IFC awards money to ASUO By Lisa Mi Megan Emerald Reporter The Incidental bee Committee granted four student primps' requests fur fund ing and ri:i ortsldered two previous tier t Moris in meetings during the p.tsi two At the (>< I meeting, lit. members re reviewed .1 decision at -i pn viu i . mi'i'lmg to award S.ht'i t > Sexu.d A- -mil Support Services [teuiusi- ol ionimitti i- regulations, the lib is not allowed to allocate money to organizations tli.it aren't n-< agnized by the ASUO .is independent student groups In u un.intinous vote, li t memliers agreed to award tin- motley to the ASUO. which is responsible lor funding SASS The money will go to trip expenses tor brin bolller. the group's volunteer coordinator who was invited to speak .1! a r onventloll of the N11tion.il Asm* 14 lion lor bureign Student Affairs (ail tier's original request had been for .$ t.'O. but her mi si- tin- III can't pay for (ood. members voted to .illorate tile lower u mount li t members also reconsidered .1 de rision th.il b ill allowed the Internation al Student Assn* ration to spend S.:M) out of tie- group s speakers hind to pay .• v;.• rises from .1 speaking engagement last spring ’] hi; group's accountant would riot op prove ihi' Uunv.K lion I»• -< »titstudent organizations are onlv allowed to use i urfi'nl funds for current expenses The lit. agreed to allocate I ho needed menu •, from the. committee's surplus funds in .1 I.iirr elec iMcm. 7hf> tht't'j>n (.uni mftilutur was give n yi,"iH) to bring Kd win M.-.'sr to speak "ti r.ampus Hie newspaper staff e\p,o< !■» to get the rest of 111 s / .(too needed to firing Met se to tie Universitv front cither sources Meese.plaits to speak on tile topic of whether tie founding fathers would roc iigiu/e current interpretation of the (cm stitution ! he AS! <) rei eived S500 to help stu dents attend an Oregon Student Lobby I .invention at the i'mversity Nov H and '* fl;e money will pav the StS confer . in e ji*e for 70 students and pay half tire i osl for 1 5 students fi t members voted to alloc ate tire fund' provided that the students who rei eiYe tin money, are chosen by lottery in an (tit ttt lit meeting, the Native American Student t’nnai vs,is allocated Si: ‘ Ir an the c oinmilte, s surplus fund to pay for expenses from last spring s powwow Octubafest a mix of brassdom' by underdogs ‘bom to boogie’ Dy K,ver' I ngeis I hi- tuba has typically gotten .1 burn top tin? image of a shv ktC>WW*OW* I kjGfWI 683-8464 VIDEO ADVENTURE ©VALLEY RIVER PLAZA •SSL'S, re School iMnmrrr or ontoon of MUSIC THIS WEEK at BEALL HALL: 961 E 18th Ave C OCTUBAFEST frs. Vaude. ie vvitn a tc...' , of the c ass.cs1 Mon., Oct. 28 8 pm $4 General Adm ssson $2 Students / Seniors Q CHORAL POTPOURRI University Singers, Chamber 9' Cho.r, Women's Chorus Tues .Oct. 29 8 p m. $4 General Admission $2 Students Sen.ors r, STRING CLASS <£) RECITAL students m recital Wed.. Oct. 30 8 pm. FREE Admission C HOMECOMING CONCERT •" UO Ensembles Fri., Nov. 1 8 p.m. FREE Admission For more information, call 346-3761 (Music School)