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Ill . « .ill- 'i*lu%.li* .mil m*M* Vm mi..|. il*l\ iIkIii i « \|m t i iImi «•(!»«> \\< I! \o|| Ir.ltll oif|M 11 III!;- Hi U • MIS li.lS \fl< i ill I M i I I 1. 11 ssll.ll * oil. p !-■ .ill .*l»o Hi V 1**1 Milll « .Hi: | ■ «MtlI* I lo 111uI miiI lit iii tank i uti I liW s\ v/» iti * hi k fm sott Microcomputer Support ( enter TRADE UP! Buy a new IBM PS 2 and you qualify for a trade-in allowance on selected models of IBM, 202 ('(imputing ( enter Monday-Friday 9am-5pm 346-4402 r\yjyjIxj ” unu r computers Call for details. Next trade-in day is Tuesday, November 5, 1 - 4p m ».M .. * * • * t.u.lt *■ "«-*/> 1 ,► S 1 - >4 <•»» •• » ' * W- t •• • I «s ' f. , k |«M ». * . s rrf» ’•» ~n i , , U . -* 1 . * S.'- <«■'.'» ■ • » » I . » k IV.- fv V* . « < ■ • V- - U • » ' » k - ik k . .N . . -A ' ik . * » !.* ! A. .# Jn*m jk RIGHT ON TARGET! f ,. Emerald CALL OUR AD DEPT: 346-3712 Wrangling stalls talks MAI>!■ in the conference lingered •a i ! i !i Minister Me mo An tis a used Palestinians of “a dei ihera*• * attemji! to SCUtile the negotiations" following last vv >. s i la ::; I e, the Palestine delegate Saeh Ivrekat that the Pales t:• o ! daman team, was rejiresenting the Palestine Liberation Of - gam/ation . iter, howevei. the head of the Palestinian team. Dr Haider Ab Shah. said Ivrekat v\as not a I’l.O official and called Ivrekat s 1 tements a little jirovocative Abdel Shall said, however, said ! e saw no need for Ivrekat to be removed horn the delegation Arises s.od he was "glad to hear” Abdel-Shaft's statement and thought the dispute could he settled in Madrid, anti terrorist squads lanned out and sharpshooters were posted on the roof of the conference site the ornate lHth ■ ■ i■•!11ry Ho\.d Palace Armored personnel carriers were parked around the granite building Police officials were particularly concerned about possible al ia ks i>v radical Palestinian fac tions or Basque separatists who set of! three iar bombs in Madrid earlier this month, killing an armv officer Behind the sc ene.s, organizers met w itii delegates to work out de tails such as tlie shape of the table, seating arrangements and the order of prea onferenc e speeches to lie opened by President It n.h and Soviet leader Mikhail S (iorbac hev i gvptian President Hosnl Mubarak said Sunday he may come lo M elnd ii he ts jnintsi by other Arab leaders Otgam/ets planned for the direct talks lo begin following 2 days id opening speei lies Tie re are going to he interruptions There are going to he glitch 1 ' ■ ■ nd Sri rotary of State James A Baker III in a televised inter v i- w Sunday ' Ue should not go into this conferente thinking that tli s J to three days is going to produce peace in the Mideast." 1 he main struggle is over the occupied territories the West Hank t hi Heights and (ia/a Strip Arab leaders have said they will demand Israel give up land and halt construction of Jewish s. ttlernents :n territories Also, the Bush administration be 1 V "■ : i c -1 ue. \ t trade* land lor peace, Baker said *'! ** - delegates however, endorse* Shamir's opposition to a land for peace deal IT.' i u.h side also left an opening '■ ' said hi-, c oiinti v would c onsider so-c alled "confkience ' c .'Hu iscin-s with Israel il the negotiations progiess mi i : !Ni;s Student I Hill Assiu iatinn at ' .'.inon.ii muc-ting will take !»’■>■ ■ ■ li hI.iv hum 1 ! 1(1 .1 m In .hi |i m in KMt ’ ( mi sir Room A ( .d Siii U'Hi] or 1-1 1 :tr.54 lor mom information International \ssm i.itiun nt Students ut Ki unuin11 s and ( oininen e \\ i il meet tonij»iit at Hi in Colbert All majors ill well mill! ( all 1 HO lor mijfu mformation Students 1 o i Creative \nai htnuisms will meet to rn A.'.ate. No 1 Call la i •! i‘*ii lor morn information IAH Hoard of Directors lions- Committee will meet to \1 . ! ri 1(1 m 1 Ml ( entnrv m B Call .Ml. It 7 20 for m :e information Martin l.uther Kinj> Celebra tion Committee will meet today ■ I j> ni m !im KMU Board i. mi Call l it. 4(HM) (or more information. SI'KAKHK f ather Hill Davis of the Christie institute will speak to rn,Ail at H in 150 Columbia. Call i-iii i (all lor more information MISCKLLANKOl'S lewish perspectives on cur rent sim ial issues will he the fo cus of a discussion today at I ID [1 111 at Hillel. 1414 Kin < .mi St ('.ill :<•!:<-H920 for mor«: information I.ane Deimx rutii Ini uni will take plate toiiiiv .it noun .it Do i riM u s Restaurant, 10th Avu nun .i111i Olive Street in the Atrium Pudding. St.1 to Kepre • ent.ittve Hill Dwyer. I) Spring held, will lie tile guest speaker OPPOKTI N ITU'S Bidding for the following 1 nnip,ones will take pl.it e t • f.-it Hit', agh Wednesday m .'11 Hendricks • U S < ienoral Ac* ounting Office • ford HI,a k ,t< l in. • Kiiss Herrie (in. • Enterprise Kent ,ei ir • Radio Shack • ! ivmgston Securities • National Lite insurance Co Croup meetings: • Wal-Mart Corp 7 to 8 pm in tlie EMU Maple Hoorn Career Planning and Place ment Orientation Session will take plate today from t to 5 i> m in 238 Hendricks Deadline (or submitting El • Us to 1 ho Emerald (runt desk. /.Afi Suite 300. is noon the duy before publication Et A/s run the day of the event unless the event takes place Indore noon. Xolices of events with a do nation or admission charge will not he accepted