CAMPUS BRIEFS Forensics take first The Univorsity Forensics team took first plac e in tho San Diego Slate University Invitational debate tournament last weekend, solidifying the team s prom inent standing among the top five forensics teams in the country. Senior division debate partners Trond Jacobsen and led Prosisn defeated the UCLA team in tlie champion ship round of the tournament The pair remains unde fouled tills season Jacobsen was also declared the third best speaker out of the 110 speakers who competed In tlie senior division, Ladd Wiles and Pole Mohn made it to the quarterfinals and placed fifth overall In the junior division, Marti Kantola and Christina Wise made it to (lie a m beginning (X tober 23rd and continuing until the end ot I all term Only one injection is needed \ V Students S3.50 Faculty and Staff $4.00 Annual Hu immunisations AKI Kl C (>M \li\Dl-D lor the billowing 1 I lealth) [vrsons no vi-ars or older 1. Persons with long-term heart or lung pri rblems 1 Persons with any ot the following kidney, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, anemia, se vere asthma, and conditions which compro mise immune mechanism. In linen/.i v acvine MAI be given M |s-f... -ns wishing t.> reduce their chances or ..itching the tin, |vrsm. who provide essential community serve n, and stu dents or ethers m schools or colleges 1 or more information, call the MIDI \ I HI Al III Cl MIR at Mb D-il DREAM Continued from Page 1 Fair li i lass meeting rovers a different method of under standing dreams, from Freud to Jung to the dream practices of Setioi Indians To get into the mood for ea< ft class, Minogue dresses the part of that day's topic. "For the class covering Freud, I will lake on the per son. i of a Freudian analyst three-piece suit, hair in a bun and all," she said F’ or the class on Shamanism, Minogue brought drums, masks, incense and other items, and explained their functions and symbol isms In this class, she ex plained that the appearance of a cave, hole, or other opening serves as a gate to another re ality Shamans use this tech nique and return to tell of their experiences To help her students make sense of their dr ea m s, Minogue asks that they each write down a dream to turn m Photo by Jan» Bafitn Drcamwork therapist Nora Mmogue's Dream Journey class helps students understand their dreams according to diflerent philosophies ol thought. each> Sin* keeps u file on each student, and at the end of the term sin: will give con fidential written comments about what she observes in the progression of a student's dreams Mmogue has an extensive background as a droarnwork therapist, working with indi viduals and groups on the West Coast fur more than 10 years Her experience in cludes Cestalt therapy, Shamanism and dance thcra py Glasses/Contacts/Exams Complete lab on premises for fa>t service rainbow optics 343-3333 "t'M Oth Ave lucent* t 'iic hith k from l olO I ret- parking in l\u k Hours M 1 s.ini tipm s,it 'pm ^ FBANKL1N EASTSIDE LAUNDROMAT 1430 ORCHARD M jji 1 OOuro- i 1 JCfcifn (OOO OBCHABO VILIABD DROP OFF LAUNDRY 12-5:30 MWF 10% STUDENT DISCOUNT! Cash For Textbooks Mon. • Fri. Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Block From Campus 345-1651