I'm NATION AI (01.1 K.I NKWNPAPKK' Hi {HrldllinK a v*nlr i anjjr >1 >>|»uin>m *t>«l nir.n t rpi uitrd fit mi hundirdi i»J •. imiim nrsvitfKipri t *»r in rtlluiHf ihr qualm "I Qtnput ilfr j»wr inlotm rniriuiii and the njii mal uiniciti I»k1v \Ar 4« Aimteller the t ommiimriii •»! iiintn.i p>ui iiaino -u ims dw tu*!»<K ihr a> Uviliri itiuri .uni ■ i >(1! n ll> n| iftri! |r ll< m it in|r nl i < JUIRUAN ANDtlirtORlAl DIRK.TOR (-a\ l< Vt.mu Sweet Land PRESIIM-VI ANDPt UlSHIX J N* ott V hitiidi S4 AN Al.INt. UirillR Mail! (haiiu-k AvMHMn u>rroR | ji k > I lamp!' •(> UlfTOR-SON IViJOVASHIP \ ilrnr l >»nei < i am/t Hrm l itllr^t | S Nr%*t.xi Ihttsktiern l*rugmK fr-auern Kr mm k> l IvkArnjjri /Ar/uwir’n • dim Stair l l atari iMiii)*ri / V tUrrt* James Madivm I MHTORUl ADA LSORA < Ol V 11 11 ms K"inu i. r»rnii*rlhir«i.ii I k itatlS yww l . dlrgr Mr-du \(hitrn IndMPut Iteuh 'UrtilrH! lfolijlla t 1,M t \K\M /V Ikiih tYnmyhtiHutH I nl l'rmmhjiiu Minuml Suilnan lhir.t.« I • •Jumitta ‘fetnUa.Mii hr« ^wiumiri <.4uitif*jt IN | l^iil Krrd NoocntkrtiaiHrtfuMr / V / HmA / Wi taMr'ii ttllfl. ai I trrdMr.Ullr * VI PM H-*.V il«A l •! I ifehtfiHj M>mm ( (nrm Ihirum .»|\4u *»J tti&uttri « .<-nrni Manj^ri Imiifpmtml Mi~i tn 1i7ij.-r— l . ./t i. m.U II ji t' Utminuim < M Ji a*n ia nos mamuj UnuW-hn Rra VATKJNAI AOV'IJimiM.DiKMTnt K.4. \nNMin MAIIJTLM, HASA(.»Jt I !>is Rriinrbrrn VAli.S t#»l< J.S ! hr (.i»rtilhri < *nt|Ull< ' 1'.' ’ ■ 11 ■sf * I in no and < .Ml '***> /HH ' S.MIU4 K \ik« uin > A| Si **I i !hr Prikmt < .Ml 4 4WrfiM K.rfi \nmtiMi *1? ‘Wt>*.»l«n S»iHt Mai vtijli M. 4 rfnir\ k IN<%U 41S 4 .'l ?SV1 ajuamu) snoAt wnuss ItMMI MiH-l Sal!l MH SDftJt \lhrrt t Khnnfrt 1 t» putAnhrd torn amr* 4 tnu tn Vmriliill 4 aJlrgutr Srtwkk H«Mnmiiv|'j/ViaK I.•* \i»icriri ( tali' « ui< Hlk rt ■ Mjui Micrt Vi;> a M.»«.« a i.\ IH (2H)4V4?lSl hi .Mil MvToih (aifATighi llW| &R MgtiU irw-ratl Sutm i) ' f, • /T.i» ' / V Rmnlr < i VBPA chkaui DAUA* umorr littAM.Ili.S SPH YDRIk VANttAMjMil A policy that’s Wilder than ever Bs KKISASNF ( OMBS I ttnnuhi journal, t ol \ ii ^iiii.i It Mims die I limy imln lhes< 1 dasst is li iin .Hid i uvei up the I .it i ill,it sun wiled Ini DougWildet Ms |k imiii.iI i.u lu is lo ifiniiiil jieople lh.il 1 cliclli' 1 Mile .il ill Nesei IlHIld ill.il | pjohahls would hase soled foi Wildet .il the Him- ) I Imdsight is alwass JO JO \nd It’s In i Dining i learn users das As i leal .is a i.indoin iinne sample .is ii wen ( >1 it' ot W ill lei s I,nest tollies is lit hung up the nli .i ol ihug lusting fin i ollege stitdeuls In light ol the M.m h ding i.uds .it the I "I \ Ilglin.1 Wlldel tin evs out i hi. it. intis po111u .11 si.ilfiuent i Ii .ii Is aimed .il showing the irst ol the n.iiion that I fenim i an and III p.il In li I.u I long Wilde i I .ill he .is lough on drugs .is die Bush .idnumsii.ition I his is, ol ionise iht s.tnie Bush admmislialioii ill,11 h.is dismissed ( l.uein e I lionets s mat ipiana use as “voulhtul iikIim retion i Il IS sei anolhei ill Wlldel s smug ol blundets dial has \ trgmians laughing and pundits si i eatunig Nesei mind dial he i an I 1 lata lit e