AIDS Continued from Page 1 with an Infection in bis lungs He died soon after. Lung tissue samples from R C were frozen and re-exam ined in 1<)H2 by Peter Nichols of Los Angelos, who drew par allels between this case and AIDS Nichols' findings were published in the New England Journal id Medicine Richard doesn't agree with the green monkey theory or the idea some people hold that AIDS wys a government experi ment that got out of control. "The idea that it comes from green monkeys or that it's a government plot just don't wash," he said "If all the theo ries were correct it would not have affected the population disproportionately." Regardless of when AIDS first appeared and why, modi cal professionals agree Its ef fects have been devastating None of the American patients diagnosed with full-blown AIDS before 1 9H.I is alive to day, according to Grmek's book However, Richard's story shows people can live mans years with the HIV virus with out coming down with AIDS Kir hard is one of the lucky ones From 19ftl through 1990, 100,77? deaths among people with AIDS were reporter! to the Central for Disease Control by local, state and territorial heath departments, almost one third (91,190) of these deaths were reported during 1990 by 19H11, AIDS had become the third leading cause of death among men 25 to 44 years of age, and by 19H9 was estimated to be second, surpassing heart disease, cancer, suicide and homicide, according to a CDC statement on Ian 7-1. 1991 Approximately 90 percent of people with AIDS .ire male ,imJ nearly 75 percent are between 25 and 4 4, according to the UIXI in the same report AIDS is the leading cause of death among men in San Francisco, l.os Angeles and New York, and also is the leading cause of death among black women 15 to 44 years old In New York and Now Jersey. In February 1991, a CDC statement estimated one mil lion people in the United States are infected with HIV; of those, an e s t i m a ted 1 (i 5,000 t o 215,00(1 will die between 1991 and 1993 College students are not im muni! from contrar ting the HIV virus Jackson said he knows of se\ oral doctors at the health center who have examined University students who are HIV positive MKKTTNCS The Shrunk hli^un Support (.roup will meet Sunday at t p rn at the Emerald Peoples Utility District building, 33733 Souvey Loop Road. C^all M6-O310 REIJQON A choral mlrsvaganu will lake plate Sunday night at 7 at t h o W«»Uy Foundation, 1216 Kincaid St Inspirational music will be presented by several local chorals, plus a hymn sing (ail thu United Methodist (impus Ministry at 346 46t»4 lor more Information. Ihlli'l Shabbat gathering is tonight ut 7 30 at Carol and Rabbi Hanan's home kabbalat-Shabbat will be followed by •» vegetarian potiuck and Oneg with stories and song A car pool will leave from the front of the Koinonta (-enter. 1414 Kincaid St at 7 15 ( all 343 6020 for more information Kt.'IA ilass, ‘Introduction to Sacred Scripture,” will take plat e tonight at 6 15 at the Newrnan Center. 1H50 Kmeraid St [ W e « k ft n d Mallei will lake p l * < « Saturday »t 5 p m ami Sunday at tt a rn . 11 am ami 7 *0 pm at the Newman (writer t-ill »4»> 44M1 for more information MIM Fl.l.ANKOUS "Abortion. l* Dialogue Piwibla?” will Iw the topic of a roundtable Jin muon sponcored by the Restoration Campus Ministry today at 12 30 p rn in KMU Century Room l) (-all 343 4914 for more information "Twelve Step* lo Self kiliwin" ii the topic of a workshop sponsored by the t am lot for Infinite Reflections taking pi«* « Saturday from 10 am to 1 p rn at the Koinonia denier. 14 14 Kincaid St (-all t»a& 1352 for more information Muzikhas. the internationally *t claimed folk muiK group from Hungary, will be in Huge no Friday performing at throe events • Lecture-demonstration from 3 30 to p m in Beall Hall • lamtur a folk dance |*irty with live musu . at the Kugene Hilton following an M p rn concert at Beall Hall CORRECTION A story in Thursday's Eni cm Id mistakenly stated that antideath pi'ii.111v udvocale Dennis Tapp ami his wilu Here supported hy disability payments Although Tapp does re i cur disability, the size of his payments is larger than reported and his wife is em ployed hy the University The Emerald regrets this error, and apologizes lor any inconvenience or confusion it may have caused. NOBODY KNOWS LIKE DOMINO’S How You Like Pizza At Home. Klg^ DOMINO S PIZZA BREADSTICKS $000 only A with any pizza purchase. H ^99 medium: PEPPERONM or any single topping ^ Good any time any day, Campus ^ store only. Delivered in 30 min utes or less or you pay only> d $2.99. 1 A otter ends Nov. 30th ▲ V k. A A A WALKS Continued from Page 1 taming the park haven't tieen sensitive to tin- plants,'' ho said Wagner |H>intnd out areas where shrubs and plants had been Indiscri m i nn toI y mowed down "They will eventually grow hack, but it will take some time,'' he said. As part of the respect lor this natural area, Wagner and his fellow walkers pick up the broken beer bottles, paper r tips and other trash left lying on the paths Wagner also organizes "ivy pulls," to remove the Knglish ivy that threatens to smother the native flowering plants The lirst pull six veers ego took more than an iiour and tilled u pickup truck, but successive yours have required only 15 min utes or less tc> keep the trank above the trike trail dear. With a little hit of volun teer effort, wo can have a positive impact on the nutu rul environment," he said Iliis season's first ivy pull will tie on Saturday, Nov 2 t from 1 to -I pm. followed by a no host trip to a nearby pi/./.a parlor Volunteers are to meet at the north end of the Aul/.en footbridge, and tiring gloves and hand clip pers if they have them I’or more information about the plant walks or the ivy pull, con Ini l Wagner at t it. to t t $5.00 OFF Converse Shoes C0nVER5E It's wlut’s inside tlut u Hints. p FREE Converse shoelaces with every pair of shoes P Lazar’s Bazar > A • o8T Ol W • ' Adiam*-tU- Si • U? 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