News Notes A dry idea (letting iIns month’s envoi story provod to be a task ol national scope loin Hollis, a siatl photographer lot Boston I s Path I rer /Vss, spent two davs following Virginia (an Douglas Wilder liotn one appearance to another. We hunted I ob\ down in Maine and asked him to travel to New Hampshire to take photos lot a story written at the I of Maryland. I he was Toby tells it, there were a lew obstacles pusln media, roportei s' shadows and awkward camera angles, not to mention attempts to shoot the govei not when Ills a I ill pi t s weien t sweating profusely I le even followed the governor into one stoic that, according to I oln was the si/e (it a walk in 11<>sct "Ikisuallv you have I r> people taking pu till es in a plat e that pitihahlv would i t ally only In>hl toni I obv said I kneys I ivas km « king slull t ill the walls Baring it all Students these days seem to have some asetsioil to t lollies Rue l stilt ten Is drink heel hut k naked ill an on-campus hai (seepage II ioi apiettv i eve.thug photo i Hall way at i oss i lie t ountn . students at Millersy die I in ild naked lelavs without a sponsor />» admimstiation appioval But that didn’t Stop the fit llinnels who |iai tn ipated in the relays again this year It was haul to tell who at tuallv won many ol the events spei tators said bet ausc the stadium lights icmaiued ■ ill \ push Ioi adding hurdles, by the ysas \sas soiiutlls I e|ct ted I love that story! \ll(l YOU thought YOU Well' lilt'll ill I’l l- Wit I It-1 iimii jokes’ * •! I'H' ’I"' VigY .1 piulisMii ii .ml I . has lu Ik- mi k Id death id llii-rii Nag\ is one ul (he 111 tits lllsi usseil in the llais.lld < uti/ulrntml (•milt I he '( mill (iillile gives students (lie lowdown mi iiulividu.d Harvard i lasses and those willi te.u Ii ihem I he liunk den lilies Nags as tcseinliling I’et Wee as well as being a tall who likes In slims i 111is ul I'ii lVei l Htg Athmturr mu\ Flvis mtivies In Ills i lasses \ i Il.tlige in (he svllahus mas Ik- in older. Hangin' out I Ins iiimilli ( l>eglus an m t feature on unu|iie college hangouts around the countrv II You’ve got a favorite, like Muddv Waters and us Kit e kns|iie (reals, lei us krims We will Us to int itule that and more with nexi month's issue. —Valerie lamer Fditoi mi Fellowship And justice for all? Lawsuit accuses financial aid offic es of reverse discrimination B\ MICHAK1 LWVRFND hath llrum. I of ( alitemna, I <> Vwn sliidcnts have tiled a « lawsuit .t^.unsi ihe l S 1)( \ dm .limn. i I.liming the* ^ tmln \ id allowing ‘ ampusr in Vn^rlrs ii\< nmiiutii-n -|i.ii Iinriil of nvri llllinil 's \ Id srl aside' mono tin s|m■( 1111 mmoiits gioups is i .111 n il out ,ii ilw rspense ol white students I It uses I I I |\ il libel tics gl imps base s.ll(l lllllloim SI lllll.llslllps .III necessary to ensure Mriian Mnrtii .in suiilciits ,m adnpiatrls i r piesc n led in lhr n.n ion s i o I leges Bill llils aigUlllclll dors little lo lomloit while students who hr Ik's e ■ tic*if lal in eils .111 bring o\ el li m iheil I I I S .1 lot III ot I ,11 IMII s.llll I l.l II le I Voting. 