Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 28, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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    Ombud offers ‘sympathetic ear’
By Dt'"” s ! r.
: i s i • i':; i v i ■;", i u i i n i a; d
w i> 1m c;i harmed mat 1»
i ik< i\ In keep ■■,.■ -ii: i'i
Simvi- til*; l n:vi•;\11y
. >! this is ili.i! peoph .!!*■ ung
behavior and more respnir.tful
ah.ml how tin-v treat wrr.• r pe.>
Janet Wentw tl I
U . iitworth is the (ii'ison stu
denis, l.n.uitv ami staff .it the.
i : tVi-rsltV '. in >’11 to with .i
pi ibletn !i' nrill an iitv.wc r ami
a svinpathi ! a ear
U i■ nIsvm i11, who !iis 1 ■ ■ i.
olilhmi olfii ii sun o .tin inh Was
i 11•.ii.t last Mati ii s.i..i pe. .p |e
ni'i.iilv I' sp, it ill ti m A ita i h j
RissJIa fit in two ways fight Ol
At the University, people are
in.,re likely to quit thru jobs,
transfer to another school or
drop out of school entirely,
than to fight abuse from a buss,
: oworker or prob-.-nr, Went
worth said
Some are afraid to lake their
problems to department heads,
leans or supervisors tiei aiiv:
they fear being perceived as
irt ehiemakers w. ins ause they
thunk the. person m charge
won't i are, \Vi ntworth said
"Most people assume that the
person at the top doesn’t rare
a rid doesn't want to he in
Janet Wentworth University ombud otticer. works one on one wilt
people to solve sexual harassment and other problems
volved she said " 1 hu\ fe
perceived as Unng too busy, nt
mt’.in or not < tiring "
\V.-ntworth- said sh«<* Imp*--. h>
change that image.
Before the (alienee Thomas
cuntimm! .on hf.it mgs, W*
worth h id -i steady how ot -tii
dents. fa< uiU and stall through
her ; df u.e i« «• k i'. g h r '.s a > s to
result e disputes without tiling
official charges or leaving the
; .it! I jaii LUiMIli'-,-, i’.till !>I a.
she said
Wentworth mi sin: j>!. !
hiiM'lf on hot ability to tiring
pi (.|i|i> together and solve )m>b
loins iti.it was hi:r jot) t*ir t’l
ye-ns w 'iking lor Los Angeles
:a 11 r,iiiI.• y
In hot nilii e in a downtown
... ; a ("■ [. U ell tw (i! ill ! ...k
• OMBUD •' . 14
Continued from F’aqe 1
Action will cum cniraie soLdy . n miriuritv facul
ty r«i riilmcnt .mil promoting a n nipus tolerant
d diversity
K> spon.sibility fur hearing .uni investigating
g; It ', a!i. 1". will be directed ! ! \ i( e Provost Lur
ratrm Davis. the Otliie nf lint Dean nt Students
and the Offti e of Human Resources
IS a- changes an- i ■ x} ted to go into (dim t w till -
in tiia next lew vs t■■ u
Brand lias said the restructuring u til allow peo
i;le who are 'knowledg able and rapuble to take
inoie responsibility lor ufhrinative action
!,. -..1111 iie Ixilieves tin' proposed changes are
an eiiurt to lake s line be.,: o'! till! much ontU'l/ed
Office of Affirmative Action, which, he said, is
.. .gii! in tile crossfire and is es .en'mily set up to
' Tl., , re - . I p ' : i " vi ' uis oi ail tile poli
tical i annoul s'm- tli i' go it :'ii! r.gilt, Lee said
" \r,d this till) will resolve ali tile problems that
this University and tie aiiirni.itiV'' action office
hav e been facing.'
Die 'all was ii iWii ip and j lev louslv submit
!,'d ti tile Oregon House I Representatives in
1,1 • v Rep ( ali post.I lo! .one), however.
