Wilder (continued from page 1! Npparenllv, ih<- magnitude .11 least warranted a closet Imik hs the Wilder tamji m Virginia In Npril, the goycrnbt .i|)|H)in(i'd a task lorre t<> I * • k into the issue Vugmia’s Net retars of Kim alion |ames I Is kc. wfio (hairs (he lask force, does not believe the committee is likeh to si11>|>oit the idea of random drug testing, but r ontcnds drug testing could be justified on i ollege r .imposes Ken though there is a lat tti.tl and leg.tl basis lot testing, we don't think ise will be pursuing it. IKke said Still, students across the toiintn are worried that even considering drug testing hits a little too close to the dot in loom "I don't supjiort drug testing lot students here." said Andre Morgan, president of the student muni tl at the l of \ irgiilia. “It s a (h at siolation of students iotistitution.il right to privies and protei lion against self nit riinination." Wilder the show horse Mam of those who know Wilde! and have tt.uked Ins tarccr sas his [Militiial bai k mas Ik worse tiian the bile. Dwayne Names, aulhoi of “When Hell I to/e ( hei I'he Storv of Doug Wildei, said Wildci mas he just laving down anolhet level to fits jMilitn al platform. Nohods in Virginia is t-xpei ting (ding testing of students) to Ik- followed U|> on. Nam es said. "He's always had a teputalioil aiming fellow legislators as ,t show hoist rathet than a wotk horse, sei/mg the hot issues ol tfie das I fiat ts one of lus i Loins to fame." 1 airs N.tbato, a I \ a goset iiinenl and foreign affairs professoi. agieed "Doug Wildei knows that there will be no mandators ding testing on (ollege (Jinpuses " Wildei made the comment' heiausc he ktiess he tould appeal to blue (ollat wot kers. Safiali i added Some poll IK a I allies, such as \ it gt til a TOBY HOiLIS 't v ■ ' ‘ ■ r • Douglas Wilder spent two days last month driving around meeting people In New Hampshire. State Party Chairman Paul Goldman said Wilder Is Just a phone call away from home anytime he leaves the state to work on personal business. DeinouatH I’aitv ( hail man Paul (mldiiuri said Wilder i' mil Irving In allai k stin 1c-11Is nidnidii.il i igliis. Iml ill.ii In' simply plans mi taking lough stands mi issues like ding abuse II dial iiu hides a Innk min i ani|>us drug testing, so lie ii, lie added, (•oldnian said die media lias blown die dmg testing issue mil nl |)in|xiition and lias in.K i in alels i e| ml led die gi net nor si lews "lie never said lie was in lavoi id m.indaiorv drug testing." (.oldttran said "Ills! iK-c.tuse sou look into vaiious o|)lions doesn't mean you lavoi lhem \ lot nl jreoplr leaded and a lot nl |reople tJiniiglil > ainiriises were sa< red He added I dlink lie llllliks sm letv lias In gel leal seiinus il il wauls In make a deni in lire w.u oil di ugs Feds target l \ a. Wilder's get-tough slam e nn < auipus drugs lias been heightened In piobleins ill Ins tiwn stale When a federal sling operation raided liner l \ i lialeimls houses lair Iasi Man li. mam siudent.s said llirii i ampm was singled uul tin Us pn slige W’lldei immrdialrlv sci/rd llu i ampws ding use issue and mati lied ma new poliln al dllec in hi Wildei said die raids “i mild vri\ well rasils In- looked mi as a bli ssing latliri llian a i in s< -" l»ri a use il fo< used a I le ii In an on llu 11illrgr ill ug |Hoblrnis Hr added dial il was wnillg loi 11 nisei si lies lo base a "laLsv/ tall r alllludr and se ise as liasens wtieie atlluenl siudent.s t an lx iininiiiie limn llu lass When Wildei lmtiled llie task ton r In said lie would loiisidel sltnleul di ug lesling as long as il didn l "mil atoul ol i onsliluln mal gnat anlees VdiniiiLsIralise »p|M>sition I lie issue ol < ampiB ding lesling mas In a saluable one loi Wildei II JmIs linn eseil tall lie I III I he light ol some Krpu bln alls making bun an appealing landldate In 111 issaisf i 11mse rvalues I miking mlo i ampus ding lesling pushes him just <|in!c i h (<»nsei\alives. though i.tu-hiding the ituient Hush admmistiation ( Hhwals thrte .4f< not ie< e*pti\e to the* ide a ot t .11111»us ding texting. < hai a< teu/ing it .is a i .14tu .tl an identllv the* jiiohlcm Kobe it Miitllir/ ill! r ( t ol o| the White House ( Mill < of l)|Ug Pol 14 \ ( Oil l I ol tolll .1 galhrnng ot hateimtv ami soioiitv iim iiiIm i s m W ashinglon. 