Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Image 9

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    CiRCtiuvnoN • 1.425.000
OCTOHKH 1991 • Voi.UMK 5
Am Amkhican Coij.miiatk Network Pubucation
Life and Art
Music to your ears?
You don’t havr to Ik- a \tai to Ik- in
tins show Students have lx-en singing
then own tune in < ollege hats a< mss
the (oimtrv with kaia<>ke mac hines
lhe recordings of |>opul.ti songs
without lead v<k als let vou lx- a stai
lot a night I'a^r !0
Dollars and Sense
Fits to a T
Shuts ih.it panxh well known
i (>1111 wines oi pi i ducts aie some ol
the hottest apparel on c .tillpus Hut
lx it it legging logos i ould lain I vou in
hot w.itei /’age N
The Student Body
Playing by the rules
f ot mri Stanford l svuinmri Janet
hvan.squit finalise ot ihem. \thlctu
diie< tors and 11 »a< firs air furious
almilt thrill Hut i olle^r pirsidriits
air quite proud of ihcii no* \( A \
legislation Page2<)
Doug Wilders ideas for
eamfius drug testing
hair new meaning with
his ran for the White /louse.
Presidential hopeful's student record a concern
/ hr lh<inuti<<Uxu k. I "I Man land
It h.is tied) linin' ill.in 'nra iiumdis Min i \ ilU"h i < <<>\ Douglas
Wilder said In nmild "mil ulijci l .11 .ill In tandiun drug lesiing "I
i nllegc sludetils
Bui with piesiitcMU.il .ispn.itunis mi Wililei s pnlun ,il Inni/mi,
slndellls in Ills liiilur sl.ilc .uni .11 iiUlid llir 11ilium .lie in »i lled .tin ml
losing sniiie ill 11 it-il ; >i i\,ii \ sin mill W ildei .mil Ins n 11 mi i ill si in lent
lights liiid du n vs.n in die W line 1 ii nis<
I lieu i uni ei ii is i tie led In Ins m limpness in ■ niisidei lam Inin
drug testing i »t < f ) I lege students at lei a lei leta I sung I .ticicci (luce l
of Virginia Itatei mt\ houses last Man It
I lus I .ill, hi> \ ii vis Ii.in i'll! i handed nun li 1 >■ mu U ildi i i In
|)ii|iiu .11 strategist who mi lit-sitairil .1 i lunh that inaiir him thr
I Iitltl I tv's flisl hi.II k. gnw mill . II 'll ill leasing I In option open .1'
I >uug \\ ilili i. I hr piesideiilial I allillilali
Should 1 in uuiMani es 1 lunge in iln luluii thr < mninmiwi tilh
.uni Us 111 si 11 ill urns shmihl in it 1 u lr mil 1 misidi 1 at 1011 ot nlliei
i.pumis sin h asdi ug lesttng." In said 'should tht magmtiidi ul thi
iih ihieni wan ant dial appmai h
Sue V\ll 01 R. Page .>r>