Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Page 3, Image 3

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Men charged for assaulting pair
One man was arrested for assault and another
arrested lor minor in possession of alcohol hv
consumption Friday night after two University
students were assaulted
Shawn Robert Holt, 1H, of Longview, Wash , is
accused of assaulting University students Martin
John Passmore, til, and Anthony Michael Kadv,
17, both oi the BOO block, of Last llth Avenue
Holt was arrested for two counts of assault
Jason Wendell Voreis, lit, of Glide, Ore , was
cited for minor in possession of alcohol by ton
sumption Hi; was later charged w ith assault
Kadv and Passmore told police they were walk
ing near the corner of i2th Avenue anti Hilyard
Street when thoy wort* approached by .1 group of
five to si'vtin young men.
The men in the group reportedly harassed kadv
and Passmore*, said Tim Hirr. Eugene police do
purlment spokesman
kady told police he and Passmore* won* them at
tacked by the group, police said When police* ur
rived on the sc one. Kady and Pussmon* were Is*
ing assaulted l>y two other men who immediately
left the scene*, police said
Holt told police the group confronted Kady al
ter thoy were culled skinheads, according to the
police report
Holt and Voids have been released
Vietnami**** Sludeitl Ai>»m ulion moots
t on:gh t iit 7 in Smith lounge at VValton
l*i (idmma Mu v* 111 h id a general
mooting tonight from n to in in KMl
Century Hoorn li
A*kli*piads moot tonight at 7 in Hoorn
104 Gilbert
OS PI K (i Hunger and Homelessness
Croup moots tonight at t> it) in Hu.irn 314
Pacini A member of the homoloss
community will sf>e.ik at the* mooting
Sludont Project* Inc. will hold a begird f
directors mooting tonight at r> in KMl
Century Hoorn H
I aim Aftierii dn Support Committer w.ii
hold a general interest mooting tonight at t»
m KMl - (entury Koom D
Ad Club (A in nrican Advertising
Federation) will hold a general interest
mooting tonight at 5 30 in Koom 2lf» Allen
lidWdii Club meets tonight at 7 in the
KMU Hon Linder Koom
Iru uhmtdl Fee (.oiiiiiiiUih* meets tonight
at 6 in the EMU Board Koom
HKSSA will hold a general mooting on
standing and client u>mmtiU!«!» in Room
jl4 All«n tonight at '> 10
Morlar Buaril v»... 'la g* •: - t.»i meeti; w
tnmghl at !» .10 m KMl Cedar Room K
1piiopln % K l:» . upf • rt gr } ' r
p*?4 pie with H-uuni div r,i»rs. rm>«?U every
l hursday at ‘ lO| ,"i at 1 1 Ma«w*-!i
Road »~»il Heft at 144-M#*« ..or Linda at
nrtrt 4 to]
Lett ion ary Bible Study wt. bo hr . i
the VVeviey h ound.iii< >n. 1Wt K;n« .»:d St
today from 1; to to 1 mpm Bring a Bible
t all i4t» 44.M4 for more information
Christian St i»*m e Organization .■ < > ' •
tonight at 6 Ui in EMI (entury Room i.
"Buddha. Krishna, Mmei, ( hrnl,
Muhammad. ituha'u Huh Many leather*.
One Message'' i* Bin title ? an informal
hnmdo dm ussion on the unity of religion*,
to be held tonight at 7 at the Baha'i Campus
Qub. 1 4 .rt Aider St
1 he Arctic National Wildlde Refuge is
llic •'* ' if .1 video i.) be \h wn 1 M!
(am tor y K“- m K today from n>>..n t<> I p in
l h« pruuinuitior) it *}-■ nv iim! by OSPJRU
“(.limbing in Oregon" '. <• I 4
sil:i4* ifu.iw lo be presented innight at ? mi
ill NI>- •:•. 1UU VS .. !.»:'!■•:In Hi* -a*,
i* sponsored by the Outd> Pr-gr.i:n
t.av 1 r»liun Fa< ultv Slat! pullut k
be held tonight from ** 30 to « Uall
340 JS1.3 for address
Oregon Institute ul Marine Hu»l<>v;\ *
spring term program on the ui*t It the
*ut'!«»c:t > I a »inle %h ** i t>e pr«*>-! ted
tonight fTMin 7 to ft In KMU Cedar Room H
(all Mb S«97 for m"r« information, r
iitc : 1 I NI' Suite 1 Monday. VS .-dm- vdoy
or Friday from 11 lo a m to 1 p in
IlliHlHirti fox po&iU r» of OSrlKCi » hat i« r
. hairpermn and une tUU) board wut will be
held today in UMU Suite 1 Pull* , . w it s
p m
t oiled Nation* l)a> i«*« ! *.*•■ I* l*t held
tonight at * m Room Jit Allen Ale*
Murphy, a Univttfwty pr dessor will give
tin? presentation ( all Students for l'ruled
Nations/Model UN for more information at
L £ T 1E R PERf t C r
U V tspeset resumes, event
I posters, ad'. Itooklets. ousiruss
tlnil), and brochures VI i can
; to help yon tilth design, t\[><
\ jaees and point sizes
U r shout /’M I'. half
| tout'', transfhiren. let, and re
> t ersstls Vicidnhelpyouse
lfit the technique sou need to
! complete sour projects
U e are able to complete
most jobs in only 2 u arising
ditss l <u a rush fee, ur o//e'
.M hour turnaround At
th TTER PERFECT (haphu >
\ou II find our prues uere de
signed uith the student budg
et m mind
346-138 1
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Cotton Bomber Jacket
Willi l.ratlii'r (lollur
Regular Krlail
f I . 111 iSi ( ) 11 V ('
( 'umf)un' at ST>11.OU
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Factory ilirccl
savings everyday
:• I MM \\ osl Hnmdu a\
* on tin* hmv nlm\ ii Mali
Jit III 1 !■ . 1_1
1 jT-l [iLj
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M-F 7:304, Sat 104
Phone 3444331
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!13tk Sc AtJer 343-0681
Where we gel calamari blanc