By the book Student-published course guides (^ive lowdown on classics, profit Bv (,KK. MOORE /tui/t Xlhrnurum. West \ irgmia I I lic oll'ii ial univt'i sit\ i atalog might tell m hi wlm li mat It c lass uni need lot graduation - but it won't give ton the m iHip on what jitnti ( nude on the othei hand, 11 hist 1 at i s a review a!m nil a theology i lass with a photo of \ndiew I >11 e t lav, and wains p 11is|m-< live English ina|ois dial the depaitmenl is 111 in 1 rush li 1 see that vi mi needs ai e met It doesn t pat 1 u ul.u Iv 1 ate whether 01 not you'ie happy W hat an vou going to do itM.lit it Nlap 11 in him Ill-Ill' ’ Bill students are etui ml aged to use Ixilli guides and talk with pitifcssors and students who have had the 1 lass as well It ' important that we aren 1 someone s sole sunt 11 Newman said IVniisvIvania Stale l student Saul I teiinan edited the first I’M guide lot this lall. I he guide 1 (insists .>| grading and attenda m e polii lev. t lass i on tent and in si 1 m loi s 1em.11 ks. hut Iiniuitl said student lomments may lie added I hat s definitely something we 11 looking at he said I hcic may lie some wav to do that with the ( >h of the administration." He said some people wele afiaiil "it would gel veiv Harvard U. professor Bertrand Halperin lectures during a physics class. The Harvard “Confi Guide" says IOEI JLANPteHRE S'-' S' ' V 4 H! .. 11 ml i on ii in.i I 11 st tuli ills si ,ti i nl tin nvt ini> ,ii i hi ml tK^Jtivf I DllltlielllS III (III llisl issue Svi.u use I sluileiil le.iileis .lie |il.inning (u .iti^meul ilieii imuse pintle with sluileiil i iiiiiineiiis vsiihiii (lie next mm i.iI \e,il s u i lu lling Ii i K i li | .u (ilisnii s u e |ii esiilenl I' ii .11 .1(1(11111 .ill.ills 1 lie yinde 1 III II nils lewews .lhiiill . > 11 Ull si s ll sellleslel . lili ll III lie,; mil 1st i ( ml flit .111(1 VJ1 .K li i list ill ml ii ill | .li obst m s.uil si hi le n Is vs ill lie | m ilieii .11 I lie end i il i .u 11 semeslei In ni l I lien i >|iiinuns i it die i l.iss \ll nl I he guides .lie ^e.tied (nsv.ild (lie llinsl |iii|iul.u i l.isses mi i .mi (ills I I el li i.i II s.ud Cell II Sl.ile s ^111 di ll nil ell II. Ilfs nil e lei lives i .ill lei llt.tli I lie I etjtiilfd i l.isses (h i .Hist’ It's kind III uussinn the |minl nllieivvist l iesliinen jjel (lie llinsl list nut nl (he Hindi’s Wt sell ,,|>nut I .ilNI (i>|ties .mil HOI) In'«Hint llinst yn In liesliinen Nevsiu.ui s.uil \tlei .i \i ii \uu kind nl Ijnilli mu (he HI issl|> Is .11 111 ( hisses .11 e llkt Leader of the pack: Student entrepreneurs find onestrap success Ks MCOll WKKBF.t K I tu knit Slilirr, krill Stale l I’lrjiaie Im the k i if ll»r • me 'll .ip b.u kp.u k I 111 I lll’.UJ. .1 Slllt'le Si I .Iji S[)III<||| I ll ill! II .111 HU 111. I! lx «ikti.ii; is si 11f'ilull'll lii Im ii 11 Ir^r lxxiksluics tins tall .11 muii Ml v IiikiIs ii.tlimiwnlr II il’.iii is l he lit .him hi lil ul i hi i r ( Hi mil I .1 hi ii mi who ill seluped il li>i ,i I lavs piujet1 Issu seats ,iWii while sllll III si lllxil Mil.II Ini "Ini.ills p.llj, lul'.ii| suKis I hi hnthei some problem ut nu; ,i twosliap h.H k| k nil ulli shnlillli l 1 III lullc strap Is i rllll'H d nil llll' | Ml k V I I .11 I HIS 1 .III sllll^ ill! I lll’.llj us II I'll III I shuiilili i Ii .ilsii li nun s ,i li*xik nu in|i Im h.inkiiiK ■' llllimh li ii i| i in II) slut nu ihi Sli.iji. uni mil .milrytemal |x« kci I’IiiIIiji Su.iiighaii i giaduatr uni |iirsi(l( hi ul the (lilll|).m\. s.i\s .1 pinlulV|K' ul (In 1111 '.ii | m 1 mu Inn SCSI'l .il si .us ,i^n .mil (Mill h.isril lln l s i mills In (In |>tmIm I 111 Hid lrlluw sliiil( ills I ill,ms NunsihiiI .mil I Ills ii I’lcl 11 i then pindui rd the I ol’.it| Im .