Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS BAT BEAT To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 toe BIRTHDAY GREETINGS Youra •till tha jwch of tha pumpkin patch to ma' I ov*. r halma 106 PERSONALS AT A THANKS FOM TMl RAGIN RtGGAf PARTY' roe _ , A/ A/ LU‘ Si». Jann 0 . Thanh* to much for all of your •upporl and for twing thara whan I naadad a fnand t ova. 1racl 0 A l) I l ova You! A_l D^M K AH ( or*g»a?t.uu*yyi to ou# rmm* Panh«fiornc Jutu&iCit T Tri&unai Mama G f irwK* You H do a graal |o4)' 1 ew TflW Sratara KA*K AKA Al.H Tfwn*% *or aiopptn with ui» Wo had a graal t ;r,« l ot A do ft agam mxit k AH 10S PERSONALS 11 MI 11 MI 11 MI So I rv*y Oo Wo tovo you •riv’w f or you «w» d l»*>« T r*i Kowf*! I»W frofn th* g*ntl#m*n of AlA 110 LOST 4 FOUND found frtm print n*Qatrv*» »*ft at Ih# I M C Contact Instruction*! lyUdii Ctnttt, _ LOST on or r*wi/ CRrttpus J>m :m90 i is TYPING SERVICES 344-4510 rjt ai rrv word rmx (.■AIM ATI U IHM AfTHOVKO Tl Kti T »9'4Tt*it! Apf1"' ' ^ In ttalmn If- I ajv i - HIM ! * rr.|'AtiM{ I >t• k 1 I a i I'nntmy, t >t ajdn- > I JiH' y. H(' um CAROL YN rj.T APPEARING: HALLOWEEN OCTOBER 31 CLASSIFIEDS DEAD LINE: TUESDAY OCTOBER 29 1:00 PM Leave your Halloween message at Room 300, EMU or UO Bookstore (if you dare)'j^&^ p ns TYPING SERVICES A! 344 orw. ROtilN n GRAD SCHOOL A PWOV l D .*Ci y«4»' ! Nm 4j • V. bar.» QfXK.'xJ p«if>«rs/f , 'tm.irrn> r*at , n I : • , l . • ON C AM*' /*•.' CMt ATlVi TYPi A Di 5*KiN Typw^'t oi-ngt Mb«r Printing Catt Tom at 667 6793 f AGIE f Vl TYPINGEDITING By oipwisnoKl writer Ph D diw*r**j*oo stixJont 1 «gaf typ »»g 4H4 /sue l icallant Tyj«*t. toY I I. and .* .»! «. fo* prompt m»v«m caii Ruby (St'S ass 3iu Paggy a Typing Sarvtca i *pon«r>Otld typed obi»r*\J *4KV«.4»S on IliM computer ayv.om a'wJ laser printer ffcwt&O' utbe ra:u*. Call Paggy at 142~4»M. PNOM SSFONAl TYPING Also won] pnx»*»vr>g «.ll*ng Fnw p*>-updo'very Honda. 93?> 189? TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara land t aaar Prmtar 486 3343 I cv'T^o^y km P ftx. ThWiiP© Fifdg GREEK MATH TUTOR 1 34 Gill>»ft ; Tu**, T hur* ; 30 p rn to 9 00 p m 130 FOR SALE WSC. Air b#uah PaaatTta 5 tank ragulalor ftfld [mimIi uk ludAd J i ‘>0. 686-1597 Sala, Sunday. TO am to 3 pm BookcaMi*. tin and drafting *upp tot., darkroom wqu«pmant Moi:« kfceon ?09 Again Si 20” Magriavoi Color TV t yr old $200 687-1778 6 drawar diasaar w mirror plua 2 drawwr ptwalry cubby Cadar with dark fimah $125 obo Laura. 04 6-8839 13S BUY OR TRADE Python, boa. caga, conura (karrot talk, alactrtc waifcar. urwcycla, plug tn water haatar. fig eaw, 46 cal black powder rtflaa, email lodge MV toilat Call lor prices 74/ 6113 ao PETS AKC Scottish terrier pupa. 4 n•>.»•■ i 'oaRhy. playful shots, worm**) $.* [■ Cash only 683 tim1 145 CARS TRUCKS GOVl RNMI NT SEIZED Vwh-. «*. from $100 Fonts Monwde* C«.o':»4 Chevy* Surplus BuyiKS Gv.Ou (1) BOS 96.* 8000 I «t S ‘«-4.‘ 1960 DATSUN B 210 Vory nn-abte. $900 466 6659 1964 NISSAN KING CAB 4X4. ! a. * 97k mi. NIW BRAKES. RUNS GfU AT $4100 346 8881 U5CARS TRUCKS 76 Dodga Dart, tUint v* run* groat. good condition good !»**». $500 Of t**,'. oHt* 687 0139 81 Ma/da 626 Good aond'ion. fun* grwi- $1 >00“oOo Jorv,y. 34? 