Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Page 8, Image 16

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    Big Brother a reality for some Chinese students
l hr 1 huh. I ut \\ Mshingtim
I)t spin i s iill -tu ( ih.it this .iti In-1ii)4 me>m!iu i 11 hs
j|nu i nun ut 'iltii i,t|s Imtii thru liumr l.rmi. • him sr
mikIi ills .ii srsn.il imivi'isuit s i laim this .urn t umricii
,iIm mi ir|K 11 iissi. ms sir milling hi m i then | m >ht n .ilmilivism
Its untiling in li .ii s.nil Ping I m>. .i l nl W.ishiiiginti
gt.ul stuilrtll Sshn hr.iils llu \ ssi it i.ilrd ( h 11 if si St mil nis
Mill! Si In il.il s ,i g|nli|i irpit -ruling ( him si gi nl si mil ills
" I In s i .in n.iii h .ill lhi s \smiiI Nnhinl\ In n i mh s nun h
mI h ml ii Urn still giiiiig tii i iiiitilliii ill ling Mini -ms ii ig ssh.it
SSI Ss.llll
I no sus|Ki is tin sum ill.iiu i i- bring i iiinlui ini I is mumII
I Ml lions 111 II II ,ll ( llllll sr g"S I I mill'll |S I Ml 111 I ill Ml I Mil .ill - 'll!
it Ii ii t hum lh< < him v i iiur.il giisriiiiiiiiii
" I hr 11 mini gi isi-mini in ill m l ss.uii in t.ikr ih.it nsk hr
s.llll I 11 MI nilMgr ssnulll 11M til Mgr llll 1.1! I I Ill'S Ss.llll III
|)ln|ri I r-jxi i.ills i iglil iinss
Ki |inlls nl .illrgnl spsing Ml I \\ suif.uril Mioilllil I hr
s.ltlll llllll I llllll SI St 111 ll Ills III g.UI glMIlllg ll|l II! I lit K' llll
the v i ■ mil .immri'.us til 11 If 11. in. in men S< | u. u e I1U".K li
Sew t I i ( tuiMM student' it l \\ III In \ I- thr\ ll.ivi
nil -untied .VyiiM iiiinrnt iriliimi.uii I he\ .m l.unili.ii with ,t
111.Ill v\ ho i Lilli I** tt i lx .1 trlli ill I \\ Mill It'll! hut tin el .Htflltls
i I.ivms lit i it it-ti ,i|i|>i ,ii\ .it ,ii m im meeting' ivkm)> .tlx wt
'Huh nt' .Hid tin-it pnliiti .iI lu ll! I' Hut I im '.ml In- w.i'
"They can watch all tho*y want. Notxxly
titjrt; a irt *s mudi atxxjt it... . W< ?’re still
gotr lg to cxxitn me cion lg and lying
wl t< it Wt ' W. If tt.”
— Ping Luo
lineti i.itti at tin c\-u t n.itinr ill tin in.iii \ ,ii tivitic' .iml
didn't Im Iii'm In- jHivd .im tini .it
I In 11 pul t 111 mi I \\ |>l ci r did c if lit' .it t hi l 'it
( .tlili u III. i In' \nm li' white the 1 ( I \ I ,nw ,t m '•
Student \"iu i .it ti m i in ill.Hei I I In i ' in gin)j m tide nl' .mil
I.H tills In < Il .ill ( till ( .llll|lll' Spit ' llulll I .UW.III
I h< null rv billowed I Ik attest nl |c.m Krn ( lull I he
I atw.inr si ilui tnial i andiduie was jailed nil sedition i haiges
during a lese.ux h visit to his native eountn
I In sitidi nl gniii|) said dial ilu I aivvan governtiu i
brought evident e against < hen that mold mth have hei n
gatheii d h\ uihuiliallts11|«-|atingiill the l < I \ i umplls
Hut I mi said am eudeinc gathered against ( hitiesc
students piobablv wouldn't lie used against them il thi s
returned t<> ( Inna in visit In lai l he said, several nl Ins
h lends had it.ueied theie this snnunel wit hunt i in idem
I in was at I ianannicti Stjuaie tun veals agn and atlei the
hinndv I I at kilnw n nil inn deillui rai V |)l ntests, he v\ as
mini tiled In 11 lends that lie was in danger and should leavi
lVeipilg lie made Ins wav In the I nitetl Slates, when hi
i nil I 111 ties In wnl k nil he ha 11 nl the at tiv Ists remaining III
( Inna I tin attributes his l.u h n| leal now In iwn impmiani
ele11n ilts die sluing nigam/aiinn nl ( lunesi- students in tin
I niled States and suppni t Irotli l S i iti/ens
" Ilu \ mil u am .ue verv enni erned with the issue nl civil
lights hen and tliev wouldn't tolerate aiivthmg happening
ti i us.” he said.
