Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Page 11, Image 19

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    What would you do if I sang (way) out of tune?
Bv SHU CKl Sh and ANN Kil t \
I hr I huh Iini’iiu. I ul Iowa
\ovv \oii < .in achieve wlv.il Milli \ aniIII
II ill Id n I a Ini' pciloimanic belnic .1 live
andiem 1
\ 11 win need iv .1 Mage and tin nerve I"
miii; in limn ul sirangeis
k. 11 ai>ke, dir latest high to li discisnhi lot
\inn n an miiiill. enables the 11 m i In sing
lead vui als id In 1 11 cords mi vvhit h 1 In
hi ii;in a I voi a Is 11 a v 1 * In t 11 n un iv i d I hr
device. wlinli niiginali d ill |apaii. in
lii'i inning increasingly pupulat in tin
I 111I11I Stairs pal Hi illailv ill 1 ollegc li mil
( had Hugos, a junior al thr I ul Inwa
lias pci lih 11 lei I tunr in a Ith .li b.u and said
lie plans In go hai k Ini inuir
km alwavs singing ai wink, so inv liiends
alwavs wauled me In do 11, lie said Mlei I
went mil and broke the nr. 1 Ins started
di illlg II Inn
Ill 111' 111 MS I | I . I III 11C I I MI III.II ll I Ullg"'
Milt I M\I Mi.uk livlllt IV VJ,v .ml
IV.n lim.tii I m in i ( hcnlitu ' ' Liking ( .in
ul Husihcss
I mi Kt .im• ■ 11 .1 l I « nii'i s.ihI sin like s
k.ll .H>k( mollis kill .HIM tlll't .llllHV j HI || ill Im
llltt't.tl I Hllll C.U ll HlllCI . .Iltll II I' Im IU'I ill.m
pist sillmg .inmild .mil dunking
‘I'm set'll ,i t.lllt'H ul | mi i j ill' get up there
.mil ilii ii. Rr.tgcn '.ml \mliiiih nlm is
guts! fill HUjIl In get ll|i their 1' tl'tl.lIK | ii rut
Hell ti l l ist'd I’l liple HIII) .11 i n I gutsi
r imUgh .lie usually the tines nlm gii up
I lit 11 iliiuik
I lie k.ii .ink.! device t misists ul ihh
I 111111 It 1111' 111 '. .1 I lltllp.il t (list pl.IVtl lli.il
plus llie mh .ll her iilllsii .uni ,i Iclcvistmi
taring the pel tunnel that illspl.iis the Ivi n S
Ilir k.u .Hike 11 i.ii hliies have smile I null m
el I ci is in enh.HH i i smgci s \i Hi i sin h .is ,i
slight ei ho ,ui(l Hint l.ipsi I he eiili ee (.Ul
.ilsii digitalis .illei the piti li ul .1 sung In
match the singer
Heading down the Atlanta highway . U. of Iowa seniors Kelly Anderson and Jenny Hall join
their friend Teresa Michel to do the cosmic thing with a Love Shack' rendition
(contmiK'ci from page 10)
I ft) people itiosil\ lui l.uluic id dispel sc
Moms s.iitl
i In mi idem has put tin .iiuui.il sin ( I
|l.lll\ 111 lllllllll
1 ll said wll.tl Used lu lx “tile biggest tiling
in North l aiolm.i has li/zled mil almost
i (implc Iris III lu rill Seals
I lie ( lleeliville ail I llol llles mas liase pul
an end lu the HalloSseeU pails it I ( l , hut
the limn of \iheiis ( Him has appioat lieil
the pmhlem a Ini dilteienlls \ ma|oiils on
the ( Its ( i till ml soled to sain I mil the pal ts
putting all end to I t Seals ot illegal sheet
I lie palls tlsel! didn't i lunge min h I In
sheets sseie i lined volunluiils and a group
(ailed the ( lean and Salt Halloween
( .oiiiiintlee Ix-gan otgani/ing the lesiisal
Mas oi Sal a I lentil |< IseI an outspoken
< mu ol the event, said making it oltit lal
doesn't slop outail-tossiieis limn "liiimiig
the lossii into a i esspool She si ai lied that
even ssith the i itv’s sain lion, sslin h ssas
I eliessed lol tills seat lasss ale hat ked up bs
hells lilies
“People seem to think that tl the street is
11( ised its no holds hat led. lull all lasss still
(onlinue to Ik- enlolied." she said, adding
that most iniihlems aie i aused hs otilsidels
"It it Ssas i miliiled to a (ommumts event. I d
have an enlitels dilleienl altitude
Ol Student Senate 1'iesident l lltoi
Rat/in a n, ss ho is also i o-t hat i man ol the
(dean and Sale Halloween ( ommitlee.
