Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Page 19, Image 27

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(continued from page 14)
Do iho kids locus on wh.u llio legal
implications .ur I ni sure the\ don't give it a
thought I lies re c crtainls not thinking
atxuii someone's intangible pr<>|>ei ts
1i .telemark and copyright owners at t u t
hkeh lo prosecute students unless the\ sell
the shirts for profit.
"While \ou mas not be going after a
fraternity for us 57 T-shirts for a beer partv,
ii s still a problem," R(life said.
Wall Disney World (ai. has the repulalion
as the most active protec tor of its copvrights,
said |ohn Matthews. vice president lot sales
at I ribune Media Seme es of (Tin ago, which
distributes "Shoe" and other comic strips to
more than tWM) college newspajH-rs
"We re a bit less strident |ust bee ause it
isn't worth our time and ellort to go altet a
student who prints 10 oi 20 I shirts, he
said "But u s against the law
\ totnpanv like I ribune Media depends
on c lienls to alei t it to < ascs of i opvi ighl
violation, Matthews said
Rolle said trademark owners who mount
successful challenges could fence the
destgneis to give up then profits, destine
their inventors and pas the tiadeiu.uk
“Wile! s estimated sales losses In estiemc
isc s t he ow lie l i an iccusei 11 iple the
lain ages and at lol lies lees she said
stopping Ihi abuse mat lit mmt
important io them than beating up uu
'"Hif ollf It)! a lew (loll.lls 'lit '-.litI
Mote than a lew dollars art ai ii'k Ini
iinnt isiiit-s that regulate ihr use ol thru
tianifs. logos and slogans
Be Ini t- Ihrsll, mih a }|.tlicitliI ul l S
i olleges hail In enslllg progi mis said 1 SI '
Kenneth vit t- president ol tin- \ssot lation
' *1 ( ollege I it fusing Vdnimistialms
Kul is hf n in tf 11-si in tollegiatr
11 if moi.thilta soaifd in tin- si k hunt lira Is ol
univfisiiit-s insliiutftl lit fusing piogiani' lo
piuifti ti>t*n reputation and to tap into i
griming 11-\flint- souk t
''losi univfisitifs i liaigf In t nsft s ,ui up
liont Iff and r< lo|h ii fill ol wholesale salt '
I hf ifal reason loi lit fusing is to pioio i
"iif o| oui most valuahlf assets, and dial s
I lit- name ol 11 it-1 ii nui sin kfimeth 'ait I
\ ml as with ifgisiriftl t oinnif 11 i a I
trademarks. ai most t olleges students iiretl
I" gel pfi mission lo use thfii si hool s
II allies, logos and sit igans Some don l
I 'Ion l think iheif s anv si hool in the
I tuic-tl Stales that hasn't had that
piohlein. Kenneth said.
Birin.i Nielsen. I N< s innii.uts
ailnimisiiatoi. salt! most students simplv
"f if n I .mat e t it the legal iftjun e me Ills
Sim e we're ahvavs dealing with a new
gionp ol siutlfnis ttiming in c\ei\ veal
< tint aimg sindenls is a i onnnmng plot ess
N ie Ise ii said
Some v left! piuitcis lesist the idea lli.it a
turn erst tv's natiie should lie topviightahle
I he 1 u| Kansas u at hed a settlement
Iasi he, cmhei with Ballard Spoitmg ( hmhIs
a Manila nan. Kan , veiidot that sold In h it leg
I -shirts loi sis months at an outlet store
Ballard paid KI about $ 1 .tailI in bat k
royalties, mined oxei ahtiul 2(H) I -sliuis and
sweatshirts and Ih i ante an ollit lal In ensee.
said Mike Keid, Kl s licensing duet loi
I here we ie mi lawyers involved,'' he said
Most ol the time. I’d sav, things wink out
like that.”
(continued from page 17)
hu his hook f'sgmaliiiti in thr ( luwr■< in He
.issn ts that students win> .11 c < hallenged and
riicoutaged In (hen juotessois do bettei
than those ulmln 1 thev te ignoied
Rosenthal s.ud " I lin ts Aral s «-t 1 rseai< h
show that students t an vdrl\ s.r. I he
teat he 1 doesn't iespet t me *u think I’m
intelligent it he's being \er\ eas\ on me
Nmiseilul (iimmium .ilmn pl.iss sin h .1 his;
mil in ilu i l.tssiim un th.u n u hc is ur i.m^tii
lo lie .illuin il to hods I.tii^n.it>e h>i \< its.
I l.ims said. ' 11 .u Ik is ilulli l ss.inl In Ih-lir\<
that iho mtild lx influent ms; students ilns
ss .is Ini I in »vs pin mi si I in hniij in's pl.is .1
t'li^n n ilc in te.it hri It.minis;
Rosenthal ss.ii ns against i linging to .ms
absolutes. ill i eulilis; nulls el hal hehas 101
.mil e^jtei l.iMs dislikes lu.i.ks ahmit ~h*'Ss lii
ie.ul people I'S the hook.” though he
i 11 in e d e s that I he rapport between
|>i i iIi-vm ii ' .uid siiidriitv nc.w lii |iidi;(
"It mui [i >i ik i nr into i 111 In nil iI.i-.mv 1
II mill i-r-s i;.I i ,i|>|m >11 |ii'l Ilki .imniu
clsr lull I i oulillt I lx I ( I l.llll will lirvinl
Trnplr I|\ In h.i'c il mi him m.im llllli' (In
[iiiifcsMil nh.iki s hi' hr.ul up .mil ihmu m
Milr In snlr
Hui mh Ii h.ihii' dun i .ippl\ .ii in'.' iIn
III Mill III .ill pn lie "l IT' . hr u ,11 Ill'll, Hill
Minimi' 'llimlil .luilii .ih'nhitr' "If 'i'll Ii
vl.ul-'.nllu; < )llr I.1WII \'lll I I .'I 111!
two glide ih mil'. II' In iprlr"
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