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So, run your till la lag* down lo ROOM 300 EMU Al l ADS MI NI HI 1*1.ACI D TODAY HY 1 I'M AN EYE-OPENING SPECIAL — 15% OFF CONTACT LENSES Complete titling and follow-up care Call 687-6257 cxpuc* Nov 15.1^1 Eugene Clinic Eye Center 12th and Willamette Monday-Saturday hours Easy access, Free parking SPORTS | Bowl system needs championship game i FROM THE j SIDELINES BY JAYSON JACOBY another college football season gets cliitiT to that all important date of Nov 17. wlii'ii thu various bowl bids arc sent out, the controversy iieglns anew over the fairness ol the current system used to de termiiie the national ( hampion The arguments haven't changed much Proponents of the howl system respond to i ritu ism by asserting that most years, anyway a clear national champion emerges by virtue of a superior re< urd Opponents of the bowl Ms turn dispute this claim, point Ing to sui ti y ears as MiH-1. w hen Brigham Young went 1 1 0 and was named national champion, angering many people who felt BYf' s Western Athletic Confer erne schedule was so much weaker than that of other na tional i (intonders such as Mi ami (Fla ) that the Cougars' un blemished record didn't really mean mm h Ami then there are the years wiu-ii The Associated Press and the t !mted Press International polls don't agree on a national r hampion. in wdm h case the NCAA reiogni/es co-chatnpi oils That pist doesn't cut it w ill) most r allege football fans It happened pist last year when Colorado, which didn't lose a game hilt was tied once, was named co-champion with undefeated Georgia Tech Those two teams should have played each other, rather than far ing other teams in separate bowl games Co champions is an oxymoron, anyway It could in- even worse this season, as the top three teams Florida State, Miami and Wash tngton are all currently undo leated Florida State and Miami will play Nov lfi. but it ap pears very likely that two of ti. trams will finish ih<- season undefeated mid ranked first and second i i'.is would sr! up .1 ( lassie national championship garni?, iiul hi-i iiu'so of the archaic irovvl system, which would lock IV cifu !0 champion Washington Intel the Komi Bowl against the Big-io Conference winner, it can t happen l-lorida State and Miami are Ixith independents, and tlie winner of their show down will likely plus in the Sugar or (irange Howl Then the national champion will either be determined when one of the two teams loses its bowl game Or like last year, they might both win. resulting in another co-championship and funs across the country talking for years about which team would have won the head to head battle College football doesn't need that kind ol ambiguous, tut satisfying ending The NCAA doesn't use such a system for basketball, and the professional sports certainly don't, either The bowl system certainly shouldn't lie abolished that's not the point Hut the first- and sis ond-ranked teams at the end of the regular season should meet m a playoff to determine the national i humplon It's the olds way a true champion can be determined Hasebull fans this past Week have been treated to one of the greatest World Series battles in history Five games were one run affairs, and four, including Sunday night's 1-0 game seven triumph by the Twins, were de cided on the hist pitch of the game Both are Series records But even more improbable than Kirby Puckett's 11th in ning homer to win game sic, even more unbelievable than Series MVP )ack Morris' mas terful domination of the Braves in game seven, were the contri butions of thi- so-called "little guvs” from both teams i he one who will be remem bored the longest is probably Twins' pinch-hitler Gene Lar kin. who won the Series by driving in Dan Gladden Larkin had balled only three times in the first six games But the biggest surprise had to be Atlanta second baseman Mark l.emke. A lifetime 225 hitter, l.emke led the Braves with a -117 batting average for till' Series He won game three with an KOI single irv the 12th inning and scored the winning run in game four after hitting a triple l.emke then had two more triples in Atlanta's 1-1-5 game five rout l.emkeV heroics were defi nitely a source of inspiration for "little guys" everywhere ()ne big guy who has recently been brought down a little is Mike Tyson A lew weeks ago, Ijurr.iLI sports reporter Dave Charbonncau wrote about Ty son in this column, coming to the i (inclusion that the former heavyweight champion was a "jerk ' Well, it appears that this particular jerk has earned his pisl desserts Tyson's championship bout with hvander Holyfield, which had been scheduled for Nov 8, a.ii canceled last week alter Tyson injured a rib during a sparring session With 1 yson scheduled to face rape charges in January, it doesn't appear likely that the Holyfield-Tyson light will over happen Now either 'Tyson was feeling less than confident about Ills upcoming bout with Holyfield, and decided to get out while he could, or he needs to gel weak er sparring partners In which case he should probably con sider himself lucky, anyway. Besides, the jerk doesn't need the money Juyson Jacoby is an limerald spurts reporter I:M.',W;1WTTF1 Ihur^Oy Oct 24 St ore. I ttt^gum Hil Put)4o *’ d Itelu ujAilon 12 O/Kti Phi DeiU B d Hag Burner* Cv<»«M2 [•am 1 % ' d Danny O'Nail 2 u lot h- i l/M 2 Drha lau Delta d trayjuin M 1 * 44 a Sigma 2 A d Sigma N u B 1» • 2 J/C3 s I) Hammer* d International '3' ! THE BEST DEAL IN TOWN for WEDNESDAY PARTYING 2 Sf VSi 41* ¥ 2222 Centennial Blvd. (oe»! to Ayaon Stad.jm! • EUJ r • 343-4734 I U( 1 lrwloor Sui4.«r Ihurwlay. Oct 24 Inusmaiional '2'd Phi Pu Hi s 2 Kafr}!* Simula 1 d »im/V,KW 15 1 Wdtvrri SS d Sigma Kjiiilun Hun Lizzy d Sl«d|«hAmnMtfi 1 o LX-l. M«it d Nigiiia Aijil a hj>i»lon r> !i Havanan*d Kijl *J‘ 7 0 InmniaUunal T l HP 4 4 ITiwU (2u '2‘ d K«f)|id Sigma "2‘ Mean r.rwn d Sigma Kjmilon S-O I cum N ; way d Indoor P i*h 4 » IriUsmaUunal J‘ d Li 1 ( o«d 2 0 RECORDS! r258E.13THo 342-7975^ »*v» m«d eh I,p» rtiSntl 1 Sun th 116 Ft i ft Sal 11-7 GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE