Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Image 18

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    Life and Art
Out with apathy, in with activism
upswing in service leaves
student governments empty
I hr l huts Cnmnli'aman, l of iVnnsvIvama
While l of Pennsylvania student leaders were (omplammg alxnil
apathv toward student ^»\uiimcni last spring, some ut
thru t lassmates wen pu pating to he lp hmld houses fot thr
homeless dunng spring break
Student life administrators at toss the tountrv teftnit frwei stutt« nts
ate nmmng lot positions m student goveintneiits «u mi at tivities
lx »aids, but volunteer <Hgam/alions are exjx i ten* mg giovsih
In let ml elet turns for th< Student \t tiMties ( a»unt il at Penn, onls
nine students vie*d ft »i the live }m»mtiems
^ el Ke n.i S.11 cit> l of It \as San \ntonio s assistant duet toi foi
university e enter piogtaius. s.ud mteiest in t ommunits service and
etiMioiime'iital issue s has grown
Penn students who hel|>ed build houses dm mg spi mg break \%n *t«
on in lei est sins evs that lhe\ wished tt» help otheis m Philadelphia
Philadelphia is a!IIIt leti b\ j>« t\ t 11\ tit a a\ and htiligei w t ole
(umoi ( ail Beigainini I let I a miiv of < I u (\ t« ■ bung t hange to list
what I have Ixen given min eeiueatioii. tot mstatu t and t«» help
Students se use of t ihligatle m has Uanslaled lit’'' "k\io< krtllig
numlit'is of volunteeis lot Habitat hu Humanitv said \ntlv I usk
the giolip s t amjnis t haptei asst k late
Habitat, a glass units organization that renovates and builds
houses, plavgiounds and lommiinitv renters. <ugam/es an
alternate spi mg break m vs hit h slue tents fiom s, ht •< >|s at row the
nation spend a week building houses and getting to know an
i!u|m»\e t isheel t omtlUitlltv
When the alteiliate spring bit ak piogiam started two \eais ago
U •! Tim Slolent G»nt
NaWttf Itf HMUiity
wtciMiiw 2500-3000
I uvk said ll.tbit.it planned lot HUt) students .md \s,ts plrasaiith
suipnsed when rie.u U I JtMi M^nrd up bu the program
l u>k said h< thinks tii* * t r students air getting involved m
(iiiiiiminiu sciuk U i .him- thru is a 11101 r \ isihlr nrrd foi it than in
tin past
\<*\\ it s just 11»iwng inti»ihe tmettoni. he said Von t an t turn
a blind eve Ik t ause it s just d<»v*n tin- stirrt
Dtru /ttUrt itnrf S< <<tt ( iilint. llu Dailv I’rnnsvlvanian. / oj
I'nm-wh'Ufiui. i(mtnbuu4U*Ihis \(on
Halloween parties haunt town officials
Thousands of costumed students flock to
the U. of California. Santa Barbara
Halloween bash.
Bs M1KI (.Kl Hit
Du- /'.•>/ (tin.' I
i hr most i limit thing about I lallourrii
lul most e ullrge students mas Im dloppmg
ben bombs otl thru loots onto
unsusprt ling tin Is-ot-tir.ilris Hilt lot some
ibis iviti lung ludidas b.is tinned mild
man nil ed campuses and towns into
Uonalidi mei i as loi pal tsgoei s
I boiisands ot people spill out into tin
streets. Miobolu minis mi\ with sweat
laughlel and i ainbum lions bowls, i i eating
an almosphete best di sc nbed as bi/atie
W lu*i <■ else i an someone see o\ci si/ed
genitals mingling with I lie ( bun b I ad\
It sui b costumes i an lie i on side led
cieatise ail, then local [mine might be lilt
gullets s woist i title v Dealing with
ihousuntls ot dninls and disguised stiangeis
is u.il erne <.1 llieu tasonic pastimes \ tsitois
i nine uniiisiled and lease siguatuies "I
sandalism. litlei and piles ot |iolii e i i |h il Is
Sgt Sam f 'loss ot tile I si a \ isia I • m »f I’ati ol
al the I ol t alifoima Santa Baihaia said
eai b Halloween bungs with it a sometimes
week long sit eel pal ts leatimng 'people
walking ai"Und in saiious stales ol
mioMi alum
I d lose to tell them to stas borne." he
viidol iIk estimated r.MMHi. lo.oooreuieis
"No one minds petiplc hasing a good time,
but their < uinrs nub ii a certain
In ia|>«• i the turnout. the t m ol Santa
Karbala lias waged an ad t.impaign in aiea
newspapet s wat ning pi ospci live pat tv
pilgrims that gelling inn towdv mav land
11 h i n in a pill i ell
\l hasi < ainlina l howevcl, Itxal (mine
have taken the haul line with a mote
aggl issue appioai h aimed al (leafing the
sticcls Mini hnal pidlte i ailed 11 * S T s
( l owd e si i male < >t 10,110(1 "low thev go I
set |< ills
III 10,HS, die i unit late skvrot krtrd. said
liinig Moms, an K I |imnn and managing
eihlol o| lhe si hem! newspapet Despite
i aim i omhtioiis and lowet < towds, he said
p' iln e made iei ■ nd attests
\ Ini ol high si IiihiI gangs showed up,"
Mmiis said ! liete wete a lot of lights
In I "SO, jh die i it led i losing the enure 10
hloi k aiea whi le the party had always taken
plan Smdenls tnrirlv moved the
11 I e hi at ton lo most Iv student-rented
apartments, whit It olleied even less spat e
I’olitt showed up hi tint geai and arrested
See HALLOWEEN. Page 11
I want your sex:
Classes arouse
a new interest
Thrlknh Srtnaskan, l of Nebraska
Sabrina Prince re.u heel the < limax of
hei education last \c.u in a psychology
“One dav we all had to have an
orgasm lot the i lass," said Prince, a
(unioi at ( teightonl Prime was one ol
thousands ot students enrolled in
human sexuahtv i lasses at toss the
" Mmost all universities have some
tv 11« of ionise." said | nil Mloitlidge
direr lot of library services at the Sex
Infoi illation and I- dm a lion ( ouiu il ol
die l lilted States
“We i ovei the totality ol sex as we
know it. from the underlying physiology
in i on11 at eption said Hit hard
Dielistbiei [Hotessoi ol psychology at
the l ot Nelli aska " I lien is nothing m
tilt sexual alea that we don't lour h
I e.u lung lei I III e i lasses of lit'
student' the s|/i of the I N i lass
inhibits dehates in projeiis whi te the
students pretend to he parents
Ihenstbiei viul
Diensthiei said he emu lies die i lass
with a x.11 h tv of s|leakers instead of out
* il-t lass projei Is.
I do invite a man who spent the lust
_’<l veai s of life .is a female to speak
I tie list hie i . who leaches fiom a
textbook said taking the i oursi is an
enlightening ex|K i u ni e
I think students, altei they take tin
< lass, are far more open about
at I ept llig lithe I people’s sexuality
wtiu h may lie dilleient than their own
hi- sard.
fit)* 1