Norplant The best birth control lots of money can buy IU \\n KKA\( IS I hr I huh Knnuin. I nl kaii'.i' I iii-il • i| i.i king I lie jul I I in nmlm table widi the U 1 > • l >< > sjMiiigcs .mil t<>.tms seem just.(Iiiilc I lieu urn uiav Ih .i |iimu • .ilnliil.ili I"i Nnijil.iiil. llii In'l new llll ill I IIIIII III llrvitf III Ilf Hill nihil III 111 I Ilf I III If (I Stall' 111 llll I.IM J’l Veals Not plant. which ha' hi i n used In mote than I million Will Ill’ll llll IIIIII mill ill!- Will III Ini dll past Jll \f.ll '. I' ll.lllfli In mam as a icvolnlinnarv mc.ili' nf pun filling piegnatiiv Siv implant'. a lx ml niif ami nm- hall nn hrs Innn and J llillllllifIf 1' wide, aie ili'fllfd 111si below llii- skin nl the u|i|ifi inside n| a woman's aim I lie implants irli-.i'f a 11 ml min iti' low i Ii iv i il If vi mi live'lie I a "lithe In h mil nl die Ifinale linnuiiiif piti^if'le1one ”li ' a laiih simple lei hmipie,’ '.ud julie Sun kland. .ts'l'lant | III ill "III n| gvnci o|o)p and nh'lcllli ' al the l III Kansas Mcdn al ( finei "It wmk' veiv muc h like a shot Vm don't even need a si I Ii Ii Wit Inn J I hum ' nl ihe ui'ii linn, the lev onoi )p-'ti el li .ue I' in the In am and min Ini' die | ii i xli u in hi nl In iimuiif' ill die pi till lan )>land dial not math signal uvai if' In [ihmIui i eijgs I he im|ilai)l' ifle.t'f die liniinuiif' in |>oteiil aim mill' tin live veai' atiei wlin Ii difil ellei livenr" dei lease' and die iin|)laiil"htnild lx- ifiiKived. 'lie viid II a w 11 III a II w alll' In 1 null 11 Ilf In use N m plant. new implant'i an In invited ill the 'ailie location Women also i an have Nm plant te nnned il dies want to c one ene he I tillls will teturn within thief months Sun kland added St i if kland 'aid Norplant is dd 7 pin e nl c He c tin- in pi e\filling | >i c-yi n a i i i \ Ini up In live veai', making H the Milrst lumiiil Ini ih i null nl mi the mai ket \i t nl dill); to tile \ me I if ail ( nllevp- I le.ilth \"ni lallun the pill i' '*7 pen cut e fie i live in pi eve mill); pi e gnain \. How Norplant Works: Si> capsules filled with a synthetic progestin hormone are implanted beneath the skin on the inside of the uppei arm tl) The bloodstream then carries the hormone, levo norgestrel. to the brain’s pituitary gland. (2) The pituitary gland normally is responsible for creating hormones which trigger ovaries to produce mature eggs. The levonorgestrel, however, blocks the pituitary within about a day. thereby halting production of eggs and rendering the woman temporarily sterile (3). 1 The doctor first makes a 1/8" incision in the skin of the arm small enough that no stitches are required 2. A hollow feed tube is inserted in the cut slightly beneath the skin’s surface 3 Using a plunger type device,the doctor then slides the hormonetilled capsules through the teed tube, turning the tube with each capsule to create a tan shaped arrangement beneath the skin DAVID BOISVERT, NAFTAR’ AN, i ARNE Gif Mi,, while iondoins woi h 'Mi |K-rt .1 t iintit mi .11 itl .i s| k-11 iin it it is nit in l*‘l | Kit till rtlft tisf Hui tlfspiit- itic- Ik-ih tils nt N. ii | .mtl tilhri uilist-rsits mt-iiu .il 11-1lit-1s .it 11 iss ilit- 11.ilHhi if |mii i ill.ii Ifss t nllrgr vstiint-11 .in- iilili/ing ilit- inrihixl lit until \\ ,i I si ,i 11 f i . t hit I ui iihsifttn s .mil gsnn uhigs st is it t s .ii [ i 1 .tst I h is| in ( ns Mi i s.utl i lit- i n 11 i.i I 11 is i ut i In- [>i in t-tin 11 ling In hr st .ii mg nil siuiirnts I lit- tun unit ms! Ini iiiijilaiiUliuii i.mgfs (loin $45)0 to $7V). while the* insl tin is .