already has a dilleienl altitude
Rat/man. a senior, said having the event
sam honed took a little of the tun out ol the
pat ts. hut it didn't keep the i lovsds anas
Polite estimated the PUN) turnout at 1‘J.INN)
while organizers said about la.not) people
showed up lot the event
Stu Williams, a juniot at Lehigh l was
taking a seal oil horn v hool in IWd when
he and a Iriend det ided to embaik on the
nine-hour journey to ()hio from his home in
Williamsburg. Va.
“I don't know tl anything's worth limits
ol driving, but I guess the i ostumes i aim
pretts < lose," he said
The great hangouts: Too cool for school
1 \et\ i olh*i*c fowli has one a |>Lu e vvheir students 4" just I«»
han^ out None .iiccutih alike but a lesy stand mu liom the < i owd
1 {(If s a look .1 Millie o{ I he most unujue jil.it e\ vs 11 e 1 e students
,ii mind 1 hr 1 oimtiN .11 e st tending the n urne and moiie\
The Varsity \tlanta,(<u.
lew ( .eoi ^i.t 1 eat h student s would Ihink fwit e ihoul eat nu; 1
' n.ikc d d* walking
I his naked ujmi.iIK |nonount ed tu kkn! ■ do^ walking is “ I nails
.1 | (lain ht ilci* |o 1 01 dei etl a I I he \ .u sll\
\ < 1 j.u fill li i llif I rfi H |i|4 I ei li
i ampin. I hr \ .is H im i hi mu m K
i .lilt'll. Ii.ii bn li .ill \ I I.HII4
i ml 11 ii I ii hi tui nun f l Ii.iii 'ill
Vf 411
I Ilf \ li I .1VI S .1 lllg I IIIVI11
iltiiiiif 11111• li .mil 1111111< i Ilium
I veil llii (in h.ilii lfijiil.il i ti.iif
iiuiitilf liniliinj .imitnni; tli.tt i .in
|mm ini .i line in lln til (if l iiiji
.11 t-.i If I .(11111 ( I lint .in c III [ill
i Ii.iii
t >ii u.inii (l.ii i mi in 11 nun If i
llicniii lu i tin kv it tlifi i .in vjfi
mi itic \ .mils mil "t tin iiicfi
nun li Ini gel mmIf i" pl.ii i' .hi
ul del tin ill iii^i .uni .in I 1 1
111 cm Ii I i ici 4ii(t .i I imii'il
l >i .i i i_j> i
Midnight \ r tins .it c m « \rt ul.i\ niitiiicim f«»t '• »inc I * • h
Minim is, c\|h( uillv dining IVad Week and finals. win n evrivniie is
up studying. m .it least dunking -tinml studvmg hu liiiaf ■ \m.mdu
till skill. I hf / ri hnujui (aoigia l ei li
Valhalla Houston, /f’.vn
lui some, M is ,i I nt kv numliei li means tin a gel lo lake oil all
(lieu t lollies, tovei then private palls with shaving i n am anil mil
through puhht plat es
( tub I f a I oetl group ot stieakeis al Kit e I dial mils oil dll I 'ill
and '-’ndi "I eat h month. lies, ends on a gi jtluate sludenl li.u ■ ailed
\ alll.llla lo let else dee ill inks and lots ol applause
Valhalla, a loud uiusit filled loom undei the i hemislis lei line
hall, is one ot die final slops on die gi imp's horn long run around
