210 HELP WANTED PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING >w rftcrufling for Winter l«vm Pick ..p applications in 141 Straub Do»*l&na for submitting applications ts October 25 Sun Valley Ski roiorl it hiring lor tki imon ; wart tuff, cashiert, cookt. baktrt. and mountain restaurant ttaff Mooting available, dttcount akting j and excellent benefite Inlerviewt will be held at E M U on Thura Oct. 3l»t and f ri . Nov 1 at from 9-4 For info call Sludont ; Employment _ j AIRLINE Now SOOH.ng V.XJerlS aid graiiu-t!*«% lo fill many entry level positions Siading salary range to ?4k with t'.ivoi benefits' To apply 303-441-2455 Extension 9A ALASKA SUMMI R t MPL OYMl NT fisheries Lam $5,000 */month Free lransporta!ton< FToom A Board* Over 8.000 openings No experience necessary Mala or F am ala For employment program call Student L mployment Services at 1 206 545 4155, ext 114 Baakatball referees needed No experience necessary Jr High ♦ High School Level Earn up to $1 Stir /41 1434. ask for Mark RAISi $500...$1000...$ 1500 FOOL •’■W RAISING Few yent fraternity lorority leant ot other rxmpt/1 otgam/ahon luounii no mwmim nomtei CALL 1-800-950-0472. ext. 50 215 WORK STUDY STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUO it now hiring for tha position of EVENTS COORDINATOR $ 175/month, 20 hrt./week. Applicationt and job descriptions art availabla in tha ASUO office. Suita 4. I MU ASUO It an A A LOL CLOSE TO CAMPUS Charming 5 bdrm, 2 bath home 1697 Orchard St. Recun’, y remoOeud w*?n ’O' ;«*'u!ur N ■ •• • . • • S’ ‘ A - about our Move In Special' _ 343 6000 _ NEAR CAMPUS t ARGE 3 ODRM HOUSE 1650 343-9011 Walk to campui i bdrm apt avu i Nov 16th S335 itl. as! & dep Cali 345-6281 mflMil A l ARGE. Ctr.AN. QUIET 2 bttr"n. 1 &k U 0» O Ava aba * Doa lo appreu. tile $650 Aisa 2 bedroom apartment rtvd ab*« rn com pie* in roar $ 196 Jennings ♦ Co 683-2271 l arge one bedroom unit rvear U of O, $50 move-in bonus 1840 Agate St. $360 Call JLT Investment Services. 485-6606 ONI BEDROOM 1370 H*gh Pa'king, a^nory. palo $325 195 E 24i n Oof. pkirxavg laundry $340 532 W 8th F .replace. dishwasher $340 766 E 19th IfKiudes Lit iU»s $350 TWO BEDROOM 1150 Wesi 11th Huge tower haif. very nice $450 ROOMS 2140 Harra* Includes ut>i!l«a and kiicben use Onfy or>e room available for mao* student $185 1862 KincasJ Vefy clean room $150 iouudaa water ga/boge. aixI kjtcf>en use ‘Non smokers only No pets Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES686-II30 22S APTS DUPLEXES GREAT DOWNTOWN LOCATION HUGE 2 bedroom apart marv tva ^r u lot App«Mf»"'JOft rvc! *k» it ' ' W.lSh iV «!XJ drspcw-a phVfl'.O balCOn^M. OW ■v."***l parking, nght on Jh,-. •*> »o U ol 0 ONI V % ■ u, Jennings ♦ Co 641-??/I JEFFERSON APTS $00 JEf f E RSON 'iofi, on s.:*» and pa?fc-ng C*t:: 1 firry ?o v*«w. it*'.is Jarmmga * Co M3 .2/1 Studio, oim and two badroom i;>anmtnta Pool laundry factlibs* waathan/ad \ ive building*. 15th A Mityard location 464 9922 $100.00 MOVE-IN BONUS! CHANTILLY APARTMENTS i 124/ W 8th #2 ’Bedroom* from 5326 2 B»*J*oom t .,»> 5366 I POOL PARKING LAUNDRY L.l N 'HT 144 SVt 1 JWWtBfll ♦ CO 4 ' 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS^' 1 MON IM IHU' |u. i ' ' y rertiodekid two b**d'>v>m •*< pm tfpdi ■ 4 ; yt'.Kj T41AO0Q Would you Itka a taally met room all to yourmalt with a prrvata bath room, ck>»a to c«mpu», in a naw building whsrs your maal* ara pra ! partid for you? Call tha Coilaglan. 1 343-1255 1 bdrm turn, ctoan, qukrt. O/W. dispo# al laundry, covered parking, $ W.6.mo 1200 \ orry 343 3318 1 badroom apartmsnt Half brock from center Ol campus. fkiw uvpebng. park , l 1 badroom apaitmant, 13th High Available now 5-3i*6 6851130 2 bdrm turn, Doan, quart. D/W dspoa ni. laundry. covomaI parking. 