Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 25, 1991, Page 5, Image 5

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‘Money’ boasts great script, acting
★ ★ ★ Va
FILM Oth+f Peopios Mofwy 19 now
showing at Cinema World Rated R
* ri«w> I ** MAlt to MMit,
* « * wo* &> f*.« Bmt * • * * • mo«t mm
Norman Jew
ison's insightful
and hilarious
new Film Other
People’s Money
shows that peo
ple art; still tilt!
same creedy,
self-absorbed creatures
they’ve been throughout the
ages. And ever so often, in
our search for self-gratifica
tion, we meet another per
son who means something
important to us.
Despite the dreary sound
ing point of view this film
espouses, it embraces each
character as a flawed human
being. It's about how people
must temper selfish im
pulses in order to have lives
worth enjoying
Danny DeVito does an In
credible acting job as corpo
rate-takeover king Larry
The Liquidator" Garfield
He has recently sot his sights
on a debt-free but unprofi!
able wire and cable compa
ny he will buy at a bargain
and sell off the assets at a
huge profit
Larry's unabashed love for
money is something he is
not the least hit ashamed to
admit His honesty is a re
freshing touch to what could
have easily been a simplistic
Penelope Ann Miller, in .1
star-making performance,
plays Kate Sullivan She's
tough, sexy and a worthy
opponent to Larry, who is
used to getting what he
wants His response to the
challenge she presents is to
fall in love with her
C.regorv Peck is in fine
form .is Andrew ''Jorgy" Jor
gensen, .1 proud and com
passionate man who ls;
grudgmgly battles Larry for
control of the company
Jorgy's companion. Ilea, and
her daughter want him to
battle Larry tooth and null.
Instead, Jorgy puts the deci
sion of who will control the
company in the hands of the
This is a challenging film
to watch with complex mor
al issues, well defined char
acters, brilliant perform
ances across the 'hoard and a
script (based on an off
Broadway play) that is as
juicy as they come Despite
some flaws In an obviously
tacked-on ending to satisfy
preview audiences who de
mand such changes, this is .1
generally tough and uncom
promising movie Best of all,
Danny DeVito
i! ki'i-ps you laughing 'anil
thiil’s worth swing in am
(io< into
By l ucas Gutman
f; m«r aid'Cofilrtbulc*
Dashboard Mary to liven up the Beer Garden tonight
Dashboard Mary will jicrforrn from 5 7 n m in the KMU
viuriyard us pari of the weekly Bmt Garden The group, u
throe-member heavy funk band, features two University
students. Uuite M eye rink and Shawn Hittunborgor. and an
Oregon Statu student Admission Is free
Yolocamba I Ta. an exiled K1 Salvadoran band, will jjerforrn
at 9 p m In the Community Cam ter for the Performing Arts.
2 91 W Kighth Av« Sandunga. a Kugene-based 1 atm
American band, will often the show Tickets will be sold at
the door on a sliding Male from $7 lo $12
The Festival of Bands will take place at Aulxen Stadium,
with preliminaries starting at 9 a m and ((including with a
pdfoimam u by the Oregon Marching Hand at 4:IS p m The
It) top-scoring bands will fxuforrn final* from b 45 9 M) p m
Admission is $ i preliminaries and $f> finals
Psychic Art* Festival vsdl lake place at the Irving Grange.
1011 Irvington Dr from 9 a m lo 9 p rn It will continue on
Sunday, Oct 27, at the same time For more Information, rail
535 4 52?
