Many children frightI en/ov i getting magnified view of the mushrooms .it the 10th annua! Mushroom Shoe, and Plant Sale on Sunday One and-a-h a It ■ y ea r ■ o Id IV alt Sorenson .below: mow", try for a cl os e r look at contestant No l ot the show s scarecrow contest Mick and Janet Batchelor and their grandson George I below right! inspect the mushroom show s wares Fungi lovers flock to Sunday mushroom show tty Sho y Strom Novices and experts in mycology thi; scient i‘ o! mushrooms further enlightened themselves a! Sunday's l()th annual Mushroom Show and Plant Sale at thi‘ Mt Pisgah Arboretum east of Kugene The show, a fundraising men! !■ r tho arboretum, featured about ISO In shiv pa klit! species o! mushrooms and other fungi Freeman Rowe, an instrut tor of two sections of mushroom classes at Lane Community College, said he believes mushrooms are “intrinsii ally Interest mg. beautiful, delightful to eat ai d havi: ,i Certain quality of tiiiiii;. : M.irsii’.i i'lii i .in :! ■'!. • ! member ami coord ma'u a ..! the iii--fil.iv said that due to tile dtv wralhii. tins has been -1 slow mushroom i-.oii so !.ir S-iii'ii' r-- .:* - t. i .is tor expert hiirlll,!u .i!ion of n ..slui ns 11;• ■ V had (IH M il ! : ( A • and botany lira f a vv f. j t r ■■ fa-: os from Kovvo two ti-nri'. nd hr feels k IlolV ii si ;‘,;f. ■ : ‘ s'! thie mushrooms, hut hiiui^ht nine !;■ till' )W foi Rn'.vr f I id' ' f « . V\ i V I’ldcrs said that it - .ni|r.. : ;r for a tiif*inniiiif mush; n p. >■ : !• :;fifv safe mushrooms on the base, of a jin lure •• .1 • ■ » \\ r. !::' i'll ( i i ■ i '; i hf ii t f..11 ihrrr art* no U >hl mu .hn ?;»:ri huntur7 shr Mini P* '• ■ r i*nt ‘ • .• i.un< r s i i f.*k .t t.las.s on mushrooms or < (insult «m «\ ■ r j -. : > 1 ; • ■ 1 : ;; ! I m - V* ! ! ■ ■ * I . ■ S Utt \ Not .til \ r.ltol •- V% • i * ‘ j >• > ;! ;> .1; i V ill b-nsbd Hi th(! busm*‘ss nf t;i11i t-hris hsjsht f Khndis, (>’.«• >. '..ini lit- >. .mu* to mm* Lhts pupprt aini to bmld .i • ( .;!«•; IOW tomb: it: t hr . 1 ,in: ..»I si .ifri.ftnv < t»t»t*• .I Xitliou^h hr »i»■ i Millie of I hi • !• -I , , j i i ► « d m ■ - ! i rooms. Khodr*. said h<‘ pjrfi IS edti!i}j thosr biiUi*ht hum tin* stun* it j I ihiise Vvlin-M pair tit i \\ » p * hot i * i .»,! V! by t fir m i'.hjooiii *.h .1 M t' i< • •::• wdl U- .i mu-dimom syinpo■■mm .11 thi- Spnn^iirhf lb s} bum Unti l this I’m - la v and V\ < ill* day The University of Oregon .Micnxomputer Support ( enter and Apple < omputer lix Present MacHalloween * Thursday, October 31 1:00 pm - 5:00 pm Erb Memorial Union Fir Room PRODUCT 1 UNMASKING! Take a peek at Apple's new products, including the Macintosh Quadra series the Macintosh PouerBooks, and the new generation of Apple LaserWriters! / A WITCH OF A DFAU It's no trick.' Apple is treating eligible students, faculty and staff to substantial savings on the purchase of tlreir most popular Macintosh computers, bundled u ith great printers! / WAOTC! Watch the sparks fly as one of Apple's Technical Sorcerers takes you on a tour of the multimedia pou er of the Macintosh, including a demonstration of Quick Time! Presentations at 1:30 & 3 30 /COSTUME CONTEST! Come costumed or masked and you'll have more than a ghost of a chance to u in an Apple CD-ROM Drive! To be judged attend the List Media Magic presentation. Prize awarded at4:i0pm. X''' HAU.OWFFN BFFRFSHWFNTS AND GAWFS!