22S APTS DUPLEXES GREAT DOWNTOWN LOCATION .MUCH apart-“wot av«*iab*a 'Of >oA4<0 App>*t '••» a* inoucla wash o' aoo d^pona. prtvria t*»*c»rv«*y. off parking; ' g'T cy' tk.v r«- to U of 0 ONI Y V J«nmng» • Co M172M JEFFERSON APTS 500 JEFFE RSON Roomy 2 b**t/oom lownnousa aly*» apartment avauatwa soon Pnv«Ui ;>*» tut. on-6fto laundry and partung Gafl Larry to vww 143 9235 Janmngs ♦ Co 503-2271 IMPROVE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING! If you ara stuck paying loo much for too Irnla. coma aaa our apacioua two bad room apartmanta l oca tad on tha lAUraca. wa ara only 2 blocks to U of O Pftvata balcomat or patios Aafc about BUY-OUT SPECIAL ' Call Don, 144 5695 MIL l RACE APART** NTS (Bahmd Track Town Pu/a) 1505 Cardan Avtnut Joonmy* & Co ' 6B3 2771 934 WASHINGTON nO M.^o ? bod room apartment vin'agu bpuM avauiDt© soor lois jl «iir 1 & tor ago »i replace Ml-%t aaw to nppraa ttJtt 65 SC Aiso 2 bedroom' apartment avi^ dD'O n compfcii aar U of O, 150 mova-m bonus 1640 Agala St . 1360 Call JI T Invsatmant Sarvicas, 465-5606._ Studio, ona and two badroom apartmanta Pool-laundry facilittas waatharuad Ftva buildings, 15th A Hilyard location 454 9922 STUDIO Eicttwn! condition Close to (am(X;5 Paring 6350fnonth M? 6741. im or 687-0922. mgr _ Would you Ilka a raaliy mca room all to yoursalf with a prtvats bath room, clots to campus, in a naw building whara your masts ara pra partd for you? Call tha Collagian, 143 1255 UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH HI NT NOW FOR FALL! a CLOSE TO CAMPUS * PARKING A ON SITE LAUNDHY 2 ♦ bedroom a 1575 3 b«droo#n» Irom 16tkb Call Ml 0/29 NOW! Jartnings ♦ Co. 6614219 Wife lo campus 1 bdrm apt av«i Nov 16t6 $3 35 in. Utsi A dep Cai _343-4231._ $100.00 MOVE-IN BONUS! CHANTILLY APAHTMENTS IX/W «h 13 1 Bedrooms from VI.'*) 2 Bedroom F .«** $ w 5 POOL PARKING IAUNDHY Cam Nioo, 344 5563 Janmnga * Co _343-4219 1 bdrm turn. cAaan. DW dtaptia a. laundry. covered parting. $365, mo 1200 fo^Y 343-33 IB 1 bedroom apartmarK Haif tXOC* from center of campus. new carpeting. park ■ »>g $3/5 faH.’Qlfcn 4H5 fH7a 1 bedroom apartment, 13th & Ifcgn a vadafre 'Hw> $325 fidS 1130 2 bdrni turn, ewer. qu«e< DV/ clrapoa ci laundry covered partung. $4fc^*mo 1200 Ferry 343 331» SOUTHGATE APTS. Vary Urge 1 bdrm apt AM applr ancaa. prhrala patio, pooi, aau na.and laundry fac on ana Near campus 34$-44 71 , 2344 PATTERSON _J 230 TOWNHOUSES CONDOS GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES Hacantly r a nova tad 2 bedroom townhouaee New carpet, drapea, vi nyl, appliances Larga graaay play araaa, orv-atta laundry caN Tan. 6A9A637 ONLY 3375! Mannings ♦ Co 363*2271 240 QUADS AFFORDABLE iXM Akloi Si 345 5049 Qu*dt ««V4.N« * f urrvahod, Ut9 paid 4 laundry facilffy, co*wtd p*itir>a * t??0 month 553 E 18th Ave f jrni‘.'«l j, <«3 w'"' PHlVATl BATHS And r,,-^K(»!;y5 Pummg and i»ur»dry ONI V l.’ft'.' Janoioyt # Co 993-2271 2 WEEKS FREE ” Warn io campua fnam t'wt* nowy -» <}•.«*.!* ‘ PffvsWo f. nt'#n.« ‘ ■ ( i.»n®n« location ’ ' IncKklaa UWrt*» ' * fctonth to Moran Tanancy (>"v« by 1 750 M^yanl («n t**n*ul 174? Htfya/t}) H«*V f »■«* _^4 » 4 t .» ★ $225 ★ 441 E. 17th Cn*»n. qua** compaw Wafc to iaa* A avtad tn« parh-ng haaat— 3‘>0 mov» >n bonus' v U ST HU T PAHWNC. Al l UTIII ms PAW) C«»J» 344 9290 or 34 3 VBi Jtnmrgt • Co 643-4 211 290 CAMPUS EVENTS 250 DORM CONTRACTS 111 g»v* you I-IO ca»h to taAa o*ar my dorm contract Call Chris, ft#; At97 Urwvarsify houawvg ‘o' . •- ■ w tw na? -w» ■'"r «» lay(K 14$’«HtC'' ! ?55 ROOMMATES WANTED Quiat ra*pon«ft>*a f am ala !o ^*/a w'Sfi *&r*» l arg* (*v< it' So t ?