Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Page 23, Image 31

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ortinuetl from page 22)
hi cu imuif liis|u|K i'
Niilimh t \< i |hi kcii il u11.' hi '.in! I m i
mm Ihiu i>< ■ i|>lc gil thnuigli .-lug'll m ''In ml
illitt-i.i'ii- It ' mil til.il ilillii ult
\i miiliivg ti> thf lunik, liinlh Vm. \\ fi\
i ,in't Oui fuhnnirs Hntd' h\ Jon I IM Ilsitn
m.iiii siuili'iits li.ivr Miniku h m.uuigt-tl in
I'd tlllOllgll (tlllfgt tl\ Vs II gut ,111(1
MMMi imic s ili « i plum
1 im 11si*u s.ml sniilriiis m.iv i.ifit lo mu s
.mil ]»I,i\ l In in li.uk .ii thi n Ii imiii
i i nil |ifi I s.11 i ng 111| l Ilf 1111111 till it*x t In v
i iu i mull i ni Liking imlcs ( lissin.itcs might
Hi.iIsi i <>|tics i »| nuirs 11 ii siuilrnls whi 11 .ii11tut
11strn .uni .write tluii nvsii imics Smile
sllllll Ills Will .isk ulllrls III vsllli tin'll H |Xllls
.111! I It'IIII | lil( M '1 S
I 1st II SI ill s.illl I X.lllls .111(1 I ss.ivs (l-.li l .111
\h a jin»h!f in l»»i »!\nI* \h Ntutlr.nts IV < .him
ih< .iiiwiuni • ’I iiu|ciul >nulnitN < an in.tut
without v*ntmi4 it (lovrii in hunt* (1 th<\ tua'
have a juoblrm jiLiimuu' and ''it until
rsv.iw I ss.i\n wrin<n l»s (InsI*\h si in U n i v
* .111 lx lull «‘(mmmi hIc.w luit iiu\ \»iu; flu
iinf>i *• ssi4>ii *>I ,« l.ui "1 jil.inning and
stiut tun 1’ ist iim »n ''.ud
1 liotii.tN Kit li ii«l Mih‘v Ultho! >*1 tin
Imm»k Ih\b\i i (it ( ‘Ultxt. wnu > th.it although
tlvsU vii NUulrntN mtf»lit lau^h ahmit thi n
!>l . m II' illtll. Illlli - 'll!.IIS III Mill
rill iniia^i it In U'IUCUiIk I tile- v ,ili IIU\ lint
Il.lll 111 .ill’ll
Kmll I >I\■ >11 Illlli illll i III! "I llli \ Mil
i.inI ih.it ili< 11i.ul ilitiini’ll 11ilU^t I' .i iinu;li
i 'in' lm ituilrilti iillluli illAl.i
I In- tlr.ivjiii'in li |ml tin In n11111111v;.
I )i\i m Illlli i.iul \\ li.it 11 mu ' ilii i iIm.ii'
li.uil m n k ll ii uni .i i|im k li\ I In ilmlim
li.li In Illlli HIM III I It I till- lame tail .I' nllirl
illllll III'
ontinued from page 20)
I hr pi.it (it t ( ills Hru in l rspmisr In
mmi.iI i rt in I si i it hrs 11 i.i I tliH :u || im Irtl lilt
pirssinrs .uni the im irdililr linn demands
lli.it re uilh being .in athlete .il i nla11>l
tullrgr One sin h siutlv tumid lh.ii .i
Kngliam Young l football plavri devoted
JlFJ hours a vrar, tu 27.u eight-how thus, in
Ills spoil
I lie presidents .dsn pushed thiougli
siihsianii.il st holarship rrtlui lions, designed
In give leaills a rnolf level pi.mug field oil
whit li lo 11>nipelt
St liolaislups iii all Division I spin is t v epi
women’s voiles lull, women's tennis and
wt linens gymnast it s, will he red in etl In In
|n it rut. I he main mipat t will Ik i hi Division
I \ tool ha 11, in whit h outgoing giants mil
lall I min ',l’i to >v> ovei the next tin t-e v eats
lift arise Division I i c quit e'
intei t ollrgiate athletics to luntimu on 11 s
own ineome as dial intonie gels expanded
dial Im inines die deleiimuel ot what lilt
boundaries at the program are. Ari/nna
hi.Ut t l‘iesitlenl I allie < ooi s.utl Vud
that’s not right h s not nglu in leimstil the
time demands on student athletes
1 hr j)ltM(lrn(s, traitul «>t the* |>iosj><it «»l
ili iling with jiini|n-t Uextei Matties m
K<\ III RtlSS. jImJ (‘lt.lt (C(l .t sll" III si Ml Id
•it adeuiit standaids
I ndci the new legislation. Division I
•il hides n ho enter I hen fount) \ e.ll 111
'i himl must have i mnpleted .u le.i'l ">()
pen dll III | fit-11 degree requirements to
i enum eligible
d mi i .min il he ,i si mid 11 .11 hide n 11 In ml
h< ms; .i sludenl,” (,i mi s.ud
In .uldllnm. i oai lung sl.ills will lie i til bv
u le.isl one {Misiiioii in uio'l stmt is and In an
•ni l age III lint e do nil I h In Id) III Illusion
I \ hmihall \nd. in all spoils, die position
"I giaduate assistant" will lie tepl.u ed In
dn iesii n it-d-cai mugs' 11 >.u It
I ht It s alleath nol euougll lime in a da'
In dll cU'iMhillg that needs In gel done t
"I \i i/ona basketball i n.u It I tile < )lson said
\nd also, sou ie talking about eliminating
I he most obvious eillt V-level |nh in out
pi oh ssjon Weie used lhal giaduate
assistant pusitmn as an oppoimnin foi out
loitnei plaverx to gel a start in i n.u lung "
f inallv. athletit dm ins m dm in wings
' it11i.u ked Ini athletes will he phased nut h\
Vthletit dm ms have been shown veiv
siihsiantiallv lliat tlie\ |tisi hilthel segiegale
'ht athletes from the test ol i ampus." ( not
Bui even though sweeping legislation was
passed in junuarv. < ooi sairl more ate c ei lain
to lollow I’ressiilg issues sin e to I k (list ussed
at the next t unleietu e itu hide the el lisle ring
"I athletes in'Miekt ' Mouse atadt iini
ionises, and the long-dehated pioposal ol
paving i ollt gc athletes, he added
Things got pretty competitive for this job. I’m
sure my college degree and good grades kept
me in the running. But in the end it was the
leadership and management experience I got
through Army ROTC that won them over.
Army ROTC taught me responsibility, self
discipline and leadership. Those are things you
just can't learn from a textbook.
I don’t know where I’d be right now if I
hadn't enrolled in Army ROTC. but I do know
one thing for sure... I wouldn’t be here.
Find out more. Contact the Professor of
Military Science at your campus or one nearby.
? 63