Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Page 16, Image 24

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    BRYAN MUlStY »'! * *"■ '<
Jim Warner and Todd Thompson
(continued frofn poge l-l
Wagnci will st.nl paving llici list* Ives
Right now wi ' i'm mil vises imuir' In
I III If! !| IV 111 [II l id 111 f\ 111! IS I (if tilt ai twnrk
11 h Val>n ' whit It • in icntU (i musts i il twi i
dislint t Inn ' I Ik i \ | M'di lion Inn h a lures
villi Is dial irplt Mill dlt Id cl It I rgl< HIS (|| dll
win Id, wiili all t it die wining on tin shuts
pivnled in iht atca s < 1 i.t 1< < (
I hr advcntil! e line oitei.s spoi tv weal .
ini Incline <Indies with tin S Sjmhi I*>gu dn
’ S si a nd mg fni Sc aides Shuts < 1«*j»i« t
tilt In ml six n Is. nih h .is Iciims • »l vo|lev hall
I Ik |i.iii has smi c expanded ihell
<• i lkm ( lothmg vclet lions .ucn i
1111111< (1 |usi 111 l slin is ammoi e \\ < \«
< xpandcdHito < oiion ptillovei v \\e \e
added two nett pullovei |,k ich and
soinctlav we le pmhahlv going lo have jianis
and piohahlv vmik shoMs. \N ague I said
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( < nit cm i>\< i me environment 11.in given
lilt eiiticpteneutsanolhei 111.11 kclahlc ulc.i
" W e vc tonic up with a wot Id pi cscrvatn m
line ll looks trails worn and rugged 1 lit
line will dc|)i( I dllleicilt cndangcied '.pet in
.mil ciiMiiinincnl.il issues I hutnpson said
I Ik t (iinp.m\ lias gomu hum advet (ising
l>\ urnil-ol-moilill to (listiihuting thiough
di H ins and i ci i ill Is expanded In 11• 1.111
outlets "Wi n looking in expand
n.uioiialh, espci iall\ on die West ( oast and
in the S, mill, I In mipsi hi said
(continued from page 14)
ill mat inns I di 1WUP1 vs.is S1 a 11 nil 111, m. up
11 nri i SI i 2 mil In in die pi evil n is veal
111)111 Hayes. dnei iDi nl devt lopnncni ai
Dal Iniiiulli ( nllegc. said the eiiiniiinn
siiualiiin did have snnie impai I. hut dial die
lung letin naluie ol toipnrate investments
waspniuarilv icspmsihlt
II son looked al a live veal peilod. tIn
sh ipe 11| die line is up I laves said
< )X| s Kbi t Ic agreed "1 would imagine
soinelliilig long lemi like a depicssion
\stmId have made a (iifieretH «
( ol poi al ions stu ll as aiiloniotiv i giant
( a neial MdIdis sav du n game plan allows
; lie in to make donations despite the
I ci essii ill
I he (.cue I al Moti u s I mi tula I nut was
Inimded til l*»7t> in maintain a plulantluopn
pit scan e during c( onoiiiK downturns. said
1 inn Pvdcn a p1111111 11 lain ms otlii ta tm
l. W 1 lie Inundation helps (,etlci a I \h • n s
maintain a i (insistent level nl giving
Muinni donations have also gone up al
some univei suit s mi hiding a retold
lin least . •! I‘J pel i fill al < )Sl
1 lit i le suggested that tin t net ease in
alumni donations i an pattiallv lit altnhuted
In the lai I that i nllegc giaduates weie not
hit as haul bv the ictcssion as the less
I >111» i.ils .11 Olllt'l SI llools sailI lll.ll ill spile
■ 111 111! IC.lse III (lull. III! Ills lhc\ III III! I'll 111* II <
subtle xxaxs die let csstnll lull allei led Inns
|k (iplc gaxc iin >nrx
1 In l ill Mu higan I i lelunil, whn Ii
miIhiii monel thiough phone i alls in
a In nun. ■ .used $1 In million i Ii i ** \e.u
$2111,000 mine dun last seal \iampaign
Mail, Hi■ itli< ■ 11>u piugiam managei *>1
die I ek'lunil. said allhough die IniOinil Inn
Mein up, the leiession did rhange
individuals giving haliits
"People who gave muni x gave less. Inn
mure people gave monel tins veal.” lie said
Some si hools expanded then outfeai Ii
elliHts lu i nmh.it die cinnomii ilnwnlin n
Ku isuii al Duke e\|)lained ‘Mm need
luls ul prnjet I' in die pi|ielme all die time
\\e in In keen imi piiieline lull
1 It- said Ihike is not ntlempling In raise as
main lunds as il posxihlx i an "We le nol in
die husuiess |o [.use mine rnonev, xxe le in
die husuiess In raise (lie liesl inuncx
Despite the iiKTea.se in gitls this veai.
Sidnex Muek. exeiuiive dim lor <d
t ui pm all and Foundation Kelalions al
Sirai use l . suspei ts the real test of the
in essii ill’s mip.U I mi di>11.0ii ills max Ik- xel
to mine
He said must iiupoiate and individual
budgets wi n- loaned Iasi veat hefuie the
let essiun xxas in lull swing.
" This eould Ik- a vers tough xear,' Muek
said "I would Ik- vets i.unions .iIkhii saving
die u i essn in has not .diet led gix ing ”