Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 24, 1991, Page 6, Image 14

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    Lesbian couple challenges
family housing regulations
Us PI IKK k\lK\
Ihiily ((iul\iuii, l of WiMomm
When \mt Mane Piazza t |w*si graduate
student at tin l < * I (begun and her
paituei I'.tmi l.i Ilai bemtriei applied lot
.hIuiismuii to tin st l»o<»l s lamds housing
tilin', in th< spring •»! |*hm». housing itfln iak
mmrd tin «<nij»l« cli»wu
I lie it ivon ll sent ask Piazza it is I* t atise
vhc and hr i j mi uni an gas
Us be 111a le vhian l in (Irllinl
ire ignition oj ms mamagr bs the l ntted
State sot \inema ' !*ia//a vtid
Piazza 'Nav mamed to I ial brinlliei h\ a
I mtai tan lasjw i v»n in l‘*ss
We base a thousand times in*»i< pront
than am regular ee»up!< that we i< Ik »nud.
Piazza sale! "People air |>eoplr |ustlk'iause
I in gas and someone rlv is stiaight ehn sii t
mean ni\ mailiage is hoi th le ss than thens
Piazza s appln atioit lot laimh housing
was ie jee it el hv the l of ( )u g<»ii and is now
firing ap|teale«I to the t lie O'H * ourt of
\pp< als
I h i < asr is ss mix the of a ejtie stlon that has
begun to appe al oil t ampusrs at loss the
e i unitiv Should gas aiul le sbian e ouplrs Ik
Urateel as familie s and given the same lights
as mat i leal he te n»se\uals
Mike | vste I , I 111 et till of holism g at the l
of (begun, saiel the srhool is eoiistanth
e valuating its housing poht irs ami » mild
e ditt risabls e hange them m the future
I heir s ongoing piessuie he sale!
"People that adminisle i the (housing
|mtin s want it to Ik fan
But Isstri sale! mam e>thrts seem
« omietitable with the wav things stand at the
l • if < M« g< hi
I heir aie people in < he g«»n who feed
\e i\ stiongh that gas and lesbian i ouplrs
should not he- allowed t«» live in fa mi Is
housing, he said
Some college aelnuilist! ato| s base saiel
gass should be able t«» live togethei in a
Iannis housing environment. an
eiu i»ui aging sign lot mans gas at mists
I ast Mas . following a Se a I-long selie s of
meeiings debates and totums. the l of
W i m on sin \ hub so n an not no eel it ssould
ope n its famds housing . omplev to ans
« oil pJes i < g ixt ei ed unele i the tits of
Maellson s i|oine s!u patlne (ship law
iEFF PASIE> \ • •.'! ■ '
Ann Marie Piazza and Pamela Harbeintner
wanted to live together in U. of Oregon
family housing The administration said no
\nimaii Sunsi.ul, l \\ Madison housing
diift t«>1 said the- dn ismn u.h .t h tic* him
i »l it k!.»% n »flanging s* * in\
It just sec tiled 11» us that culture s
* hanged a bit. and whv not * hange the*
jh »lit \ he said “I think it s sort of a tiend
\nd in l*HWi. adimnistt at* a s .it Staiiloul
l made all semies available to mained
students. tin hiding couples housing whu h
ts available l<> students “in an established,
long-term domestic pui turishij)
1 hr police. w hie fi dors not irijmia
students to submit |)ioo( of thru
i rlatioiisfiin. was rnai trd to make sine
Slatihud students “don t have l«» * boose
between at adeinu and soc lal
n sjh insihihtU N said lhll ( mages assistant
duei toi . .1 the Stantoid f lousing ( entei
(irotges sale! 11\ < single se\ couples an
living in fatitth housing this fall
Pia/za said she- would te mam optimistic
about he i case I think people are
he* * lining in* ue pi a* tie al.~ she - saul
I'lazza said she thinks it is important that
issues of this natUle ate hlOUght to the
attention **l iimu isit\ aelminisuations
I encourage an\ ga\ and lesbian couples
oi even single people to not huh behind
llu I! * o wot ke i s and It le nds >|n said
News from around the country
Volley till you drop II I <>l < .< <»i^i.t
students |.111. B.tuei le Mark (■uilbe.ui.
