Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 29, 1991, Page 4, Image 4

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    ( I'I’n < \KI I K I’l \SMM, Wit I’l \( I Ml M M K\ l( I
Register Now at 244 Hendricks 346-3235 ^
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Toyu imi rr
We’ve Set
Our Sights
On Your
Front Door*
Sun. noon-8pm
Come in and pick up a menu: 1225 Alder
Continued from Page 1
Artist Coorge Greonamyer,
who t routed (tic statues. said
the drawings im submitted
where representational to what
the sculpture would had, like
when in place
" there should have been no
surprises.” he said
t.reenamyer said he is happy
with the new location, but he
added that moving the sculp
ture to its new home on the
south side of the Casanova Cen
ter is still in the planning stage.
l in' moving costs, estimated
at $11 .(>00, in< hide S-1,000 that
Crernamver will receive for re
vised drawings and S27.000
lor tin- relocation work.
On Friday, Remington an
Continued from Page 1
'The University is in viola
tion of the rule th.it prohibits
sexual dis< rimination by virtue
of allowing military ret miters
on i ampus," Drescher said
Drescher said the decision Is
a good first step, but that she
hopes the higher education sys
tem sticks to what it is saying
"I think it's a good step for
ward,” Drescher said ”1 com
mend the chant ellor and tile
board and encourage them to
take t orn rete steps to imple
ment the principles and the
values thev had expressed in
tin- paper
nounced that an anonymous
group of donors came forward
to pay tho cost of the reloca
tion The donors have given
money to tho athletic depart
ment in the past.
Tho University had originally
planned to pay for the reloca
tion costs with money from the
auxiliary parking fund because
the athletic department already
has a deficit of SI .7 million.
Those funds wore extra re
serves that could bo used for a
variety of facility improvement
needs," Remington said. "If
you looked at all possible uses
for the money, 1 don't think
you could necessarily say this
was the 'best' use.
"Rut the administration felt it
was an appropriate use."
"The point is that the higher
education system makes all
these statements supporting gay
rights but we haven't seen any
concrete actions to hack it up.”
Drescher said she thinks the
University should follow a plan
that would give ROTC some
sort of deadline when they will
no longer be allowed on cam
I.t Col. James Hinton, head
of the University's military sci
■ in e department, said his de
partment has to follow the poli
cies of the U S military.
I! the chancellor wants the
policy changed, he is going
about il the right wav," he said.
I't'iM Advising information
meeting will take plant* tonight
al 5 in t Iti Cilhort (ju to 271
Cillx-rt for more information
Order of Omega mandatory
meeting for all members ssill
lake pi,ii i* tonight at r> it! in tin*
I.Ml’ Sec EMC calendar of
11 v o lit s tor I ui: a t io n ('all
tlfi-until for mom information
kVAK campus radio will
have a meeting tonight at 7in
21r! Allen for students Interest
ed m becoming hroudiast
new sw Titers reporters (la II
.i-tli tool tor more information
College Demos ruts vs ill meet
tonight at (i lit) m KM!) Century
Room A Call 080-4529 for
more information
• Grassroots i asa s Project
meeting tonlgfll .it 5 .10 in 2 1H
i'.u da
• Kei \ i ling l’rojent grou p
meeting tonight at Slit) m 1(1-1
• Toy Safety Props t meeting
tonight at 5 in KMtJ cedar
Room C
• Coalition Toxns Project
meeting tonight at 5 in 159
l’ulit/er Prize nominee Ron
ald Takaki. author of the besl
selling hook .Strangers From a
Different Share A History ot
Asian Americans. will speak to
night from 7 :t() to ') in Room
1 It) Willamette Hall.
Repentance, a Russian film
depicting a surrealistic fable
about totalitarianism, will ho
shown tonight at ti .10 in room
115 Pacific Call 540-4078 for
more information
Domestic Violence will tie
the topic of panel discussion
tonight <11 7 in the training
mom ot the EWEB Building,
MM) K.tst Fourth Ave Call
t i t 1787 lor more information
OSl'lRG National Toxics
Tuesday Various student
groups w ill i>r at tables and tox
u dump simulation sites
around campus to educate
.diout the toxics issue.
CD-ROM Tutorial Search
Strategy Learn how to use the
library's c o m p u t o r i z u ri
databases to develop research
strategies today at 4 p.rn in the
Reference department of the
Knight Library.
Free cholesterol screening to
day from 9 to 11:30 a m. at the
health Education Cantor locat
ed in the Student Health Cen
For prospective teachers: A
planning workshop to discuss
what you should be doing to
have the best chuncu of getting
admitted to a teacher education
program will take place today
at 3 30 in 184 Oregon Hull.
Bidding for the following
companies will take place to
day through Wednesday in 244
• U S General Accounting Of
• Ford Biuck & Co.
• Russ Berrie Co.
• Enterprise Kent-a-car
• Radio Shack
• Livingston Securities
• National Life Insurance Co.
Group meeting: Great West
Life Insurance Co. — 7 to 9
p in. in EMU Century Room D
Inquiry class for those inter
ested in the Catholic faith will
take place tonight at 7:30 at the
Newrnan Center, 1850 Emerald
St Call 348-4488 for more in