()»>nt $100 "Foi vmir [H-i)[)lc. dials ptohlhilive Bennrll s.iul "Hut is lot live \r.iis (>vei (hr long irun, it's .K lu.ills less r\[H iisi\r i th.ui oihri nirlhods l \ mu' -seat siipph ol hu ill i onliol pills i osls .tinml $210 Walstattr! said l sing thr pill ihloughom ihr live lr.ll rllri tivrnrss |>rl lixi ol Notpl.uK would i osi a I mul SI JIM I Walslaltri stressed Norplant dors iio| pioiri I against sr\u.tlh u ansiiiuled di vases. bul t an U- used with a i oiidoin "I irioinuirnd i oniioins loi anvonr who is not in a monogamous relationship." hr said Measles epidemic spurs ‘no shot no school’ rule Hx BOB BF.R1JN ( wientfv/)<»/>, Irsas I nil l Measles ai e hai k I he high lx t tinlaginus disease i hai at lei i/rd i>s sex et e trsci, lieadailies, u|i|iei irspn atnfx mlei turns, head i nngestiun. hi ids ai lies, shi e till naI and a dl\ hat king i tiugll lias lieeli I as aging 11 illcge t ampiisrs situ e 1 'IS'I \nd it shi ass mi sign i >1 sh using List seal, 17 cnllrges and mux ei sines in I t stales lepnitesi ina|nhgia ssas lull ed In unpleinenl a "Nn Minis, Nn S< In nil" appmai h in t nntrul an e pule nut until mule than 21 .INK) siudenls and tat nils i mild he sai i maled \s mans as t»00 did nut meet the deadme and sveie mu allnssed In icgislei When the dust had i h aled the mimin'! nl measles i ases ie|Miited ill the l lilted Slates had skxint keled hum ,'t.tMMI m 1'ivS in mule than 27.00(1 in IWI In respnnse. health taie admnnstiatnix aimss die lutinttx ate s. I am tiling In < null nl the disease is Im h is i apalile nl leading In pneuninma. inlet linn n| die hi am. and esen death Ibis seal, die hnnmni/atinn l’i ai dies Adsisuis ( tmnnillee nl the I S Rubin Health Hepai tment let nitimended that i nlleges and ilinseisilies letiuiie linnliung siudenls In pi use dies base let fixed a set nntl measles sat t inalinn Isetnie it gisleiing Im t lasses Measles Epidemic: Total number of measles cases by year Sown* N*nc*w Confer* kx Ommum town* 27,771 18.193 6.282 1.497 2,687 2.822 3.655 3.396 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1?88 1989J990 MEl MARCCIO CSIH.i.WhAN . I* CAUHWNLA SASl Ot£GO \ nd ,il le .is l 111 si.lies. at i ordliig lu l hr ( I)( . tut i ml Is .tic 11insidei ing IfgislatHin that vsuulil make it law lhat all college students ami i Inldi en he sat ciliated a so mid lime I wetl tv-five states already have laws in pl.tie hi hale universities that have instituted tins requirement ill \ nt ho in Was. i hairman ol I't event alive Medicine and t oiiinumitv Health at the Iexas let lit Health St lent es ( entel, said i n| lege i a ill puses ate bleeding grounds loi the lughlv t it ms dist a se to s|n tail Student v at 11 nations are vital to t nnlain the spieati, Wav added It niav snu|ilv lie a ui.ittei ol t haute." Wav said "While a larger lUllliliei o| people ait togethet the i haute ol spreading the disease is easy When the words get in the way: Students tackle dyslexia By JEN NY LOUIS I h/ I'm/ I og, Strphcn I \ usliii Stale l You uughht become lurstrated reading iilis paragnaph Yoou might wamil in v leant and slnnil adn throw it on tell glouond \ nil .me ptohhalv siiiinblingg nvi words, 111111 a m i 11 a I spellmgs and lllislpai ed Uriels \\eli nine to the world i >1 dyslexia Dyslexia is a le.u ning disability whit li Inndeis nne s ability to read l nielated to intelligence, itislruilion or ednt annual o|i|xntnnils. the i midilmn nia\ lx- inherent, congenital 01 caused h\ am number ol injuries to the brain And it i an be debilitating to the estimated 200,(MM) i ollcge siudents who suiter from dyslexia. "I Dyslexia) makes si liool so nun h hauler lot me than the average person,* said Mark jatrell, a sophornoie at Stephen 1 Austin State 1 1 have to go to ilass and lead i haplers two or three times " (ancll said he squeaked through high si bool h\ having his sister correct See DYSLEXIA. Page 23