6062 '85 Harvault Atlianca st»'*»o tut, 52.000 mu**, p®rf®a condtoon $?30C«fco 345 5396 iso MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS MUST SFLl- 1985 MONO A INTERCEPTOR 700 tow m.MWi. w»*i mwntft*n*d run* and looks gran!1 l’ 750 oho Can Baal 343 9267 83 Honda Passport scooter t cm VERY ww maintained. graaf 'rarsponaton tor on* or two1 2 »»*1m* $350 687 5967 m HONDA ELDE 150, MOO 345 77H or 485 976’ John (toove iss BICYCLES Spaed1 Road Racing Raietgh Auminjm PR.I Toth F icottont condition $290 ot>o 346 8165 1991 Mongooee A Fla, 18 >n Mountain tVk*. EXCELLENT CONDITION $.300tobo 34 5 4563 _ 1991 Irak 970 Mm twk» 20" frame oica<4it| condition, $750 'nm asking $500 345 4496 US COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS HP la*er|et UP laaar printer wi 2 5 MEG memory 250 sheet tray, works w/ IBM M.*- ' U»i $97*> OfcO Panasonic KX dot main* pnnlor $9VoOo 726 4717 LAPTOP COMPUTER MIT SUBA S NINJA 86 ?C MB Hard l ightwwghf • AtiordaOta Close out prica at only $959 CaU lor ttva^uh 1y It Tech Commodrt683 7338 MAC PI US-7 5 megs 4 mag hard dnvu * software. dot malt’* printer $*»00 l f 'm 345 2971 iTO SOUND SYSTEMS Top of tha lina Sony 27” TV/Hl-Fl VCR ♦ rack P-NP capable leaethai year-old Paid $2500. will aaH $l600 obo Mario*, 484-9768 19S TRAVEL Traveling Soon? Apply for a c.radii card f ly anywhere in tha USA for $189lass Call TODAY" 48 5 8839 205 OPPORTUNITIES MAKE IMPORTANT DECISIONS! ASUQ is currency filing boats on the CONSTITUTION COURT Application* and %>£> Ooscnpsorvs are available :n ihe ASUO Office, Surte 4 EMU Appin ahon deadline rs Nov 1 ai 5 00 p m A 5L’JL‘v AA7EO Employer _ ATT! NT ION SOPH MO RES AND JUNIORS Campos Informal ton Meeting about fcludy m AaMraiUi. New 7*ftTarrt1. Ireland. and Gruel Britain wtih Buitor Un-vtas-ly TODAY. 3 00 pm. Room 461 Oregon Mail Earn thouaanda stuffing envelopes Rush $1 and sol’ addressed Slam pod tK'vwHvpa lo S I Anderson. 33663 t Rrver Dove. CreswoH, Oft 9741*6 "Know Before You Go," where to work, Irva and ski fraa tn Colorado a rasorta Currant Guide lo Aapan, Vail. Brackanrtdga and moral $16.95 Call 1-800-788 6174 20S OPPORTUNITIES Amazing! You can save $3000 this term As* Cootoe now at hoi dog wand ACT064 from book Store. today AT AT COLLEGIATE INVESTME NT CHALLENGE Nov 1. iWMtb 25, IN? Compote Vy over $200,000 in cash and prizes Top ion t'adors * n cash 1W prize $25,000 2nd prize $ .'000 3rd pn/a $5000 Trade '«** SlOCk* A! rodf prices wilh oof brokers every trading day Oooe you accept Ibe ChAiktogo. you'll got everyth-ng you 'hmid to test yOUr sk I $500,000 (feclionaJ) account registered in your name *• To<' tree brokerage sennco upon i* Rule* and instructions ** Ofhctal Hock listing R Transaction ledger *' Month y fX#WS left Of .* Dot a led monthly statements •mv»i.i ng what you're worth, how you rank, whai you've bought and whet you've sold l AST year a first time trader from University of Oregon finished 30th in the naJon* A w.t;; st'eut adventure tor $49.95 Entry Deadline October 31st CALL NOW TO REGISTER 1 800-545-1070 Eit 10 WANTED! T fie College of Business «s now looking for energ^c and outgoing business minors to be Peer Advisors Four term commitment required with upper diw &*on credit offered Applications ava»t able in 271 Gilbert There will bo an in formational meeting on Tuesday, Octo ber 291 h at 5 00 p m in Room 336 Gil Port Tane advantage of this great op portunrty1 (Experience Y'ourself in France STUDY ABROAD... THINK ABOUT IT! F*rn l O credit l »e your nninua) • id. F «* m«»rr inf«* n>*ll«»n, ionUi1 office «•/ InUrnallond Service*, 'TO Orrgon I i a it. .'4* .'207. 