OMBUD Continued from Page 3 <;tlJ*. frriin ph« rides her motori/cd wl»« < It hair lti film k• round trip i' ami from t ampus Ui e.uvt rth Id gan work .in lit*- tlniversiivOfftce til Affirm tiltv* Action three v* -its ago He r jt r ini ar y r i-’.s ports tin Si! y 11. * t * ■ w a■■ ' r ;t : y g’ * a* jts ate i ' . j i,il o()|H)rii!(iii't. niuality .»u !! ■ wtirkni.** i vtiitl babe ■ merit anti other | ■ >! 1 e v issues Site still (itti-s training, hat W • ntWiirlh ■ ; i -■!.* > ■ her >s j do cure about problems expert en; ed by subordinates on c.itn ; , WrnHsurlh ■ ml She funis that bad communication is of ten I ho problem ♦» n- i it's no! liiirtl lo solve W* nlvvi rth - i - d o ' ' ib- !■ •- ft an\ .liter' ilium Nile describes her foie ,ts th.l! (>! I road map She leads people to solutions she doesn't solve their problems for them, shir in sexual harassment cases, U ' litis < rth a iv is. people to make sure the person doing it is informed that their behavior is unwebome 11 tin behavior do- Ml's Stop, the per son etuliir ing harassment should file an official complain! through the 11!■ l* '• ! Aflifinativi! Action, which will launch an invistiga (ton. Wentworth ■ ii-i V\ • . ■ aid be; :--i the spectacle ol Anita Hill 1« ing grilled hy male senators may leave many women tin Willing to participate in •'such an investigation. Site soici the Thomas < onfir inalinn could leave women (1 nkim: the: I- -, .,, ni ill ll: ,!e tn‘.e and little in gain. Both ol thu-. people were i mi ified in the process of trying to get to the bottom of it and 1 don't think they ever did get til the iHlttom 111 it," she said Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS li A I’ Hll/M DIADUNI!: TOMOKKOW. 1:00 PM DON'T MISS IT!! To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 too BRTHOAY GREETINGS HAPPY 21 ERSHERRY [1 MATCH OUT f on ! >♦* M BAAHLOONS! LOVE, MOLLY r To MLKW, Hau'oll l,i hanau to my very much OLDER sister in Eugene, trom her very much younger sister in Missoula! Aloha, KCW 105 PERSONALS CONOR AT UL A1 IONS to the new PANHt LLENIC COUNCIL >.V , II Dam L nni!vi [3 !#nni!*f f Kama la M I ji. ha N Mama G V .i * f»f t* soldi! j tnburval (oij! i n» t> »j>Anfttcn • or ul ittues Good luck, Wo think you II do’ • Al MAN I l A l Ui MVS AWAIfS us VI II I Mu N 105 PERSONALS Ml XU Ml Ml M M Ori'a (.afnn.’a *oohJ lo #»c ii» t m#«ntk#f, (}«•(4x9 G s *■ I • f s j K \ X \ KM .< - • M . KKt 3'- ’* *'M Q'"''' i iwc Hf' i ** .» OMOI H Of OMt (.A Mt Mill MS' M » x' . ' i ; \* :«■ .• , .<> ■ 1 .. * . • t M' ) I - >0 WH l Ht Sf HVt DV LX ' » » .«» M ‘ ' . M »„ (• *! . .*• 1 , , ■ no LOST I FOUND f ourvd film pon< nagalivas laft al is# IMC Coniacl KA* dia Cantar. 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Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651 I)ooncslnir\ BY GARRY TRUDEAU HIF: /