Sean Harwell scores on a 25-yard fourth quarter run to make the Ducks only touchdown in Saturday s game against Washington Ducks lose to Washington, but maintain self-respect By .Like B'-'fj . : ■ n hen rd lay N. the Duck football team tin! not 1 1 the third ■ ranked Hiisk»*^*> it ni> n h o il urn harrossmcnl in Oregon's . i ■■■■-■ re v hh Husky Stail.r.inr Not t‘ ii bad, i offside ring the Hus -'. (I m ih: in (a.nfererue ' three previous homo opponents 1 5H• .i And thunks n. perhaps the •!, rt. • t Oregon scoring drive In » long k-. : • t and ! i si ■ .red i p. ,!,:■■ Kansas State Arizona an : I olmio hod tn»n aide to colloi lively mil.11 r a! Husky St diuir. tins fall W isiiHi.ii'iii is tile ties! team i V r i ' ii . : -tins !i’iigae. evi r (tregim (ainch !. a,' n. As said ii. Uur ks snored their only points of tiie , line and the first tout hdown by ■ lean! Hi Htiskv St.ldi.llU on a J'> vaid sprint to the end zone by taii ... k s. an Burweii the first and only piaV ot a MX second drive The fourtll i dme was set tip tty Oliver's him k of a Washington punt When one taki s into aonsldrnitkm the .nt of injuries Oregon faced the third tanked Huskies with, tin* Ducks in id ft;t-ir own Hut. Ixslieve it or not. tin injury situation got worse tiefore it gt 1 tietter Saturday S. j iaanore Doug Musgrave the tlmd starting quartiirbai k for Oregon in as many games, her amt! the Due ks’ latest .the pi-, turn. Musgruvo broke : w -i:kiir.>; a-Husky who • '.' -cii .i Burvyell .fumble oil the hist Urn; •: phr, of {hi; second quarter Mi.- .::.iVi‘ wjii ri-pl.ii.iui it! the second bait ■ s.vlc l Innvston and could be out .for ttie remainder oi tin: season. Pre .: . - starter Bri tt Salisbury is still side rsod by a sbt lidter injury, and.'injured . Cee;'. O No! was lust hit: the season nitty urn - ng vVhat's happened '.s : is -it . it .ill tills VISIT. Mu.sgruve said ' Port iniately, we save K vie; ! think lie''!.do a „,.j job " wston did tint do a giHut job Satur day five-'red-shirt frbshman rontpiittwi only of B [lasses Int seyeti yards and threw 1 wo intercept ions t ill tile other h.ltli! 'Nili-s..;: .1V (' funked fairly solid in his iirst collegiate start. 11 mpleting ti of 13 for 57 yards a.nil thmw mg one interception against the nation's top defense. Other injuries that likolv hurt the Ore gun i .else were the absence ol the entire starting defensive line and some hum pi ring injuries to the In.ehai her corps \\ ashington exploited tin- weakened 1 )m k defense for -l*»7 yards of total of li-ii-.e !iiiskies quarterback Bilh 7 - He tier! threw three touchdowns i com pleted i ol iiti passes lor 756 yards, in . luding 10H yards to Mario Bailey and 105 yards in Orlando Mi has If you had a healthy Oregon toutbal! team out there today, they would base given us a lot more problems." Mrk.n said Turn to FOOTBALL Page 13 I MONDAY SPECIAL ONE ITEM SMALL ADDITIONAL TOPPINGS ONLY 50! OFFER GOOD ON DELIVERY ALSO: FREE DELIVERY w/Min. S6 PURCHASE TRACK TOWN PIZZA 18Uy r ranklin blvd. • Eugene • CALL 484-2799 ! guitar'stringsH I 50% OFF I OUR LIST PRICE j OCT 3C.:W! • i Music city i • 1WE 17lh (AT PEARL) EUGENE | ACCIDENT INJURY GET HELP ON YOUR SIDE Attorney. 1968 UCLA Law Grad James L. Bumpas 687-0908 RIGHT ON TARGET! 346-3712