Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Page 14, Image 22

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    Dollars and Sense
Giving it up
Corporate, alumni donations increase despite rec ession
/\fi, higan l)mh I ul Mu 11
While mini .it iIn < iitmtn tux Im n pint lung |><-n111 < ■'
Mill i I lie 'lull nt I hi l i-i r "|i ill i . il | it i| ulu HI' .mil .till mm
Ii.ini- In i n iiimi gcncnm' in iIn 11 v;i\111in inmcrMin '
liming tin- past tiv ul m ui
-\\i |ii'l litll'hcti mil In 'I Ni .it ni l '.mi I’.tul i lu ili
(lull Ini III tl'1 ul ull.lll ' III I 111 Otlli r i it 1 IcNC In | III li lit ul
< tllli i Slate I
I nl.ll l I Illtl ihulli III' well- 11}l 17 |K II ( 111 till' VC.II ui ( )M
nil lulling .III II |« |1 i III UK !(-.('( Ill ( 11| | ml ale (i( 111.(1 lull', u
Min.iiuin that mirmicil the iicini at niiiri uiiivi-imik ' ui n>"
the i nunirv
\l l 1 Illllllg In till I l II III! 11 || 11 \ III In I 11 III ulii III, lm utfll 111
\it% \ m k ( in i ni |mii .m uiid uli mi in gill' In i ul leges niul
tini\ci'llics nations'l(l(‘ iin leased II pel t cut in I ‘.fill,
n n In uli i ig that gniiig nnus nni ullci In I m l In tnsi i in mill' < >1
the lei c"inn
l’i i limm.n\ iiiiiiiIm is lm Inn | aie nut asailalili
Mu 1 me 1 Kii i 'nn. till i-« lm nt ( m imii uli mil Inniuiuln m
Irl.itinns .ii I >ukc l viui iritis in ihr s< honl have uu ic.ivd
durmg ihr past \rai
( ui pul ate donations I" l hike vsrnt up J I Jxit rnt In S \2 '2
million. Ricrvnn said ( >! ihr total .minimi. SJJ miiimn went
In sjxmsoird It s< .ill li .11 tilt s< hnol
I hr hi i mi it ss * »f s< ir in t g« x*s nil despite .i I rt rsslt m. hr
s.nii l Ml.lih It sr.iuh I r l.i I imislil j)N ,ii r the lnlliui.it loll
tijHUi whit h universities make a t ase■ Ioi philanthiopii gilts
\ I t hr l i >1 Mu lug.in. < uintii ate gills m< i rased IS 0
}n Itrlit (lining lilt 1‘.190*91 \r.n w i (11 tilt nilinhri nf
i nljxn.ltr tiniHHS }UI!l|>ing i I | K*I t flit
\ tt vs s, hnnIs hnvst \ t i (Iul t \jm lit m r .i tlc t lint in
tnfpni.ilr gilts Mike lhrun.in <lirt t Ini n| toipoi.ttt and
lnund.it mn irLitions.it tin 1 nl I’t nnsv l\ania. said
tinn.itinns |hr11 drt i rased nit 1\ siighlh
hiriinan said hr did not Ixlirvr I'rnn s det lint i nultl h<
a1111huicd t«• ilu ir» t ssmn "It s mint ilit ii.itun nf
t m pot atiniis and tmintiaimns in Inflow a lung term
sii atrg\ Hi tunan said I lit numbri s tend in fhu tuatr
from \rar to vrai
Mans agirt that flit it i essum has had sn hide impai t this
Q*>0 SW>
seal Ihn .line ill Us shun term naltiie.