I<«Id While and ( Inis Blown ask you to
|da\ It unis willi lhrm. t lift k vom
t alt mini In st loi nexl week s
a|>|Miiiililienls. I he loin Metiers broke the
( m i in i ess \\ ni id Retold loi en till i allt e
doubles plat 1»\ grilling out I‘J.r> hours ol
sti.light tennis Imui Mar J7 to |une In
iln pint ess. iher raised approximately
s7'i.01)11 loi llit \iiieiii.in ( ant ei
Sot it tv llit pi e\ ions i et til ti was I OB
hours I lit lei (tuinness rules, the leiuiis
inaralhon allows live iiiniules loi sleep
unit loi even hunt ol tennis played I he
players added up eat li ol these live
minute breaks and took two or lluee holil
naps even I oi Iti hours "When wr first
went out llie11 vse weie picttv pumped
up loi tin liisi lli hours,' While said. “We
tlithii leel ven tired. Inn at lei we took a
bleak and gol up, il was tough to get
going again ' ■ Raiitiv M.dkei. Rrtl e'
Murk. 1 o| ( a t ngr.t
Mandatory service... II passed, a
let online dilation to the I ol Sotie
Dame Student (lovt i iiinent Board ot
11 ustees will require nitoming freshmen
ai the umveisiiv lo complete a service
program in ortlel to graduate While
some aduimistiators believe that
mandatingavolunteci program may hurt
the spun ot sen it e-onrrited woik, others
let I tin ret|mrement could easilv he
fulfilled dm mg the lirshman ve.u I lie
senitt t lass would lie loi one t tedit and
tould stair as earlv as luuy according to
the lepoit \ lollovs tip leport on (he
pioposal will be introduced and
piest nled lo llit hoaid tins veal "Many
students who mav nevei have engaged m
voluuteei work would learn the
iinpo! lam e ol senite sot lal aw.u eness.
vvlut b would losiei within llielti a sot i.d
sensitivity, the lepoii said ( hie truster s
proposal suggesiis ibt pioposal tould Ik
amended lo intitule a (our veai peiiod
loi eoinplelioii ol the retpuietnt’iil. ■
Mi Ml It a i .ml, l hi (i i lit Nolle
I lame and Si Man s ( ollege
Sweet justice ,|oscl Mestenhausci li1
( vet hoslovakiu .1 political criminal ip
I'l IS, covered m linid .mil i rawiingai i■ '
I lit- (.ci m.m liordci .mild freezing ram
11m .ii the end ol hist spiing. the
iiiUTiiation.il cdiii a lion direrloi fioin tin
1 ol Minnesota returned lo Ins nalni
iminm to receive the lavs degree his
abrupt departure denied him
Meslenhausei. noss tin. was awarded ho
degree trom ( liarles l niscisils in I’lagm
during a sjh i lal rercinoni More than l >
seals agii he was c\|idled hum the si liool
loi Ins anticoinniunist [Mililiial attivities
I leel it's a vers wonderful, marvelous
sun's." lie said “It sass there is a sense ol
|tistice. f sen tliough things lake a long
lime, it reiogni/es dial some wrong has
been done, and ibis is an attempt lo make
il right." Alter his escape from
( ze( hoslovakia, Meslenhausei i onlimii u
Ins edtuation in the l niteii Slates ami
rei eived iiis doc tot ate in [Militii.il v iem ■
from the l ol Minnesota ■ l’atink
Howe, I he Minnesota bails. 1 ol
And she changed her major
Graduating in (out scars mas seem
challenging fin some students, hut hn
1 ina Andress two sears at Ohio l was just
fine, thanks Bs taking adsanced
plaiement classes til high school \ndrew
was able to strut classes at Ohio t with 1
credits \\ nil a (lass load avei aging -■
luuiis pel ipiaitei, it might seem tha
\ndress would base no time loi anilities
Bui she said she not on Is found lime
spend wuh friends, she also was a meiiib 1
ol Kappa Phi sou>nts "1 m not hitting i!
