billion for the space station was Included in an SHI billion appropria tions measure. 'Although it does not fully fund the administra tion's request for civil space activities, the act provides the funds necessary to main tain a balanced and forward looking space program," Bush said in a statement. The legislation containing funds for the space station will enable the government to I>egin construction on the station in the 1992 fiscal year, which began Oct 1 That will "keep the pro ject on schedule,” Bush said Passage of the measure was a victory for the admin istration. overcoming un at tempt earlier this year by the House Appropriations Com mittee to kill the program The bill also puts a 52 2!> billion ceiling on spending fur the station fur the follow mg fiscal year, an attempt to guard against cost overruns In addition, the lull pro vides funds fur the depart merits of Veterans Affairs and Housing and Urban De velopment It was one of two appro priations trills Hush signed on Monday for fiscal 1‘ft.! He also signed a trill provid ing S1 ‘t u hi I lion for t tie Treasury Department and general government services like the Internal Revenue Service. Hush also signed a stopgap till! to keep agencies whoso appropriations bills have yet to tie signed in operation through Nov 14 "1 commend Congress for presenting rile with a simple, straightforward extension of funding tti.it is not burdened with unrelated provisions I also urge the Congress to complete the appropriations process by Nov 14." Bush said as lie signed the stopgap measure A year ago. Bush vetoed a similar stopgap bill on the grounds that it was too laden with unrelated provisions leading to a brief shutdown of many government vices ser Operators protest state video poker SALEM (AP) M u n (1 rods of amusement ma chine operators turned out Monday to try to persuade the Oregon Lottery Commission not to cut them out of a state-run video poker system. The commission, which plans to install 10,000 video poker machines in bars and taverns early next year, initially had planned to use the ma chine operators as the middle iiit'ii between tlif Lottery and retailers But Attormiy General Dave I’rohnmuyer and Oregon Stall1 Pollci! Super!ntundont Keg Madsen told tho commission today that allowing private op erators to he involved would compromise the security of a state-run video poker network In an nppeurance liefore the commission. Fro h n m a y e r warned of possible criminal elements Attacks strike before peace talk Armed gunmen ambush bus killing two and injuring six i rm* -w. i WORLD MADRID. Spain (AIM Atl.nk.crs firing automatic weapons killed two Jewish settlers Monday in the Israe li-occupied West Hunk, In a deadly outbreak of terrorist violence pist two V a Muslim group opposed to the talks killed an American soldier and wounded an Egyptian diplomat The West Hank ut!e< k m whit h assailants ambushed u bus carrying settlers opposed to trad mg land for peace appeared likelv to harden Is raeli opposition to the peal e talks and put a sharp focus on Israel's oft stated worries over set uritv Israelis blamed the Palestinians and vowed re venue ior the shootings, whit h also wounded six people, including five children "Whoever wtts looking for a proof that wit have nobody to discuss peace with, that our enemies want to continue to kill us and to destroy us got the message tonight," Cabinet Minister He havam Zeevi told reporters at a rally in Tel Aviv As word spread of the deaths, the crowd swelled to 50,000 people, some shouting. "Death to the Arabs'" /.illnun Shovdl. Israels ambassador m Wash ington, said of tlin all.nk, "It certainly harms the atmosphere and it raises some very grave ques lion marks with regard lo their genuine attitude toward this whole prm ess Henan Ashrawi, a spokeswoman lor the Pales tinian delegation, condemned the violence hut described it as the consequence of the "extreme violent o" of the Israeli net upntion In a television interview, she predicted more at tempts to disrupt tile talks Some Muslim fundamentalist groups have called for attacks to safxitagn the ctmferenco that begins Wednesday in Madrid A Lebanese news paper reported Monday that a radical Iranian leader < ailed for suicide attar ks on the Jewish state arid said the peace conference was "high treason " On the diplomatic front, Israel protested to the United States over plans to grant a full length opening speech to the Palestinian delegation Is raid also rejected a freeze on settlements in the occupied territories Hut in one of his most com ilia lory interviews, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir said on NHILTV Monday night that he was willing to dis cuss anything and would not rule out trading land in the occupied territories for peace VYe believe and arc convim ed li belongs to us viilin thousands of years," tic said "Maybe the 1'idcstlmans believe live same Then let us ncgoti ate how to settle It, how to find a way to avoid war" In comments curlier in the day, however, Sha mir rebuffed an appeal from the opposition Labor Party lor a tree/e on settlements in live West Ilank and (i.i/a Strip Palestinian and Jordanian delegates arrived in Madrid to an enthusiastic greeting from a score of supporters Monday Young Palestinians and Spaniards waved placards saving In Arabic, Spanish and English "Long Live a Iree and lnde pendent Palestine Soviet President Mikhail S (lorbachov arrived Monday night and President Hush was to arrive Tuesday, a day Indore the conference begins at tiie 18th-century Royal Palace At the White House, Hush said he hoped the talks would lie a first step to peace, but cautioned that "there's a long, long way logo Israeli officials protested they had Iveen taken iiy surprise by a decision to allow the Palestinians a full opening speei h in addition to ihe speei h by the Jordanian delegation's leader, instead of siiar mg the time on Thursday "This would connote as if they were a separate national entity,” .Shovul said Ash row i, asked whether she look this .is recog nitton lli.it tin- Palestinians ,irf .1 separate entity, she said "Yes, I think so Shamir aide Yossi Hen Aharon said the fairs tinians were trying "to projor t the image of a 11a tion iti the making " Israel agreed to attend the conference only if dll' I’alestlne I.lfieratiun (hganl/ation were ex ■ luded. and the Palestinians partii ipated in a |oint delegation with Jordan On Sunday, a Pl.t) official, larouk haddoumt. said the talks would not continue past the open mg days unless Israel stopped building on the ter ritorles 11 sel/.ild III I'll./ I he Beirut newspaper Ail Diy,imt\ Monday quoted Ah Akbar Mohtashemi, Iran's former lute nut minister, as desr rifling tile Madrid confereiii e as a "crime against the Palestinian people" and urging suicide' attar ks on Israeli targets In Ankara, Turkey, separate explosions killed an American serviceman and seriously wounded an Egyptian diplomat The United States is a co sponsor of the talks in Madrid; Egypt is the only Arab nation to sign a peat e treaty with Israel An anonymous caller < Turned responsibility in the name of Islamic Jihad The name means Is lamit Holy War. and is often used by Muslim groups Sec urilv became ini reasingly visible in Madrid About lit.(M)ll police and civil guards, many cur rying automatic weapons and hacked by armored vehicles, were assigned to protect the delegations The University of Oregon Microcomputer Support Center and Apple Computer, Inc Present I MacHafioween Thursday, October 31 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm * Erb Memorial Union Eir Room New PRODUCT UNMASKING! 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