Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Page 12, Image 20

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\S Ji.il tin urn do \shcn you ic ilu J>i^< si lln.ish J».i11<i
111 die vm if Id. .1 ginup tohosr i.txt f t ic mm v >1<1 rnoir ill.Ill
11 ii I In mi < opirv Raisr I hr Makes o| i ouiv i Ji.il s just
\s h.t( Mrf.tllh .1 h.ts ||< mi with
thru srlf tulrd tilth album. a
irm.ii kahh \aiml irlt asr th.it
junmisrs to hii .1 k nt'w ground
alx»\r .iiki Ik \umi (In tralm i>1
stwrd inrf.il
I he t i .i < 1«‘ 111.«1 k Mr (.ill i< a
sound is still c*\t«lc‘Vi(. hut a nrwfound intrirsl m vailrl\
and i< Muirs allows f*»i stvlistn drpaifiiK -s like
hai mom \ orals m “ I hr I nioigisrn. and a l mnard
Hrmstun (jiioir dunng thr thtaslt~w.ilt/ ' l >«»n I I irad
< >n Mt I ii tioin i sr 1 louc MrhiH; «. is msit .nl a
matuir ssnih hom a hand jroisrd to hast thru ^iralt •>!
si i« i t s s ■ >! i dun o\s n trin ■ K n hat d ( ha Hr i>. I '>
/ Y' ’ < It Ills, til l
Kill l tide
mm i Smiths lead singri Sit j»h« n \lomsv< \ -u s
ht has a fust nanit hut hr II d< in itt has nrsri hrrn
known tor Ins lighissri^lit |m»|» musihihtirs With 1 ht
Smith' a lit I in »\s s» i|t i M« *l l ism s lias i ar < 11 - ml a I; !• lit
as f hr j m k I lauiratr of an^si
* n
I hat sums is ihiraunril In
Ills l hir il i cli .m Kill I u. h
I In n is iimu^li allies! in tins
album in ill 1 \ t- i In \bu limn
1 alii i nai li (lii hi iii ill ink Inn
il is i IiiiiisiK irali/iii anil mmi'
i< nuni's* i ik (it iIn isliuiinu s< Il
pii\ •»! ,i |h *|> slat Ihau "t ih< it utine il u.ul *»! an .him
I he mu m» a I (jualih «»t Mi >n iw<*\ s m»|o \m n k has
.iI\n .»\n lx c n a in tit h 1m It »w 11 i.i! - -I I hr Smiths, hut nr\n
mi I1I1K h as it is hrir lapsing into one }h»j> » In lit- atlri
ant iilui
hum most .mists .m alhtim ol the- t .tithe i <*1 Kill
l U t hi Id 1>< .i fotgn.iblt t .tsils sht uggrd-otl bit oi
Hull but w< have a light to < \|>rt t molt tiom
Momsv \ ■ Antis Waltoii l n n Whirl, Fmoi\ l
Ned's Atomic Dust Bin
(w*/ htddtr
I xplosnelv <It-11\<-i<-<i .iiim i wit .tud --.iii .ixin ill i\(
I ««/ I iMn. thr dehut iclease hum Ned s \tomii Hum
Hm ,i unmg Hiitixli h.tml who
i hose thru n.line troll! .ill old
HIM i onicd\ m i ie\
AlolllK " lx i le.u l\ (In
opeiatnc wold in then name,
ax the allium ix puiftv 45
iniiiuiex ot lontiiitioiix rapid'
tile ei options ot si mud and
\oi( c and dust inset even gels a i ham c to xeitle
tietoie II plasx thlough
I he i hvthnui song "Hupps ix eaxilv the alhtim x
Ih x|, with the ,k win luux.' ( -him I will talk mas lx
mhi will listen, lull \ou won't heai a single wool I vis
I hex ie lieu to do then own kind ot mtixu and
nothing else hnthusiaxm and enetgv ol tins soil an
iiimmon to soimg hands > the oldest nicmlx i ol Ned s
lx '.’‘.’I. hill to i hail nel those 11 ails into a (oliei ellt and
solid dchul alhtim. as these guts do, is ipnti an
anornplishmcnt ■In. \damx tTulhanumiittukA 'I
Don't dream
they're over
( H I huh I • >1 Ok lain ttit.t
\11s11 .tli.* s ( lumlni Houst ne xt i
had t«> stumble h »i mu «rss
Him l‘*Sh dehut album < ri<a</o/
Houm, sold molt* than a million t opit s
anti piotiiit c<! i \o ‘J single* in tin
t mini Stairs vMth its hist it It mm
"1 >< oi l I)it .mi Ii N ( >\t i
< >tlit i smelt's Si mit t hmg Si.
