Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 28, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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Students volunteer for El Salvador
By John Higgins
Emtxald Contributor
Ahou.l "O' volunteers armed
with paint brushes, hamtiHirs
and hors contributed tone and
labor !o tli>! c iiimmimn Satur
day while raising.' money for
medical projei is in HI 'Salvador
Thu Committee in Solid,inn,
wish Central American People
nrg.mi/eii tile work-a-thon.
ivh n h for usod on improving
White.iker IJementary Si hool
and tin' (dm <ino Ail,ills i ntr:
geni v Shelter
Tile event Was one ot SO
work a thons i ondncted na
tionallv Organizers said they
wanted to emphasize human!
tartan aid over military aid to
HI Salvador In "thinking glo
bally and acting lex ally"
Volunteers raised money in
pledges lor the amount ol time
they worked The work a thdn
raised nearly SO.000 in collect
ed and outstanding pledges,
said dram Mas, a C1SCAP vol
CISCAP plans to send SS.UOG
to the Bravo Fund, a project o!
ll’,.- i arahundo National i.ther.i
tiou Front that has lough! a
bloody < ivii war against the
Salvadoran government lor
more than 10 years The fund
provides niedii a! aid lor mem*
: -us of the FMhN, < aptured
government soldiers and the
surrounding civilian popula
cist At' will put the remain
ing S 1 .Otto t,e,vurd wm s a tlion
expenses, such us hills for
• s ••tit I shirts and work materi
.1 is.
V l!tv 1 ;SC VI* Sl iiuntl i rs put
in their hours painting the inti*
. r id tin1 ( dm a no A fl.i i rs
imergeticv Shelter. n'•> Po'k
St {‘he shelter provides temp. >
rurv housing for up to fourdfii
ratio l.imilifs
It intis really good.'/ slid
Stuart Shulman. a l!tilyi*rs11\
graduate student "This is the
tmist gooddi'itimg thing id'
Shulm.m helped organize tin
painting brigade at till- shelter
arid said students and fai ulty it
life l'ru\»• rs11v should involve
thrum . v i s mere often with
i ommututy problems
People should know . what's
going on in thrir own li.u k
vaid. Shulman said livery tail
( iSt Al’ organizes students and
community members to raise
money for humanitarian pro
jrcts in Id Salvador Past events
have included hike a llions and
w.dk a limits, hut never a v\ i a k
a thou
! think it's really imp riant
to do something There s a lot
in this world that can he done,
said Laurie Living, a Lane Coin
tminitv l lollcge student
Living helped design and
pain! a colorful mural lor the
\\ bit* aket Lleillelitarv Si hoot
cafeteria Other projects at the
school included latidsi aping.
Speakers calls for action
to solve nation’s problems
By Gernt Koepp ' q
I lit? apathetic an- the key tu
reforming our society. •‘.oil the
k e v Ei o t a ■> p a a k e r at t h *■
NAACI*s annual I retjdorn
fund Dinner on Saturday at the
Eugene Hilton
Lacy Steel, president o! tin
Seattle branch of tin: National
\woi iatton for tin' Advanr ej
nient ul tailored People lor the
. ist m \ <' .11 S Was *-.'•« ! ' d
yi i:• • .a. all N A A( .1 ’ Nat, ::
. it. ail M.itn'n r At ! a
Thun: are those that say that
the people oil the tat-let! or the
far-right are the problem." Steel
s.nii "Out it's not the people on
the left or the right that are the
problem, at least we know
where they stand It's those
people that sit 111 the middle
and do nothing that ate our
Among the estimated 200
people at the S2-t fit) a plate
event was Springfield Mayor
Bill Morrisette and University
President Myles Brand
Teenage pregnant \, drug
abuse, poverty and racism are
all problems plaguing not only
the Eugene community, said
Steel, but every community in
the country
"These problems are not
black problems not white
problems, not red problems
and not yellow problems, but
they are America’s problems.'
Steel said
What is needed, Steel said, is
for people to become active in
their communities it is not an
ex; u->e to rely on past action to
justify current inaction, he said
Many people will tell you
what they did 20 to 10 years
ago but you can't just rust on
your laurels.” Steel said
Lacy Steele
He i hallenged each member
ill the audience tu ask them
■ •dies. What have 1, nut my
neighbor, dune lately?'
Part of this activism. Steel
said, call even take the lorili ul
challenging people who toll
aikes that are derogatory to mi
nority groups We must chal
lenge a lie when we hear It or it
will become the truth." Steel
Aside from activism. Steel
said what is needed is innova
tive solutions "II we are going
to solve todav s problems we
Heed today's solutions." Steel
Steel said parents should talk
to their children because if par
ents don't talk to their knis.
drug dealers will (a ntral to
talking to children is under
standing their language. Steel
'Those persons who recruit
our children for drugs speak
their language." he said "They
listen to the rap records, where
as most of us say that we don't
have the time "
°at l ambcrt plants in tront of
.Vhiteaker Elementary School as
part ot CISCAP s weekend work
ri'inodciing and building [day
ground fi|ui|>tm*ni
U i- il t.ik.• frt ■ I.ib r ,mv
lime v\ I ( an I'.' ! said .1
Hi- -.aid tin- U
.idl ijU l!i: scry Ill'S Ini lilt
dn-i; and llit; i uniMiunlly
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