.! ipiu kiy (!:•■ t in a i oinmittee
fii reason lor tie- la ► ,.f support and interest
•: an the iioi.-u Was the . ,1 k if student input at
‘die hearings, said Mat! l.ox, ANDO state affairs
ci Minima tor
1 hat s . mist ike i!u- A‘si () p in not to repeat,
iie said
( I; a- o! tlie re c c. re a ..oils ■ • e ini 1 died was In'
i tiiere weren’t enough personal cases, stu
: a ; iti/ens who fell -i need for tile enur t
: f this hill. Cox -S.il!i Ad d enough Students
made it tu Salem. tint enough lummuidtv mem
bers made it tu Salitm
Tin- only wav tin- bill tan work this time
around is it students Irei nine involved In giving
personal testimony. Cnx said
Tlii1 AS!!() has •.i-vft.il months to pr> pare that
testimony .mil find a sponsor fur thf lull. lata . .
the Ilouse is not scheduled tu reconvene until
January lyltj t;r unit' s a spot eil ses ■ >n is culled
in loo.1 which is a very likely possibility. < us
it's going to takr a lot ol student voice in Sa
Inin and it's going to takf a lot of i omniumty
’•Oil ■ too." In: said "I think tt muld have gone a
lot further if it had hail that At these committee
meetings, that's a lot of what they re lo .king for
personal experiences
It a student I an go up then alid sa. I w e t:a
r.e-stsi but I didn't take It to the t nivi imIi :-.<■
i aiise I felt It would just he u me .s lor me and
nothing would happen.' that might • irrv a lot ■
w> .ght and that's what was missing i.r.t bum
Cox said
Students who want to be involved in 'in ;e ■
is . limes should contact la < flu AMU n I'A! I
Suite i
The AS!;() also plans to enlist the aid of the < )r
■ g ai Student Lobby
What's going to have to happen is that vo ii
hale to get theOSI. behind us again, m.l I, ■jeliil
Iy we i an do tii.it la i hum : ■, missim-nt; is cod ol
a la ' 'a ;... right ii a. si.*! uc hr. v.. ..I rd
to get si alellts to go to Salem with Us
I! we don't gel this hill passed, then tht! at
firm.dive action warfare will continue until some
one totally restructures the University and the a!
[irmalive action process." Lee s.ml "This is going
to be an ongoing, longterm battle."
Continued from Page 1
■"! he inter-tribal dances fo
cus ini the individual's style
and meaning, whereas the so
rial dances are for fun and any
one i an join in," Baker said
The social d a nces . wit ii
names like "the owl dance,"
and the two-step dance," were
very popular among the more
than iOO people in the audi
ence, many of whom joined in
The drummers, who perform
-it various Native Anu*ric.an or
ganizalions. came from Salem
ami Medford Local drummers
also performed
The colorful outfits the Na
tive A merit ans wore made the
evening even more native
Baker said she doesn't like to
refer to the outfits as "cos
"1 call them outfits because
costumes implies that w e are
trving to he something we are
not, Baker said
Baker said that the women
usual I V Hlitki' 1 h 'Ul His I;: r
their husbands and list1 hus
bands [tut together tie leather
and brad work
Outside tiie ballroom. Native
Americans sold tribal leweitv,
blankets and other native items
that represent their It ibes
NASI' has already begun
planning the spring powwow
and is looking lor vomnter:-.
Anyone interested in i oiutile. :
mg may contact the NASI of
fe I ;ri tie- I!M! ' h , : : .
< >n\>i)M />.
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l)i »(M4 | AdvtMi
>. 4n%<fi«d AiN>
Ur, l / I
Ur 4 14 1
| Women,
: Body Image &
| Food
| if you have an interest in this topic j!
ling i four week workshop on ; j
j Wedr Jays t. 30tt Nov 6th. 13th and 20th. U
Topics of Discussion will be on:
: • v\ i . tc ;tn.:i i'.h,p with rood and j1
; with their bodies i;
| • Why diets don't work j
: • Devoir : r j healthy attitudes around
; your body. ;
I • f ittir ) m outfit tr. o< jtir ) & > i ho ilthy I
I fesfyl© in a hect hedulo ]!
Place: m in the jnseling Center j
:: Time: 4 oo-S 30 p m :
i; Sign up to pre register — 346-4456
4 i
l mm
■ l ■ —■
Dog ventriloquists