(( nui v in ( in11 |n i nr nl ship I hr li I" i rwul krd l hr p.illrl ll tlM llsllli; nil ll.ll.llll ( .111(1 pi .It IK .lllll .111(1 Walked nil with S i,(Hill (ul till' Itrsl piU|C( t I hr 1 iil'.nj pi llll I pic Is su uhs lulls ill.ll Nil. 111 u was imposed iin one ihmirhl ul the idi'.i lx-ton \\( .IK simjils .tnswciII1JJ lllr Ii.k k Ssc.ilcls ii.ilin.d needs," he s.ud " I he l).l( kp.K k has lieell designed In lie (Ulllfull.lhlr on nut shullldt'l the was llinsl [xnplr willi a issu-siiap Jut k attempt them. I (huti^hl (the I ol’aij) was neat I lnsi used t h.K kp.K k ill ( ollrj'e and I alwass had tluilhle willi il tiling nil. he said Stiaughan has l)i)> plans Im Ins ptudiu i < )m lung II I III ipi.ll js In get the |).l( k nil the h.K k ut eseiv Ii.k kp.K k weal el ill k merit a," he said Nonverbal communication can affect classroom performance fv iziams JAMES MARTINEZ NFW MEXICO A • ; M A MF ‘ IU BOB I UIKV.JR Siilfm Sltltr I S.ilrlll Nl.tlc ( < ill till was .1 [Jlllltssul sllllli s .11 Mill i ll,tllK< Mill! i .Ill'll gu.lls Irillll 1111 • ll 111U U i I li i III .1111 sill 4< i>11' i’ltdiabU not. lull two 1 •• .i111li>4 buds 1.111411.141 < \ | >1 I Is ill! .1411 I |H 1 ill's SI ll s flllSSlt .ll 41 sllll I s 11 1SS .1 (11 si lull' I Its I .III .ll III I stilt It'tits’ ai liit'M'iiH-iii 1 .His .mil run 1 Inn I .11 I I I I 111 ill I'S Mi. 11 ti .1 II.nils, in assist.mi |imlrssin ul jism hull 14s .11 1 In 1 nt K1 11 tin k\ said |)ii)li ssi ns an mi in likrty in linn li. smile at and stand I Insrl In sliidi nls tin \ 1 \|>i 1 I In I'M id. vslnlr tn .111114 loss ixpir lam \ si in ten ts mini' 11 ill 11% Mill tins ,u ts as a sill I11II1II1114 |>tii|)ln i \. .111 ordinx tn trsi aii In is But ntii' iiasiiii Mains said is that lllntis.llrd st lidciIlls Iriui In sit 1 Inst 1 tn |>11 liessi 1 rs a I1IUM that Itullii i rill 11111.141111111! limn [Hull ssnl s I’luMuilts is just ntif nonuibal lai tm dial 1 ■ ifltieiii t-s tin- t'din annual 1 iivimninriit (.i inii'i and i t linn li;ti k.41 nilllil alsn 1 an .tltn l ll»t* student trai In i relationship |*l«»!« ssois Ur.if m.ilr .Hid female studf ills clitic I < Ilfl\ ,|i I f ucllllj' IC» (lit t (>111 sr Ilia If ! I l.n I is s.ud ‘ I hr\ ( Xj)r< f vsoiiini lo sh\ .1 vs ,i \ liom m.if lx m.t( u .il .ukI if < him .il In Ids and for flu writlrn word. while mi ll j^rl fhr nod, so to speak. Iowan! flu If a IlIlK al fields the\ f till c*I if |\ dolllIM.ilf she said Women an heller at puking up fin siihn If u s o| noii\r i ha I i mn in mm al ion lhan then male < ouiitri par is \c ( on ling t«» I i a I \ I c 1 I ps\ehfdo^\ professor |>ob Rose nflial. when students view two sn ond lllllis ol a jieison who ( olild he eitliei des< nhmi; ti.ilmc or se oldmj» a « hi Id women ^ucss the < on e( f answer iiiuiIiiiiok < 'Inn di.m d< > men \nd students horn Western nations ich on visual i lies tin»ie than I asteili students wlio are 111« *i< sensitive le» le me ol vote e Rose nflial founded the “Rv^malion iheors named .die t the Ike i nalil Shaw pla\ when a skilled linguist lllllis a si I eel waif into a < lasss cic hufanie. and used il as a basis Son NONVERBAL Lipr Vi