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it ontinued from page 6>
Imm jxiIh i .md militars manuals, I in \nanhist limkhiok < ont.uiis
detailed, step-hs slip mlntllialiotl till everything tl I nil host 111 IUI n
.1 shotgun mill .( Him.nit 1.I11IH hei It! “let ipt’s" Ini Ie.ll g.ls amt
1 line''. .i1m i .i lengths set l it in nil drugs. with in lot nut mu nil 11 1
Uses. pH | i.i I .tl li >11 .111(1 t tit i Is nt Sllhsiatlt fs111 >111 [Mil .111(1 pcsolt
nine .md t ounh svi up ()llt‘ let i|H* It >1 "I Mii.tu.it 11 lie t an even have
lllost des|Ktale Ini a hn// Innli ill alum! hse hums it lilt s base lln
paln in e in pit pan 1 r> jHiunds ol hananas
! lit pm pose nl all this- In "sin Mime stagnant In.iiii tell' hi
at l H hi . i (. t> k an i Inn William l’i iss ell said in I lie In ink -
lllllodllt lltlll A I tile llllle nl lilt lit ink s pi 11 ills) II lie I Well III' 1 .
and m nue nl lln im ai t nil it I al I he lime t il l lie lit it ik s publishing salt I
die lit mb was lieset me.nil Inin taken mi mush
'll Has Imili a t niinsHs and an amusement in student ladu al'
liltil e all .11 tilat I than an insti nt ttnli book said 1 Si his It n'
pit ilt smn IVit Riples, hIih i ihns a 11 ips til die <.nokbook. "Il ssas likt
a 11 mniei t till in e 11 »llt r la I lie I m it ik
|el( mu Sit I n ani eetI
Il Has Im laiilass I e\nlnlnmaI it ' said the 1 SI I 11ni>'
pinlesst n . h ho ti at lies a < lass mi pop t il I Im e ' 111 the 11 niseis .Hist
m it idle t lass, ii minhl appeal (juile (lightening. hut its leal plat e in
Insii n\ has it i dn with die it imam e nl the lesulumuiais
I lit shei ill's tlepai tllieill dtn s!i I t|Ulle see I! dial Has II take'
die potential lhieal seiioiisls — so seriously. in Lit l. dial nhile
I t (Hit lit i ssas slid III die ( apilol, until I silt I ill I alls ( allipht
appt a I ed i ill It n a! teles tslon \sidi a t tips t il the In x ik (n unlit mm t
dial l edlh i lei had I n t il si lids my il
1 till n’t lei gust up Hidiout im idem and without gelling his *•***’
[ells doughnuts \nd suit t that lime lie lias been deemed until
stand li i.il m die stale nl Honda
llui Simpson said there wcie maleiials in the ollite that
I et 11 K tit i sei/ed dial toultl hast’ been used In make e\plosl\e' hs
someone lamili.u ssiih die t ooklinok.
Hul Small said d it | m ilit t m enai n i is i it lit ulotls
1 think il is amusing," he said “ 1 lie gus didn't even hast- a take
gun I he hit I th.il lliis gus had this hook doesn't hast- a I is real
h veins dial ( |m ilit e i hast lit idling hctlei to do than talk .dxn*i
lIllS 1 M H I k. " Ilf SUIll
I tillege and high si hool students make u[) die laigesl |>ortioii "I
dn (imklnutk m.iikel. Hesides IxMikslores, Iim .i1 hhiaries eidiei hast
it hi t an gel il
Hul Small said iheie ait- more dangerous btMiks on the niuiket
than / he Anarchist (.ookhook, and he t lies paramilitary manual'
allainahle ihioiigh adst ilismenls in Soldin ojFortune maga/nie as
pi I Hit
h ' kind o| like selling a Derringer pistol," said Arnold lx" •*
iepiesenlalise ot Rarritnile Hooks, the Nets Jerses company dial
publishes tlit < onkhixik. Non dies hast' Inmiks that show sou how l"
make .t hydrogen bomb in sour basement."