Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Page 21, Image 29

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, i ntinued from page 20)
hi limn (AIM .1 (la\ .uni .1111 I going In gel
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Despite the Keans iih iileni some
i gislalms sas I he limits well' till (•( led .H 111<
lime lime i unsmiling ieveiiue spoi ls
null).ill and basketball - whose alldclcs
use pci h Mined worse at adcmii alh lli.m
hen non rcteiiuc counterparts
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IllIelMeued. Mali Ilium '.ml Hit 111111d *< I
mie feeling dial i .line uni i il dial 'lines ss.is
dial student -athletes tell dies didn't base
i imuyh time1Ih'may the ><■ ivni in (In wli.ii
1 til l lienIcil to lx; cl* imy
i Him Si,in l i.iilh.n k Roliei hSutith tils
th.it inoUl u| 11 ic I non,act I Mi it It ni athlete
Sill II lest t I lie ti m III ci 11 \s( >1 III I ill liv c.u I ho
VuyiiSl vs hell lie .iiwiouiiii ll ll< vs.o ijinllmy
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also . i’Hlnhutftl!(' thl\ 'Uti"\
W> n IINC, less mxno he iine ivilizeii
Some people would
think Ty Detmer has it
The Brigham Young U
quarterback seized last
year s Heisman Trophy
Award with an awesome
display of passing
accuracy, cool gamesmanship, and an
uncanny, seemingly innate sense tor the
game He shattered 42 NCAA records threw
for an unprecedented 5.188 yards and
mnected for 41 touchdowns
And last year s winner of the Maxwell
Trophy, Football News Player of the Year,
IJPI Player of the Year, and the U S Amateur
Athlete of the Year Award still had one more
year to go
But that might be a mixed blessing
This season. Detmer fates an enormous
'idllenge and great expectations His BYU
'flense lost nine starters from las! year's
powerhouse squad, including his four
favorite receivers His Cougars faced a
grueling schedule with games against
■Tor'da State UCLA and Penn State the first
three weeks of the season And Detmer is
oming off an injury to his right shoulder
requiring surgery and months of intense
Worse yet as a returning Heisman
winner Detmer knows opponents will be
gunning for him After winning the Heisman
■ist year Detmer and the Cougars suffered
embarrassing defeats to Hawaii and Texas
A&M by a combined score of 124-42
"I learned a lot toward the end of last
season Detmer said after last year's losses
T realized that I will be a target this year
One cannot smell
like a hound and expect
to catch any faxes.
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