549S*no 1200 I orry 343 3318 Plumtree Apts. 1555 West 18th 1 WEEK FREE! Largo, two bedroom laundry. appu ances 5436 666 4809. Mgr or 34 3 6000_ 230 TOWNHOUSES CONDOS GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES Racantty rarrovalad 2 badroom townhousas Naw carpal. drapa*. vi nyl. appliancaa larga gra»*y play areas, on-aita laundry call Tim. 689 866/ ONLY J-3/V Janmnga ♦ Co 683 22/1 235 SUBLETS 1 block to U of O 95/ MiJyard Nica, qutat 1 badroom aparlmant 5320 mo 484 5280 AFFORDABLE 1360 Aldar St 345-6949 N » tKL W«|I mdi M ; «*J q avai able * f umiilad. util paid a laundry faciirty, covarad parking a 5229month ★ $225 ★ 441 E. 17th Ck*an, qu*«t compel W.ik to A a.ud tha park*'# hasawa 560 move in bonus1 Off STHf.f I PARKING All Ulll HIES PAID Coll 344 9290 or 343 3281 Janmnga ♦ Co 683-4219 •• 2 WEEKS FREE ** Wa.k to campuft from trwraa* newly ro turtxahed quads * Prival• I nuance * * l xcattant location * * 5226 Include* UMlbea * * Month to Month Tonancy * Drive by 1750 HMyard (»’ 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Climbing In Oregon Oragon High *iH»n fMmm on l«i»Si>Sy Nu#>ty 7 00 * 10 • /* Vw'UnT • MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO, ms i yo ioOM jj» i «rrt« mvw Ami an* • *.» *>•<*> ”• BARTON FINK. Si ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■ uumw* iT/utntmoAr awi eutNua «*t» s sou** n. / », nil THELMA & LOUISE‘S Viwai show ro#eurfT i t soaom rs owe» Ms>re oruuaa of o •vu« 'brafy ■pi'&to'-A don't pr.K i.' «i’« lilt mo *\«ip y ;x. t<>'Ary M*> EW01 ___ Planned Parenthood ' '"y *< * un£>ta»ed count# ling ♦ W temp, SC HOI AH SHI PS ’•■pa, Soifu 142 1214?) I iiui , -m’.i WA ' ary haaSh insurance .k .4 t «i Episcopal Campus Ministries Thursday I waning i uchanat S JO t M *3 I MAh » u*v and program [ weryu-ne • <* .wne #972 CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 Inti A Ai loi 8 Ait*t i< i> ifr) 12 1'* <♦ 1 3 M i K.>y H.ignoki Mhi 15 < - r if« ■UifiKir 17. IMt<« rmtnujfy .ltd 18 M i< M I K 19 < .<(y « I 21 f l.*d J A .. i •« 25 Cur.-. 2(» M i ic 28 Hi* il 32 ' *n ill,il. M Wlii-iP pumpttd up 36 If If M . N. y 17 A i • ■' nuny 39 Wi*l 4 4 ' ■> till t* *,OUIHt 7 II I' «.l 46 I WU» h 60 AH • 51 52 m -.fy 56 I In i - mi 57 W«» 5H I . i- ft.-r 59 ( < » t"n.»n<} to I mJo 60 t onli'S Mon.il 0 1 I * •*** DOWN 1 | U’.tfl > i'. itk.U k 2 I I Inlwnxj » 4 AkIi* tin (OrTituna 6 W*> » i»l •• cjoumn 7 Whodunit 8 SwolK 9 Authof Ambler 10 KkJ 1 1 (.(HI 16 llluim 20 Irx1i.ui Solution time '2'\ mins Yeslerday s answer 10 24 21 'Havorty I ItlftxiU'.' .)( tOf 22 Aw an* >1 23 Umior Mood 2/ Ioufii.i m«mt Mtu.il* »n 29 It aqua tad 1 / peru ** 30 I la.ivy ro.KliiKj } 3 1 Ha< k lu 33 ()/OfHi doMioytir 35 M.m into 30 IfoMufy •hulx 40 Big di(>pttr*i 43 Hu'.htil quart#! 45 Author K.Hitman 46 Wiki pa»ty 4 7 Hand additivw 40 H-.i1 ; 4*) 1 .i a • «» 53 Host** 54 .<* 'Illy p.iga 55 t t*g slang Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson X WITH ADPiN* * EuxiP ,o\. •. ■■ *•* i. . i ■ • • ■ , ir CO.Vk'' * UAUSPMKHT. uv a*w • woerKrtt)' OETtCItC' J ,«1 HOT, A . ' iOt>N >\ . SOO T* M*' t Mi \ H '<1 ;ffv AUfJONO V«.» 1UH i lD', NC;HWO!E TO W ' A1 H ! I I I t i i Dan v. C-vP. • •. P.-tv tyc'iKffuH—. r{ £cfv h'iaho (^r'Hccrf * lUc lfih A"/* ol\* Silva Concert hall. Hult Center ♦ Eugene Monday November 4 • 8 00 pm 5 I ' W» •<,. i V< •(.)<$ 14 1. )• I t. ' -I .K .rs) .!»*(. jit f . -nlef Bo* i )f(i< < ■ * UVKII > If H • hy l'1 '< •< ■> ' “ ' MM) George s new album Su^’Ml? n now available on IP coaetlv and CO