\i 1 >.ti imouili ( ollege. i orpin,iic donations itmne\
whu h t\| m alls In nds leseart li hi ic iIohii. I hi l i oiiMiiatr
(oundalion gilts. m lunding targeted lot plnlantltiupn
projei Is. mi leased I lie i ollege doesn't lelease sepal.He
ligines. lint die lotal ol i iiijh a ate and i oijh irate lotind.itinii
Copyright copycats widespread on campus
'* *1
Is this the real thing? Student entrepreneurs often rip oft
well known logos and slogans In the thriving T shirt
industry The practice is Illegal, but seldom prosecuted
K\ \i\ mu u usi i \
I hr Ihuh I <i> HtrH n| Soldi ( amlin.i < hapcl I till
I nivnsin students .u toss dir . omitn ha\r siix kcd up this hill on
ih< i \m nu.iN IhmiLv, |h ii., |m|h'i .iiul novc liv I shins
( < lllrgC l .1III|H1V s .III |H|I|K Mil Willi I nIiIH.S1Ii.iI | l.ll I k1\ l .111 111
ioiiMin rii.il ,ul slogans mu li .is “Milhigan I In- l Inmate
t lltsrisils _i l.ikr.ill dm I1MM ails MtSoltllrlv Vutiiiiii. mill thr
I .ill I ill. 11 \i M Ik. I In ill li' i Irslgll ill \\ ,ti I aglr 1 olol s .Hill ” I .lie \ ight .If
I S( l olllpll 11 Kllll .1 1 Cl 11 1 111 ,< I Il'M | L11 lop | (I list
Mans Mol.Me irgistrird li.tilrin.il ks olhris misuse t opvi Ighted
I .illoon ( liai.11 Iris Mil ll .is ( .aJun \ IIoIiIkn lktll Simpson III Ill'll
I lllllslonr
I I u I s ,t |iiot)|rlii I'lriMs lirii s.iiil | i/ KilllliiK . managri o| die
I "I Si in I hr i n ( .i I ih 11 m.i In ii.ksli i| r .mil lit r using i illii r 11 s ,i
pi i iblrni mil just willi siiKlrnlN Inn mill \ null ns and iHMiksloirs “
Mn liarl IVi.ud, .i siinirnl ,ii thr l ol Norlli ( aiolin.i .n ( hapcl
Hill began selling I shills in | hr SUIIIUlci o| I d.H't thtnligll his
I omp.im I hr shills Ir.iluiril .1 iiiik k Budmisii i.m mih (hr slogans
' I Ins lie,n h is loi V Hi" .mil "Sags I lead - the king ol IV.n hrs '
In lilt i vcsol \nhriiNi i Uilsi h s lameis lVi.ud's shirts were the
king ol I 11> oils In Srplrlllhi I I'IS'l. thr hi riving lomp.llis surd
IViard hil lradriii.uk miimgrmrtil anil miiMinril anilioiitirs to
ini)h Hind Ins sii h k
THf A. Bi MN PlAiNSMAN A. Kl W\ ;
i iglil niontli' Liu I .it If i Ilf I .lit) S t.uniK
h.itl Mink .ilxmi S r. lMHI miu .illumes I, t v. ,t
|urs mini in llt i .till s t.ivui
" li« n '"ii if In-ini’ 'net! by .1 big
1 oiiipaiis likf ilii' f \ t* 1 v hods nsn .111 \ j nsl
lull' "\fi .inti saw 1‘lf.i'f ill hi 1 bull int-.
'.11(1 Rnbfll Rent ' lit 1.ml ' l.tvfifj "Mikt
Slot NI ll|) In I lit-in '
llui !l< mil 'i use i' unii'ii. il Mom si in ii-nis
selllr 1 o|isiight t h.illt-nges oul 1 >11 mil 1
Nomi.ills wli.il happen' is ihai the\ y»el a
nasi' It-1 it-1 and the' vis. '(Tops, |'m vim ’
and dial ' 11. '.nd Robin Rollt*. t-xeiulise
duftioi o! tin- I s 11 atifiii.iik XwMiatiim
"< I i.idt-inark owners) ha noi 10 lot k |K-<>plt
up loi (billy's like llus "
See COPYRIGHT, Page 19
Students make
clothing line
a surfin’ safari
IhiHuchuhit, U. of Akron
life, from the perspective of two U,
of Akron juniors, is a safari at well a* a
Jim Wagner and Todd Thompson
own and operate Scabies Expedition
Company, which offers clothing they
design and market themselves. Their
fashions - a cross between the surfwrar
style and Banana Republic - have
'really taken off.’ Thompson said.
Thompson came up with the idea for
Scabies as a high school student
freelancing for a surf company in
Huntington Beach. Calif, While doing a
show, he and a cownrker came up with
the Scabies name for a company
When he came to the U. of Akron,
Thompson used $600 his parents
fronted to prim l SO T-shirts, which sold
in less than a week. Shortly after, he
met Wagner and the two marketing
majors became partners.
Business has been good for the pair.
Scabies broke even after the first six
months of operation and grossed aboul
$12,000 in 1990.
Most of the profits so far have been
reinvested in the company, but
Thompson said starting in *92 he and
See SEABIES, Page 3£