die slate s htldgel keep Ii at k ■ tl lus petson.il life Ol gel his gov el mil e li I al pi 1111 lilts s 11 light Di nest I long hlillleh siiolls thloiigh (he ptesideiili.il pnniaiv game even though no one in his own stale i an Lake him seen msh Drug testing is all idea that no I esjiet lahle iiimei silt ail in i n i si i a I oi should take seiioush e 11 he I Neilhel should student leaileis But a I of V irginia huniei slndenl i ouiii il piesidenl told Ihr Washington /Vn/. “I'm sure that the goseitun s proposal would meet a lol ot opposition Itom a lot ttl sludeuls " He goes on to sai Bui then again, d vou're mu guilts, sou don i hast ansthing lo hull < Ihsiousls wools spoken hs a man who doesn t t sen Begin Ot 1 ompiehend the pi mi lple ol ins avion ol pi is.ti s willitnit due t airse Uildei told a let ends appointed \ iigima task lone on drugs and i nine at stall nmveisilit s that drug testing was a |>eilei lIs ai i cptahlc solution to die drug piohlem as long as it di k s not "inn iiloul i it i oiisiitutn mal guarantees " Vi ms like Wlldel |iisl made ms point lol me I guess as long as then s a legitimate |hiIiI1i al mouse, the < ouslltlltli ill i an lie thiownout ot the windiiw Wlldel reminded in that when he attended \ irgiina I inon l and Howaid 1 111 the 1 'lath, c <>ii11 ol ol students lises was "unite light Suue then, he said. T&HeM.VF f GOTTA URldE .< COfJWtf, R0U.IN THRU TH£ WIGHT.. / _n /Tt GOVERNOR'S MAMS/OW KfVIN THOMASON VVt^'-lT> 1 >■ HNAI 1 »i N i A unis 'I Ml les ll.ivr faken .1 "laissc/ I .t it * .11 (1 f11< 1<- towald (he at (toils of students I nil! (hr passage’ of tfi«.Jbdi \mendment m 1'Ch tolleges h.tii moic ol .i ne ed and .1 irsjM uislhllltv In .ii I “ill lot o jUJefltls" suit c flu large |no|)oiiion of students wen still mini »r s Bui flies* days, die overwhelming mujoim of < < »llege students at e o\ei I * Wildei needs (o feiuemhei dial a tlimersio Is a iHllimillim like am ol he! < ommumtv ■ »t I s.ouo Ii is made up almost < ntiieh of adults who. List lime I ( het ked. are free to make llie11 own i lion es i oiu ( i mug fusf about cwislhmg, im hiding whether oi not to engage ill illegal at (miles And if flies get attested. then that's (hen business, not flu goveinoi s ( ei tamh flu adminisli at toil is ( out ei net! alnmt the (juahtv of lit* at the utiivetsitv as u slit mid Ik Hur l< f s not take ii i«»i» t.ii Imagine ihe 11{>io.ii il Washington. 1)( M.tsoi Sh.non l*i .ill Dixon de< ided lo melinite drug testing iiwi i In cni n i i om mum i\ hei a use* ill ug dralels w r I r attested in s.ilimis pails ! live du issue lo ( atapult himself to du* White H« mis< — . .1 1-800662-5511 U. VIEWS College campuses have become a new focus for the unir on drugs. In light of growing drug-related arrests at universities at toss the country, many fH-ople be Here students should In- held more accountable for their actions, dive us a call, and tell us u hat you think Should college students be subjected to random drug testing to remain in good academic standing? Call our toll free numt>er today to share your views. Doug Wilder: A new campus crusader?