Oregon hockey team trounces Walla Walla By Doug Carter E morale! Confute ,ti.v hast and physi cal were the two lit ost o b y 11> u s wavs to describe the play of Ore KOtt’.s cl u b i t: i' hot hay team this weekend during its domination of Walla Walla College at bane County Ictt The Ducks never trailed while outscoring their non league opponents 2b-t in two games On Sunday, the Ducks blew open b one-goal game with nine unanswered second period goals and cruised to a 15-2 win Saturday's season opener was more physical, but not much closer Ducks 11, Walla Walla 2 Oregon lines blew [last Walla Walla defenders all weekend, knot king down any obstat les along the way Defenseman Mark Licbert repeatedly sep arated opponents from the puck, flattening most ot their CLUB SPORTS scoring t bailees Ur came out looking to hit am! play Mimr plivsii al h.u k ey, ’ Iuebert said The physical nature of Ore gun proved to he dominating Kvenwhile playing short-hand I'd the Ducks managed to keep tile pin k in the Walla Walla zone I'he Duck-- even scored on, e, courtesy of wing Kichard Tucker Desp it e owning i nsu r mountable leads in the final pe riod both days, (loach Mike Sol mi I refused to let his players lose loc us ' With a lead I ike that it's easy to have drifting minds," a v isibly pleased Sobol said We kept after it all day. and I think it'll pay oif when VV e play toilgher teams like Washington and (lidorado State " Wing Mike Kousell stayed at ter it and scored in tint final pe riod Sunday for the third tune arid Oregon's first hat trick ol ihr M-.i's.ifi Ho ;s tied withdour other p!.i\ors for the. team lead with three g-.mIs Captain Sent! Drown i three goals three as s:sb. are! wing Harm Wir/aii itvve goals, four assists) are team leaders with six points eat h . ' ' ()re-,; ::i H asted little tune lie tore lighting the si or.ehiM.nl.S if unlaw night I'm knr found the net [i.st 1 '• s e< or id s llllo tile lust pert d and the season 1 font there, the ttm fs she d through (tie iif with good skating and crisp passing that continual!) battled defenders iiivd pleased Sobol 'We're ahead ot where ! hoped to be Hith oiir passing game, " Sobol said I'm reall) pleased with illV gtivs Idle 1 tut ks travel to the Hav ale.I to begin league pla> tills weekend Hun Hill pi a x three times in as many da\s, fating league opponents Sat) Jose State, California Derkoltw ami non league Stanford FOOTBALL Continued from Page 10 'livery body knows th.it when Oregon < nines here, they play their hest game of (tie ison Washington linebacker Dana Hail said Thev were a little injured, so maybe we didn't go! their ties! effort " Oregon certainly didn't give its best effort last week in a -15-7 loss at California, and tree safety lire Castle could detect the different e liolween the two losses 'Wo had a lot to prove this game,” Castle said, "especially after last week against Cal when wo stunk up the place." Defensive end Cars Williams said there was no way tile 10 point favorite Huskies were just going to win just hv showing up •We played with heart todasWilliams said "Nobody had any doubts we came to phis The Ducks played well a! tunes but were not spectacular On offense, Oregon totaled a meager CMl yards of total offense. an extremely low total hv even the Washington defense's standards Defensively, the Ducks allowed a lol of offen sive numbers get out of hand, hut not the score r tif ,-*1* »*.»s -« / Washington s Orlando McKay catches a 16 yard, lourlh-quarter touchdown pass over Oregon s Mu hammad Oliver 1 Weasel’s World Kraig Norris MONDAY MOWING i*.sti>. > f .lU'iunz . Ki >■1: ’ >■<; COiii . 3 3 ) macs 4 ■ c ■ saj of of cop "as •> v!; ■: rfi 5mGT >j*\ • ; -£A>'r v > ’ « •-■!-'• V.\ ' 4. . s t L1' ao tw: rs > C^Ari.\ L Neal Skorpen Oscar the Freshman I I V 4 * ’’■••OtO tj-> rtf’ * The Oregon club hockey team crushed visiting Walla Wella College twice over the weekend at l ane County Ice TABLE _ 1 SOCCER TOURNAMENT MONDAY OCTOBER 28,1991 I \ I RY 111 $2.00 I IMF h:00 p.m PKI/l-'S 1 ROM cAW^ i j-’.i ;i:ni >aky !T/za FIGAROS / * * 4 Fresh-to-Bakc? cry pizza. ^ AND MOMI SIGN-UP AT THE EMI REC CENTER UO BOOKSTORE ^ BESTSELLERS THIS WEEK S TOP 10 PAPERBACKS I K I ION 1 ANIMAL ORE A MS 2 HOCUSPOCUS-.• ' 3 HAYDUKELIVES: 4 LUCY:. .' : 5 INDIAN LAWYER: ■ 6 FOUR PAST MIDNIGHT 7 POSSESSION • , i ' 8 JOY LUCK CLUB : , . ' t 9 XANTHtU QUESTION QUEST- ■ W THE MUMMY-, A NON-I K I ION 1 NATURAL HISTORY OF THE SENSES 2 YOU JUST DOS T UNDERSTAND - 3 STRANGERS FROM A DIFFERENT SHORE ■ 4 CONTENT OF OUR CHARACTER , 5 COMPOSING A LIFE V . r 6 SEXUAL PERSONAE: 7 EDUCATION OF LITTLE TREE- ■ "• ' 8 YEW TREE', - . - ' 9 YEAR IN PROVENCE ■ W SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS GOES BOINk ■ • UO Bookstore 13th & f.inCJNd ‘.AT 1000-600 m.1131