i ainpus t he t out rete walls ot the hat lealmt photographs ol Kn e s
past and silt h rsolrllt giafliti as die tin ai Imwht at id t vt It diawn
i oniplete with molet ul.it slim lines, hs an anonvnious him hcimsuv
Before making then w.n lo \ alhalla. the i lull memheis mil
almost even ot i upietl Inn tiling (and olien run (liiough evening
c \.imn 1, |« i\ing h«m|\ pt inis in ,m\ -m < c ssiIi|c window Oth« i
students “the h users." Ii\ to denise live tunnels Wltli watei In Vs.1 sil
awa\ tin' shaving i ir.mi
"Running in i naughts In lino like when von te 10 \eais old and
sneak out ot tlie house sanl |ohn the |»i evide nt ot the gtoup
< hit) 1'1 i (*tniiids \ alii.ilia *|ulionsi ot then south It sminil tin
lew i ein.lining ti .u lit ions at Knt
\eil \ 111 vs 111 c \ alhalla managei said most people ate \ el \
enthusiasm aU.m the mnneis
Most < lap and some en*n take oil then * lollies, don shaving
Members of Rice U s Club 13 drink their beer in the buff In
Valhalla, an on-campus bar.
( i» am aiui join in he sain ■
\llll /llIC'l k«»j>J . I hr Ilh f
I h ! f s hr') l\ 11 < l
Muddy Waters
\tnnit<if/"li\ \1mn
Rrmiinbn vshtn \ou \sck a
knl * ih! M < -m in .11 lr \ * 'it l'< >|>
I art s of I i ii 11 loops loi
hi t nktast
\ imI it uui si ,i \ ft | on l of
tr<>u)>Ic until lum Ii Non ^ot
Sp.i^hrMl < ) n
Students ,i I thr l ot
\lllllicsi >la I rhw flu >m « .ill'll i «
da\s .it flic- Mudclv \\ alrt s C .tt«
I hr irsi.miant >po lali/cs m
pop i u I ( ii i < <lr le t t a bit s
il<•si^ntal to In < hildhond
I l^hl li» \« Mil l.iDIr
I ill not cu’li Mil c w 11\ we stalled SCIMII^ lh.it Mull said (..ill
IMlW.ilis. W hi m tMiwilN (hr < .lie \s 11 h K11 si I Iki kv .1111
\lv |>.trinn .mil I jiisi |n11 binds mi flic menu tli.it u< i»t'rw up
with, dial ym ir caw tofiv 1*1 ins.ul> added
\ludd\ \S aicin is i i .11iiIn a « Im rd Ih\u mi • »n tin nt bet wise dt ah
1 Mid.iIf \\rime in south Mmii' 11h#1 is
ll> pastel pink lights H Irani nsc II min the (talk ss Inn dlll^rnl
sttlih Mis limn both lhr 1 of Mlllliisnla and the ^lllllltap* ills
( nllri'f «»l \11 and Design an siill ijuattiiig Wains blew and
d* ni»u1111Kh r ktispir IK ils
I hr dr< m is as r< t rnllK as llu in* till I lie tables. « hails and
sll\rt\sal< air a h< >d^« |w nl^r • »t (lit hie 111 shirs t nun I >r« o to !**'»( »s
pi ipuluv
I * 11 vs a i (s s.nd slu dunks \|iidd\ Wains' populaiih is dm in its
di\i isr • lirntrlr
W ( j»rl sin h a wide \.mrt\ < »l people people limn uptown
businessmen mi the wa\ to wml at lists and iiiusk l.ms she said
VV( ft both du 1 M and M( M) • jot
I hint. IM >.1 / ’. II .»l Mmiiesi»ta