1) ( I think tin (jiirstmn bn \ irgima inlleges anil all othei i«illegi's h\ e\ tension isii t so nun h how vsr i an disiovt i ill u g use on out i am puses, hut W hat ilo vse i oai live |>o|u \ to stamp out illegal ill ug at tiulv "ii out nation s« ollc-ge » anijuises Mi Mai tine/ 11 itli l/es on i toil etui el torts in \ iigmia W iliiei said While mans umve isittes laniloinh ding test Student athletes, levs have blanket |>o|u u s toi tin stmient boils I he l ot Maivland has the nation's xiiongest ding testily {>> >11< v. vs hu h administiatois sav vs as.» response to the t o< a me inilui ed death ot basketball stui I e n Bias I he umseisits leipiliex those < alight using dings to submit to landoin tfritjj tests until gtactuation oi l.u i expulsion But William hiivsan I M j»n sident. said. "We haw- no jdans tor implementing mandatois ding testing ot the geneial student population \nd I \ a Bit sidenl John < astern said he needed a i oiu let* piojMisal Ix-toie making am dec tsioiis But Student ( aium il Biesident Morgan is still keeping an eve on the drug testing issue adding that it testing is adopted. 'We vs ill h< |>iej>ale d to deal vsilll It \nd Names vslio has i haile d the govcilloi s | m »1111 e a 1 i alee I tiom the beginning, be lie ves Wildei s views oil ding testing and othei issue s aie alvsavs suh)< « t l«» i hangc Wildei is\ei\ Ulipi cdu table he said It s ha i d to tell vs hat he i on Id do Change your life— study abroad In Europe, China, USSR and Maxko V*r m SUMMd, U MIS T I a oa YLAJH ASbrdaM* fan • program In London lor • fav tmlwi. erf at mrm ’ Amaricofi Wrffrio For Forfpn Study# MB fa»nw> An • GumkA a BUS emeu mo gy (800) 727-2437 '.tf ,!AIi rjiv t " Nf t. RUTGERS STUDY ABROAD IN ERCLARD • FRANCE • GERMANY • IMF LAND ISRAEL • IJALlf • m£XICO •SPAIN si I mi VM )KU»AND'I'\KI ilAssls M HU s\MI ll.Ml si Ml SIVK • si MM1K • 11 AH l< >V . MH IKlJAltlJ .V M >1 Ml< IKi X .KAM N.«. i vf.us . i -Unf levtUumiuMi-r.«’runslln m (ituium IijI' sv mi • jifcl Sfuui 1(1 TCERSSTl in M MM >M I • HI s I Kin SB KE1 W# 11 Nl ’ ■ l K i'M_> "TS" CmClfNOM SUMMER STUDY ABROAD 2-4 Week Traveling semiruirs U K I UR( )Pf MEXlt () -WE SI INDIf S t It MtnvT KtensMim Al%o PEOPLE PEOPLE INTERNSHIPS 8 Weeks LONIX)N-tXJBUN-EK XLANO I’AKIS-SK X MK M M-PRAt .Uf ( oJWnutt* Prtjtfram !«» Uiltfrutkirui SO! (.1-4 A/nnur Hlvt! K..n--.s ( .!> HIO , I! 4 ’III fan HU- .1.1 ".(!.’ ( ,, s). »iv irfd!» itv l 'nive cjl Mo M Soviets (continued from page d I nmn. \inrm an uul Soviet studrnis m tin uil,till*' .11 ea (lining iIn- *n die night nl die roup, k nmn |n diti< al si lem e giadiiale student Svetlana S.ni.insk.ua Hied unsun essfullv Ini two hums In lelephune hei paienls in Mow ow . unawaie dial die uprising was even taking plat e "Ms hushaiid said du news had ie|mi led a roup, hul I didn't Itelieve him at all Iteiause hi' k nglish is not vrn good, she said Bui ill I hr iik if 111(1)4. I i c.i li/rd hr vs as right Savi anskav .t aloti^ with (hrmistiv £ i .nl it .11 <• student Mic hae I \ "innkm ol I rlllll^l ad. followed developments ill ill' Soviet 1 llioll hv innniloilN^ I lie* Soviet television news pto^iam leim.i. vs hit h he^an hi oade ast mg live to the Imoiv «.minus m.i satellite in 1‘I.Sti “I w.iti bed as miieh Soviet l\ .isliould, said Sav t anskav a I In Xiiicik.iii jm^s dr live led tile tai Is ae < ui ale Is. 1ml I « oudn I Ire I tin* atmosjdieir at all Some 1 liases and fa < Is vs it lion t « xpie -ssioiis on thrin vseie evat tlv tin same as tbe ones we saw six veals aoo \\» Soviets know how l<» wat( h oui own news I >rs|>ite .in urn < i tain intim m.im rx|KTts do not believe student e\« halier pfo^taills vs 111 he lest IK led I lie I a l hue of tin eoup lias at < elei a ted tin hie*akup of flu Sov let 1 nion. .t |>io« ( ss aheadv in jMo^iess. said I hotn.is Remington. pohtnal seienee pH>tess<»i at Y nou\ \dains a^ieed He said said that despite am 111stabiiitv. he would i etui n “Something; makes vein want to ^o ha< k oik e vou've 1ha n theie despite' having to do voiii laundiv 1>\ hand and wait in line ioi hotils to make a te le phone < all home he said