I I'Mit/kv Damn (Unitpuny will }wir(«»fm at « p in in the Hull
tenter'* Silva C ontort Hall lu kod «r« willing fur $ 1 ■» and
S12 r»0, with $4 off fttudonl lu kuts available while they Uit
Tit kel* i an bo puit based at the EMI/ Main De»k or by t ailing
the b> v off. « at bit ’ SOOt)
1 hr John l ar1«r Mnii.uial (U i'< art, featuring the \.trthwe»t
Creative Onhcttra. will perform at 7 U) p m at tho
Community Center for the Performing Art*. 2ill W Eighth
Avo Th kot* t an lhi purtJi.tMid at the dour fui $H
A ITnivomily Fr«e |a// CUmrert will take plat o from 7 U j rn
in the EMC Kir Koom The < oncert will feature ihrer? small
t ombo group* and the Uruvemty Ju/* U*b Hand H Intimate
and traditi nal big band Jar/ will cnmprim the < om.urt
agon da
Lh.i It ’ftk.S A SI) Ktnvn.s
"From blowing on ( hange* to Changing Them I hr*
Evolution ol Ju// to Ait Musu Since the HMIO*’" I* the title
of «♦ im.turv I it tx» given by ' .'over -.My w h >i a r» Mac lU>fO**y
and Mai in km K Uut f-li. it .1! . ui pm in Km Wt.i.iifuMte
Hall A lmiiuon U hue
SUN"). '.IK T j7
I Jto V| / U1HT W/u«-» a ( uiluldl f-nfum filin J>f»• -VI : ' will
b.j Uio«< 1 M( 7 pm hi lrto l’1.4 A %h >rt«’r film, on*
W v;< i' will I*. »hi!vs i ftrv A.lmiui ; 1* %: %; , !<•. a ami
$.■ mMUhwa!
an vuhthit f«!-«' • K ”’>»**• ' '■»'!•• •>! vati"ii
material* will be on display fr»>m Ik t .!« i«> N>-v 1 m the
1 dVsrr.u k t 1 . %«! t.allery 101 UwMiii' « Hall A liw pubiit
f« I'ptl..-n will b«> held from /Up m >n ( k t 11 m the ^allmy
thn 10 Year Aimivmaiy Giaphkt Ikai^n Alumni 1 ilubiluin
t» i>n display in the tasM (Community (lotlc^c Art IktpafUtnmi
CaUaiy. 4GU0 1 lOth Av»* Th« luhltilt will 1 onunue thiugh
A (.roup VValctioloi Show .1; > fo.» nimg lh.fi Ferrell
**.ulptimi9. will \tm on display In tfu* Alder Gttllory. I
Broadway. th/ougH Nov Hi
Siulplun-m by Au»(ui»lc Kudin are on «ii; .ay m tfi*« Mi.w
of Aft. 14)0 John-. -n lane l will r.<>n(inue thr >ugh
May n n*»2
^ B f s r
S U' R i i s
Am- 1 A
K ^ i i . , K
Alice Adonis, guest editor; Katrina Kenison, series editor
Each new edition of The Best American Short Stories grows in popularity Here in a single
volume is the 11 ncst short fiction of the year, selected by Alice Adams, the distinguished novelist
and short story writer. Adams brings together twenty outstanding works and, m tier introduction,
provides engaging commentary about the state of the art. Join her in discovering the powerful tie
lights of writers such as John Updike, Kick Bass, Mary Gordon, and l orrie Moore With the assis
lance of Katrina Kenison, Adams has culled a fresh group ol first rate short stories from niaga
zincs published across North America
Joyce Carol Oates guest editor; Robert Atwan series editor
The 1991 volume of The Best American lissays marks the sixth year in this nourishing series
Consistently singled out as presenting the year's host short nonfiction, /fie Best American I ss.n *
has reawakened excitement for this remarkably versatile, often overlooked, and occasionally ma
ligned form. This year’s guest editor, Joyce Carol Oates, has culled the richest, most diverse col
lection yet of established pros and talented newcomers, including Woody Allen, Margaret At
wood. Stephen Jay Gould, and Garret Mongo. Complete with an inspired intrixluction by Oates,
this is a star-studded addition to an already stellar series
13th and Kincaid. Open M - F 7:30 - 6, Sat. 10 - 6, Ph. 346-4331
OCT 21-NOV 2
13th and Kincaid
Mon-Fri 7:30-6
Saturday 10-6
Phone 3464331