210 HELP WANTED AIRLINE SOLMuf'IQ Slud«K<& ttnd QfcOLluUSUS 10 t*ii many ©ntry *»v©< poMlws Starting sa.ary rang© to rv Rocyr & Board1 Ow 8.000 oporurys experience necessary Mam or F •mat© For ©mpioymonj program cai* '> >doni Employ moot Surveys at 1?06 545 4155. u»! 114 Basketball rafaraaa naodad No a*p©ri©fK© n©r;*ibsary Jt H*gh « M*gh School l ©v©< Earn up to 741 1434 «ck lor Mu'* Experience Eogarva a 'xmusl t>!a:» ol thoart plasma center C#H 683 9430 a no well UHi you bow to hap yourseif and p?6©m rn HELP WANTED EARN MONEY Reading books' $30,000fyr income po*onto*! Petals f9C5) 962 6000, »d Y 9642 FULL-TIME ASSISTANT COORDINATOR n©eo«»d to help run a busy campus office mid Sept 10 mour Unpaid X mas and Spring breaks iiond coverlet ter. resume, and raterences by October 31 to Student Projects. Suite 4 EMU, U of O, Lugone. OH 9/403 Women. minorities, physically challenged, and gays and lesbians encouraged to apply EOL OVERSEAS JOBS. $900 $2000/mo Summei. yr round, all countries. ail t«oUs f rtni info Wrilo UC. PO Bx 5? 0RC3. Corona Dei Mar, CA 9?6?*> PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING is now recruit.ng tot Wintor term Pick up applications in 141 Straub Doadhno for submitting applications is October 2b Sun Valley Ski resort is hiring for akl season wait staff, cashier*, cooks, bakars, and mountain restaurant staff Housing availabia, discount skiing and axcellent benefit* Interviews will ba held at E MU on Thura , Oct. 3tat and Fit, Nov. 1st from 9-4 For info call Student Employment. HOUSES FOR RENT CLOSE TO CAMPUS Charming 5 bdrm, 2 bath home. 1697 Orchard St. Recently remodeled with refrigerator, stovo. microwave. washer 1130_ 225 APTS DUPLEXES A LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET 2 bdrm. 1 t>k U of 0 Available now f urn, big krlchen. DWAjisp. D*g aosois. new carpoi/lnoieum, lo!s of parking laundry, sondeck 683 89’9 Can Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL New & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 a COVERED PARKING a WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS a EUROPEAN KITCHt NS a FfTNESS ROOM a CONVENIENT TO VALLEY HIVERCENTER 1811 Kingsley Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Management Co CAMPUS Va BLK 1 bedroom. Yi bfc center of campus New carpels, air, secure, quiet. $350. mo 687-0821 or 485-78/8 GARDEN TERRACE APTS 1883 Garden Avenue Inn BEST KEPT SECRET on campus 2 bedroom apartments, available fur rushed or unfurnished, private parkirrg. on sue laundry Ask aboul MOVE IN SPECIAL only $395*! Paul. 344 1 721 Jennings ♦ Co 683-2271 SELF-SERVICE flkCOPIES $ ALL DAY EVERY DAY 3$ Tli£ Copy Shop 539 E. 13th Open Sal. 10-4 tU/mvrn P#M#f*un A t r»r> «»» IJlh' 485 6253 Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU MtCHAtL. ON tXuKAl f Of m POINTS O'tin HI INI »I WN I WANT TUrONC+yni lATl YOU ON PUONMNo POINT O'LITf NO. S9T !Ht WORK you pip (f T7IN6 Rip Of T} H>R IRLU GUYS WAS SVXR mws, just Mxi/natf'1 1 so mhy POfOr me PKocav WHHOUR FHOIU OPH&f . PONS L'fXWP. PlMSf OH AT A rm ' LET'S NOT TlJKN ThUS INTO A f>WiA CMOS