Stiotig and " better IV Home St.on
(llir lattri limn thr hand's set mid
gold-selling album, l hr IrmhU of I nu
Mr n i shtivsrd t hat t hr sung
vMltt i guttaiist \ril I inn i mild
ad j u si to thr }>«»|) woihi < Iranh
horn thr iiiU'lli^rlK firw wa\r hr
i n atrd with thr Spin hn/
h n hrm iht rr \rai s mih r w<
last hail tin jdrasuir of a
( low (led Il»msr na *»11 i hut
then “irsl is «»\ct. and ihr new
irlrast \\ iunlfui t, is vvrll woith
thr wait I hr album shows a nrw
dun turn and a nrw nirmbri.
m u ' niuiin i i mi i.tivi Hum
the spin t ii/1
Km prnhahlv ilu- must (uliiitul i>t
\usli.ih.i s pop hi.iim Is t omrs (min
neilhet ill the I inn limlhc is Inn (mm
I’.iui Hc-sifi. ilu- in.iii i.i|i|inu; .tw.n .it
(ns ill inns while dam mv; and siii^inj> in
\idi ns Hi swaikt u.i/v .mil Ilium
not in mention a little i Itiinss
"Hello- I his is I'.ml llesii-i
"Hello I'm “
"Hello- Hello
Sot exactly the pntuiesijiic
i lit l ih I in Hun lo the ill 11 ill me i ot what
Miutc \.is is ihc world s |»«• 11«* i pup
ti.uid Bin I (itu-ss ii wouldn't be
\llsll .ill.in .(IIS I lllici Ss.lS
I he \ iis1141ian mi.ilt- ism t
pal 111 lll.ll Is .1 111 lylil s|>f i M s 1 |, sil l
c\|)I.IIUfd .11II I wi sscii lei iiiinei led
Bui sen Ineiidls. tilendK .mil duinli’
I lies ss.dk min l.mi|i posls. .mil il
dnesll I hllll lliein I lies |usl (use a Ini
■ >1 .11 lull kle
\liei sse li.ul ,i I hi ol .i i hut kle about
his phone in ml lies, I iesiei ^nt d.mlsi
set unis about I he hand and Us newest
meniliet I mi
'll ssas a In! haul ai tiisi, lies ause it
It was a bit hard at first,
lx'cause? it was the end of Curly.
Carry and Moe... and the
beginning of Shemp."
— Paul Hester,
Crowded House drummer
"as ilu nut u| ( urlv Lim anil Mm
and ilu- iKninnmn nl Slump," llrstri
'aid Hill dir ad\an(.igrs id 1 nil air
'•minus Mr ' got a gnat vniir and a
strong [k ivinalin
1 hr nmli loinird Inui-picrr hand
hrgan i ri i n diny I hr songs in Inns
liiinir sindiii U'tuir taking llirin In I us
\"K‘ lrs in Ik- linishrd mill pimlniri
Miu lull him mi
I hi* iiiar\rimis rrsnlls air tills inns
mill tin Ills! singlr. "I lim ulalr ( jkr"
S,IM>,I"1« I ps\i Ill-drill lunik Irrl In go
along mlh a i uninirni on \ merit an
main lalisin. n in an mdi< anon oi
U'(tad/an as a wht >Ic
11 v«»l »\ u ms|\ a lot bmudei Hesin
said " 1 hen s moic in it than oihn
( lowded House in old', with I hr
extremes t»oilli; lioill **( hoiolate
( akc through to a son^ lik< Ml I
\sk i with a J I pit < e <11' hesli a I'
sounds hk« a weird I win IV.ik'
soundliaik m somethiny lorn
Bennett ma\Ik
l'<juail\ giHMl aie the (ia< ks “ll s( )nh
\atmal and " \\ < alhei With N"ti
who h |)i odui e a Milling i harm in
( onmausun Aside limn j >a i lit 111 a i Is
um id (i hi i ii 11 o i v i he\ sh«'W
w ha l H «• s t «• i tails " a Hf w
instrument. i nit s h.iinimii'ms
MM .tls
\ s ( t OWtlt’tl I I OHM' tout's
Not tit \ m»• i it .t lot tIn tit*11'
Hint*. Ilcslt'i is optimism .iImiuI
tlu* hand's Ittuirr and has one
st t iiimgh simple gi wl.
"We vs .nit to lx- able to do wliul
we want to do, when we want to
do it.’* he said “VVc t«' 'K
s| >oile<l ( hildien like esetvuie else We
want to have out own audience and
maintain n
“We lo\c ^oing amund tin world
and plaving to everyone and then
going home to \ustralia to live
Yes, Australia, one of “the world '
In st vi lets." as Hestet said I he plan
where men stumble into street light'
and then walk awa\ giggling but that
isn't our deal Hestei. is it
“I used to do that but I \e learned
I \e Ix i ome slighth iiiltuied now I in
a bit of a pomp."