books all ol the time, she said I uv to
halaiu o i lasses so 1 ill taking a lew eass
( lasses and a less hard classes r.o
ipiaitei "Despite her earls undcigiuu
wink Andrew said she came to Ol
uncertain as to what she wanted to do win
bet life, \liet fust majoring in business
she latet made a i hangc lo art histors 1
didn't staii out saving I'd do this in i"11
seals.' she said • I long Nu odcinii' 1
I'ust. (>hio l
Cookbook stirs up the best ingredients for pseudo-terrorists
IU K(>\ M\ 11 s
t: • I Hi 'I ill.i Seur I
ll has licrii‘JO veals Milt r / \ 'Uin ht\l ( (s.kJ«s,A; tns| Inirsl
■ >niii tin M mi Inn tin si ll |iiih IjiiikuI ~stu\i\.il manual,
vshit li tr.ii llt's 11\ulets .ltiiiiii^ iillu‘1 tilings huvvlnmakt
Imnilis .iiul liiiiiln li.ijis Mill manages iii sin ii|i i lillli
11 iniH m i s\ cu n iii ns .mi I .i^.iin
I his siiniim i. 1 lurid.i lavs i-nhiii i mriil uHu i.ils I mi .him
nunc ih.hi .i lililc iiciunis when (In v le.uued ili.it M.tishall
I ed he I lei , i 1 I.Hli l.i Suite I student vs hu h.u I It .itlcd
llllll'ilt III till 1 It i| id.I si.lie i ,l|illii| .mil drill, Hided IrtiH |ell\
i(imills vs.isI.hihIi.h wilh /lie \miuht\ll i*Jd««r.
I dun i vs,iiii in tell vi hi that he vs.is planning ml making a
hi i nib hi lihivs iiiv; up auv tiling. ’ she I ill' de pal I me nl
spiikesin.in I'h k Simpsim saul lint his n .ulnn* nl llie
< onkhinik ' w.t' .1 delimit' 11 Mil el Ii
I "Il'X identified Will I till 11 M(ii I git Ullld M mill 1 till ill i I hr
\ ( - !,/>» i I.ill' inn■ lln gi ,n .ti e.i n| tnililisliing wlici e
llu I ii 'l \ me in I nun i i l.i'lu \ w i| h iln puhlii > i i^fu in
ii in.iiii '.tie in llini ic'iH't ti\c i iinuiiuniiu '
i line ,i l.tuh i niiviumr i<tiiiiiiunit' findsnui the Uiuk
i' "in linn H mix 111 nil Him gu.i! up '.ml Kn k
i >1 •Illlin'IU / . ,111 (I11|lluu I ,ll .1 I lllrid.t IH M lk'l"l f lll.lt lllllll'
llu I 'i; tin mill I'lrd I l i'll iillel v
Hul i In In ink ' |midI'lu i I \ U Siu.ii i, '.ml gix rn i In
(iu "lenhil origin, tli.if' m lw eviieeted
ll w.i' ,i I mu- "I lliiwn |«n|il( .md .i lul "I |kii|>Ii- weir
d"inx i i.i/v dung' Mu.ul '.ml I lh<nisxln n would In ,i
gnodlirM \meitdment li 'i .mil it hasIm i ii ~
1 "ciilulK .i i "in | >i ill cii'i\e liow in” guide 11 mi piled
See COOKBOOK. Page 8
Th, Ai .ircfust Cookbook is a hot item with college students