Musicians bring spirit of Hungary SHOW-TIME MUSIC Mu/sikas, a Hungarian band, will perform at Baail Hall, University School of Music, on Friday. Oct 25, at 8pm Tickets, selling for $5 stu dents ai>d $8 general, can be pur chased at the EMU Main Desk or at the door Don't export just another folk music concert. You certainly won't get it. In stead. you'll see and hear a flute with no holes, an upside down violin and a bass that’s missing ii string. Muzsikns, hailing from Du dapcsl, presents more than just Hungarian tunes ii pre sents Hungarian history. Us ing such instruments as bag pipes, recorders and violas, the group weaves ancient his tory and age-old musical styles and ends up with a sound that captures contem porary ears. "They're the absolute tops in Hungarian music," said Nancy Blake, one of the pro ducers of the show "We had them here about 1 years ago and tfury were absolutely fab ulous." Aside from the interesting instrumentation, the group also gives audiences the feel ing that they've somehow vis ited Hungary "Budapest is just such an CourUiy pfcoio Muzsikas, a Hungarian folk band, will perform Friday at 8 p m in Beall Hall at the University School ol Music Tickets are $5 tor stu dents and $8 for general admission exciting place to visit right now with the change in gov ernment and the people," Blake said. "You'll walk away from this concert with this whole spirit of visiting Hun gary for a few hours." Prior to the concert, Muzsikas will give a free dem onstration and lecture from 3:30 to 5 p.m. in Beall Hall They will he showing their in struments, talking about their technique and about Hungar ian culture in general. Then, following the con cert, the band will move to the Hilton lobby to set the stage for a Tancha/. House (folk dance house). All those who attended the concert are invited to the dance No dance experience is required, and guest dancers will con duct a teaching session in the lobby at 10 p in The dance will follow and continue until 1 am. After the day of Hungarian events is over, Blake said, the impact of the music will lin ger on "It's very beautiful, haunting music," she said "It really stays with you By 1 ayne Lakeftsh Emerald Entertainment Editor HAVE FUN IN THE DARK. Full line of darkroom supplies AGFA • SEAGULL • KODAK • Formulary and more! BUY•TRADE•SELL France Photo 1330 Willamette Open Mon-Sat 9:30-6:00 Women's Experiences With Eating Disorders Come to a panel discussion on the topics of: « | ★ Body Image fli ★ Eating Disorders ★ Weight Issues Facilitated by: Bev McCreary, M.S. Brit Ellis, M.S. Place: Gerlinger Lounge Time: 7:00 P.M. Date: Wednesday, Oct. 23rd IT'S FREE Sponsored by Lifestyle Planning Program GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “27 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Orogon 97403 LOS FOLKLORISTAS for (he dipnih of all, for this vu> sin^. Mas .in fluics Pipes of cone •\pervimive arras ol armadillo shells, iJccr hooves ami nw* water dmm> Withtheseancient instruments, I.»*>. h'lklomtas celebrate and preserve the rich and diverse cultures ol 1 alin America V Wednesday October30 8pm Hi lt Center »Oft I HI PIKHKMIV. VRti ^ U lets MO S(|| NOBODY KNOWS LIKE DOMINO’S * How You Like Pizza At Home. ftpN-DOMINO'S PIZZA BREADSTICKS $000 , only 4m with any pizza purchase. i n?9 MEDIUM PEPPERONI or any single topping ^ Good any time any day, Campus „ store only. Delivered in 30 min utes or less or you pay only> , $2.99. i offer ends Nov 30th W A A A A i a i A i i k P