Oregon loses game, quarterback By Dave Charbomeau SEATTLE Oregon un ■r.ishi I ,1 w t'i l-h.lhi! n li I tlcl! sive attack against Washington mi Saturday Unfortunately. the Ducks only produced *>.» v.uds rushing and i>-l yards passing Oregon's offense was no where to Is- found as the Ducks lost tiieir fourth game of the season, 2U-7-, against tite third ranked Huskies In a game in winch the Dm k defense, held its own against a potent Husky ground attack, tii" oMense missed opportune Ins turned the hall over and . .iike f'-di ns bright stagnant Washington defenders were .ill over tailback Seati Harwell I'licy held him to 'it! yards on HI carries; including a 2S \ ard touchdown run late in tile lourth (piarter 'It was a little trustrating to (lav, but a lot of it Was my own fault.” Hurwell saiii "I had the holes I just didn’t execute "We had an inability to move the football," Oregon Coach Rich Brooks said. 'We couldn't get our running game going " A lack ol a consist, nt ground game has plagued the Ducks all season In their last three loss es, Oregon has averaged only t>5 yards rushing a game The passing game did not look much fattier In fact, the ever-present quarterback situa tion became even worse when Doug Musgrave the thud quarterback to start lor the Duiks this season broke Ins ring linger on the final play ol the fust halt He will probably he out lor the season freshman quartorbuf k Kyle Crowston replaced Musgrave and will start lor the Dm ks next weekend against Stanlord Musgrave, who completed six of 1 ;t pass attempts lor !i7 yards lit the first hail, said he tell good up until the time ol his injury 1 vs as lired-up bei ,iu- e I thought we could do some good things m the second half.” he said "It could have been a good day for me, lint it tuned out to he a terrible day Crowston played the entire second halt and had no lut k helping the Dm ks move the FALL MOUNTAIN BIKE SALE i *301 to *200 OFF every bike in stock! • Cary R^er • Mongoose • Haro • fat City We offer 10% discounfs fo students. (service & regular-priced iterns only) gtas&iffij 1540 WflUAMFTTE • 6870288 1 ....._..„.. '"■•-■4D Irf . ** j Husky linebacker Chico Fraloy blocks one of two punts by Oregon punter Tommy Thompson in the hrsl holt that set up Washington scores hall Hu finished lliu day a ‘ii~> mal two ol eight for siivimi yards and half two pusses inter cepled "I have the capabilities," (Iruwstun said "1 just need to show it on the field [f Crovvston and company ex pet t to huv e a chance next weekend, they will need to re establish their running game, hope (irowston plays at least amply and most importantly avoid mistakes In all ol the Duck losses, they have been victims of stupid mistakes For Instance Oregon has had lit turnovers to no takeaways in their three pn vamis losses to l'tali. USt and t ialifornia Against Washington, had nut been lor mislukt • the game could have been a lot closer The liist mistake came near the end ol the first quarter when the Huskies brail' through the line to blot ► i Tommy Thompson punt Washington Iii.it, ui'-i .it the l)uek 1 > \ ,i ni I ini' ami li a >k urtlv mx plays In m c»ff. ai tjtiiif ti'rli.n k Hi 1U Ji ■■■ Holier! till M,i rio Bailey lor a J'l yard loin ti down In Mart the sit a ant ij ;ar lor Oregon t next series stalled and again the Huskies Mm ki d llir |mnt and inidi'd up wdh llur bull on thit Oregon U yard lino The Ducks wcrr able to hold Washington in a b id goal but tr lil'-d in 0 On the lirs! play of Ihe next Din k po'.ilioii. Mu'.^uv■ threw an ui'.'. it cpta :. ’ ■ W.ilte: Ha, ley that at up yu! , 11;. 111 i 1 ■ r i i u*.k V field g< ’•*' !' r. i i' i (), tb'1 i i .. k ■» s' d ' i la on the very;!! of gut ting •aunt1 points on the hoard Indore halftime as they drove tin bid to tin' Washuigbai t■' yard hne. lint Burwell turnhe ! .1 pilchuul on the same play that Muxgr.ive injured fits tin ger FORGET EVERYTHING YOU'VE LEARNED or, How low (.m you go... me BAD BOWLING iouknamini OBlKT:SC()Kf AS KM AS PQSSiBl i '(iU TTf KHAS 1 S - IQI'O'MS I UES. OCT 29th 6:00 p.m. EMU KECKE A I ION O N I t K $2.00 EMKY ft I (2 person tearm I I OWI f ( ,11 J CHA/PHO K’t m. jiiv •«»m family Kiui Shop A Ma^< ( o ln< kinko's tile copy center SIGN UP AT THE REC. CENTER TODAY! r i i i i Buy 2 Used Records or T apes and (iet ()ne FREE Happy ‘liails or s() 01 1 any Com pa* t I >isc '• 1 iii-um\1 Tim t J or Lijfi-nt . ■, j’ 'f !. i i \ i We pav cash for used Records, I apes (IK \i* 1 1 I dlh • 4.S d-sdd 1 • I1 xpires 11 1 l‘M ^GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “27 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 n ▼ T vr Vf l Would you like lo know your cholesterol number? pqpp Cholesterol rhCC Testing Held on Tuesdays trom 9:00 to 11:30 a.m. O K in ,il tfm Health t t)u ,1'ion C'' in the Student Mw.itth Ctmtof f ' m .fu inforn. ilion Cull 346-4456 :>4* ' v.