Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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Roberts to speak on campus
By Daralyn Trappe
Cm Barbara Roberts anil
teat her KathleenCross will In
thi1 featured speakers at the set •
ond .iimual Oregon Student
Lobby Conference. lo !»• hold at
the University Nov a and 0.
Roberts will speak alxni! the
future ol higher educ alien in
the state and discuss her (on
versatipn with Oregon" plan to
have Oregonians design their
own state services and tax
Cross is a teacher and conn
selor for Sell enhancement ln< ,
a program that works with at
riss youth in the I’orfland Rub
lie Schools She will speak
about the problems people o!
different rates have in commu
nicating with one another
Students from .ill over the
stale are expet ted to attend the
conference, which last year
drew 200 students, said Jenni
ter Hills. ASUO president and
chairwoman of the OSL Hoard
of Directors.
"The reason we're having the
conference is that people are al
ways complaining about apathy
on the campus and I think com
plaining about apathy is good
nice, but if vmi don't do
anything about it, then you.ru
part of tbi- apathetic student
bodyDills said
Thu eonfnrent e will also offer
H workshops with .1 focus on
stub issues as financial aid,
child care, elimination of op
pression.' disabled access, lead
ershlp skills, rape awareness,
selfdefense and bate speei b on
i ainpus
Additional!v. four w■ rksbnps
will lx- offered from a Tinted
States Student Assik lation pro
gram The-.e workshops will f>
nis on student activism, in
eluding issue organ 1/1ng. strafe
gv r"e< ruitment arid coalition
The deadline to register for
the weekend's events is I rld.iv.
Nov 1 Registration forms and
tune si hedulns are available in
the ASUO office m KM11 Suite
•I The 1 ost of the confereni e is
S IS per student
Tim Incidental fee (aimmlt
tee has allocated S-r»(H) to the
ASUO to cover the cost entireh
for 20 students and cover half
the cost for 15 students Thu
students who receive the mon
ey will be chosen by lottery
The ASUO offic e has further in
formation on the lottery sign
Continued from Page 1
er ill chief is a liar
“The truth is coming out.''
Davis said "North is a loose
l iie truth has also come out
that Robert Gates, who has
been nominated to head the
(!IA, was also "in the know
"If Gates is confirmed, 1 think
it will bo a clear admission that
covert operatives control our
future much more than Con
gress does," he said
Davis likened congressional
hearings, like those of Gates
and Clarence Thomas, to pro
fessional wrestling matches,
where the outcomes tire always
predetermined and always
close. “The problem Is a lot of
people think it's real
However, Davis said lie is
hopeful that (tie American peo
ple will realize the truth and
lake direct action through grass
roots organization to correct
tins state of affairs
"We (have to) stop listening
to the polls that tell us what to
think and tell each other what
we think." Davis said
Davis described an upcoming
national teleconference that
seeks to do just that. "Causes
and Cures" will link citizens
from more than lf>0 IJ.S. cities
to discuss tiie nation's drug
problem in terms that go be
vond tiie Keagan-Uush drug
war rhetoric.
"It's not just a problem of
peasants in Peru or minor
ities in the inner cities,” Davis
said "The problem Is tiie link
between U S. foreign policy
and the flow of drugs, und
we re not the only one's saying
Davis said entries from
North's private journal includ
ed specific accounts of drug
sales and transport.
Bill Davis
Like the Iran-Contra scandal,
Davis sees the drug prohlem as
a symptom of a larger, perva
sivo issue.
"We as a nation are like a
family with an addiction prob
lem," Davis said. "The problem
is that we are in denial
The teleconference is seeking
an alternative to the so called
"War on Drugs.” which Davis
said has boon waged by hyp
Before Davis could get
through his introduction, an
audience member interrupted
the speech and asked Davis
aland his association with a
known racist of ultraconserva
tive political convictions
Davis admitted he dealt with
Do Critz for a short time until
he found out that Critz was ac
tive In a populist party that es
pouses a blatantly racist plat
Davis defended tin: relation
ship on the grounds that Critz
had valuable information to of
fer the Christie institute.
"You have to deal with some
pretty seamy characters," Davis
said. "If you want to know
about the drug trade you don't
ask Mother Thorusa."
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