%mo * '•» t t' VU*hj Mo p«t» - , >4* AlV.-avaa oriy Room mats want ad N u 2 bodroom tf%rxaJ $-’ ’*> * V» ut■■'■■■'■*•* No snu* tKH l*»»*r?4t P039 mmv« rntMahtagn »i CLUB SPORTS KARATE MAKE YOUR WORKOUT COUNT! U of O KARATE CLUB : u v p m tnj >i p T ..moh A t h^f f OH iNl • >, Ai t V SpOO'* .«•! by I •v.b’SvM.x'H u», t * n 290 CAMPUS EVENTS WARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT OCMCOUWT IhOM v*#M «"mw im»SH r niui iojn t 4^ ^ * ■- wt •«• ? •»«■>•»[ ■■ • •>• r>«* DELUSION ‘ V .fr M ■ wvm ImI •« *t*» *kw .BARTON FI *•< * « * - «*«• ■ *V.« •**«« ■ M v arV&ar* • ] MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO „•**.* lW~*M»*r OH bfexMl ^ I •» < J IJOU LA mm *oo«* *»r% " * s *. THELMA ft LOUISE1: DELUSION' i jiw A* '►♦t *Kf ■ * *•»ks by Professor Iakaki. \ Pm-Sluvrnr t’nnatle. 1 study of the Southern ideological defense of slavery. Violence in the Black Imagination. A study of 1'hh century I lias k novelists. Iron Cage*, A study of race and culture in BMh century America ui relation to Asians, Blacks, Mexicans, and Native Ameru arcs, and Pau liana: Plantation Life and l>abor in Hawaii Ronald iakaki, the grandson of Jufkinese /rlantaturn laborers in Hawaii, is Professor of lllhnic Studies at the University of California, Berkeley. In BIS7 Professor Iakaki was invited by the Academy of Sciences of the Soviet Union to Armenia to [>resent a ixifier comparing race and ethnicity m the U S. and the U S S R. 29S ARTS A ENTERTAINMENT NINE DAYS WONDER Our Final Performances are: Thure. Ocl 11 Ha >“<*• wind «r!M #!« Wiwnwr- ,<*i «g«n) S*t. Nov 2 thw A:ny#n Owl ?*%to » I ! fg»i 'or jo* k»« in* iwi o® I AN i *TN jIAu lot tonn ■molt® V#V * o ~ * A 1 loct 30 l(» I’M 295 ARTS! ENTERTAINMENT N'< nv on %jlc FATHOM •NO FKAM llKi:” K# Urn. f*vwiK tUn, r t\arnf i if<» 0* jh ijt'ir »t I'* Hkhi** »»l ft** >>s%h Th# fc'r. i*ni 7«« 7Ne FUonfi Parenthood pn*j'\ t«at wtfh untMaeed cownitlmg 344 (MU I here e no (>oir* in toeing weigh* U"*W4» ysXi '«* «« M*»p 1 0^ Thu ft» (***r M \ Syefcem givm you aft'the r.'fXM.ti* you '•■«»«* J <)«>•« KKA I»re 'rt! « •*» ( rtk>f»» rv n - vl m**\ 'o ’’hki.^ rrVAAo ! iKl*.y i*rn«e ■-«*'? rt ml mw/y aMv»nl;*!»«» ■ -.i * 'i « !'*hj>K mJmw 1 M !■*»* VIvuu.»r. (IK. Vv44 ' Un|>U lined pregnancy? (Iff U ttf iKUf T a i> .* u to " ■* ihwigft NorT’^iom* 'o M «. IO IVwn . .H. > U7-B641 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shqffer ACROSS 1 M l'> •• 5 M » 1 , » ujiM.) H > ..H ' ***** i: t > I ‘'"l" '■'» Utio l $ H: 1/ i of v.U* 15 .. »?!>•* 17 ‘ Hi M« « .1 19 t >t 1' 1 i •“» •• 1 J 4*0 t • 30 U .-! i : 31 > • l.‘ • • JJ M . 35 N. . JO !/un A, 37 A , .r • :irt !».■ i. - 4 \ U , V a . j.« «! ; >. liu i 43 I} 4 * t SO I ‘ » ' ? U I f> :>i I. . » )* sj; • DOWN 1 M t»i.»(>:«•%’ 2 • Hu: A . I I *» ! r. ■! 4 M . 1 •• » . $ t ho-,*. 6 N • r . i ti H • , ■ »• • ■ urv! 9 ,V • Houfrti oil* o 10 ■ I |'H J ,| *;•»!? 1 1 w ■ Solution timr* I mm*. Yesterday's answer 10-29 1', ;i h.i.v’i 23 24 » •* intHs . 20 hft*.r* 2/ 20 U - . 2‘J Vi«i.o ■ j m.v hi «• n i .- j t* . «• 14 A ; . 'IS n«<- •. .« 3/ • » '• ' JO - J!i • 40 >4 41 H ! 44 . tJ t . 45 M . -:.>f 40 A ' . . . C? ■ i'' i’»1 4/lVj ; Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watferson UklWH (V**D HI'. "--'J i NMKATO K*» '. VJ Ax’ KWH TVt Ut 8C*D M 90Mi'W > „ ><*a.s wr. »i n TVC njRN StOMi f ' i %£v Hk i/t m- r*i> i kj\ u wu* . umaiwi» V*YV. U}* TX SM 'Crisr n* POUi Alfl M-TUl U*W IkHIN t-ttAWl . lows ',V, f\IT IN n< CUJICM M* 'MIT ’ /MUfcftft*. -4UV • i MA) t^lW> 1U* \ Hf*N' mi k’v^ti mwuii.w AM' 1 Hi 1 UCAmT> muon f»j m min , »« it. Mlu., M fwn, IM " NOW (SundettecS 99