1 I h 11 li ' e .11 1.1 Is stllllenl .11 tin l ol ( .lllli it III.l I i is \ligrles mil ,i I il.ii III it I in the sun •ig.iinsl tile 1)( )h "When iw.udiug .ml n shouldn't he (used on \oiii i .ii e. lull h.isrd on mm need poling s.l id hi ill I s 1.1 k e li K applied loi .1 giant irsrrsrd Im Mih.ui \iuri ii .ins, imi lain denied H when the lili.mi i.d aid i it lit e ill st os e led lie sshlli lie had onginalh lierii aw.uded ,i giant, hm when univeisin peisoiilltd saw he vsas not a 1111111>I IIS student thi s lelllsrd lo a I loss him lo i ollei t il, at a oiding to die soil tiled against the I H II < leai Is, I lies though l 1 had etonoiilli need Noting said 1 gliess I svas till' ssi' >1 ig i oloi I h said the tin.ilii lal aid • illu e is making him pas toi sm iris s iniiisiti es \\ hen v« mi .lie jMH»i whelhei \ou i <■ hi while vou i .in l jji si In Mil he s.tul hi llie miii Young mil ihe oiliei sluilriils allege ihe federal govermneiil has l.uleil to en I of i e I lit ( iv 11 R i i'll Is \i I <»I I *♦*» I In allowing eollegrs .mil umvelsilies in e.irtn.iik niuiiev t<»( minniiiv stutleiiis onh 1 h<*\ naiil i«» iim ihc v iv 11 Ki^nis \< i, wnu n pmliiliiis |ii<>j*i.iiiin m .is».u, is< x I on your i« i< :< \ hut 11, is« xl on your n< x x I... . CU •< »rly. t hoy tIk>ii>»Iit I h< k 11 xionomic ntx x i. I f.’iit iss I w< is thu wionf,color " — Daniel Vbung I lui tines nui iiii ,ni minium students -.In-uliI mil in else tin.un .ml lull ill* .ml sin mid lie ,i«. n i In 11 in I lie basis i it m ill In s.inl II Vfl'u.m \1111r11 ms li.ipjirti 10 lie 1I11 must needs tiles slnmlil get e. Young said \ < i < • I < 1 111 ^ i « • i IK mim .mum VlIH IK .111 * nllc^CN .liul IIIIISCIMIH s M'( mnnr\ lm IiisHhh ills imdt 11 <-|H cm sliidcnts, llnuari. i ill n s i if 11 ic Mill vis .ms i ulm h .ilv. i|i\Ih s mills >1 Its m In >l.ii vli 11 > in i kc hisiurii .i I Is undi'i i c|»rr« .IMltc iilrd i iilmi; s •nlcd students m ( I i.t! hat i h i s m si i i mount aide (imuiiiiiiiiiii^ thru < dm .m« »ns Minoiitv s« holatship moiies is a visahle .111(1 Ullllllstakahle Sl^n' that mmrl situ s suppot l those students, s. 11 < I Helen 11 e i s h k'»11 .1 ssisi ml lei*a I «tii n lot of l he \ niei k .m ( mil lhet lies l mi mi Mill'll |! \ si fiol.ll ships .11 e needed to at hies e i.»« n j ll a 111 s she said 11 these si h« hool .tj>j»h( nil « ould nut be I hi'll lx Ml ll hl.inki l\ .111(1 I el III In'll t(> I .lllllltlN III l.ltC \uyilsl 1 ini MS I M i| ill! IIIM >11 I .1111,11,1 Vns.lsIlSlIl ss. is 111 Ml IM nss. when- hei Itlnthci mike lu I sulh news ul I In i nii|i Mosashvili .il.iimi ll, hut iiui .is unit h .is In i o.uidl.ilhei lihi.nd the totniei Soviet lim'i^n minisiei who Itn»mli ncd tile t'M Ills |lisi .i li i' i1Minis .i ■ | he silti.niiin lensr .uni In s< is yrmus \h mohsili vinl “He usually likes til (tike, hut I Ills mill' he Ss .is si : ei I- • I il I level seen him like this liehnr "ll lealls slim kins; lot me to see ihe l.mks mi the siu-eis I he house sslieie the Kussi.m s;nseiiiment mu l.u horn sslu ie 1 st. 1 sft 1 We shouts .mil si ic.immi; ll i> .ills not i seis es|K iieiu e \s the stolid i Oil I miles to molllloi hn ,i kills; Iiesss limn tin ■ Susie l See SOVIETS. Page 25 HEATHER COX. EMORY WHEEL. EMORY U Comrades on campus watching Vremya at Emory U.