KISS a dummy: SAVE A LIFE!!! ! 1 < Here's your c hance to learn C.P.R. and i to t ertify for the Red Cross C.P.R. c ertitit ate f For a $10.00 Ut (harmed to your '/ student ,H t ount, vou vs ill re< eive: I) • •) Hours of ( loss o Instructions ( • Insfrur lion Booklet ■ Y 'Red Cross ( PR. Certification * I) Card Dates for C.P.K. classes: rhursday, Oct 24th 5-9 p.m. Tuesday, Oct 29th 6-10 p.m (( I’K 1 l.isscs field in the Student Health ( enter l atetena Register Early. Space is Limited. 346-4441 ( am ellation must tie 24 hours hetore i lass 01 no relund Sponsored b\ Ihr sttnlrnt Hr.llth ( enter Ollne nl I’tihlu *i.i/efi .mil Ihr I ilesl\ Ir /’/.inning f'iuf; ■,-l ' • •> y FiTu riiiJ ODE '**t ■: |!i: f Km*»rrti l ODE n**i ■», I'M. y tnvrf the problems, relationships, concepts and opportunities tor ris er activities. Studies o( plants. animals, history and river geology will broaden the students awareness ol Oregon's waterways SOUTH COAST — NOVEMBER 8, 9, 10 Fee $ 150 plus $20 travel lee; maximum o( 15 students • 2 credits (LSS 406 Study at the edge of the continent to gam knowledge about Oregon’s spectacular and varied coastline Activities along the estuaries, dunes ami lidejMxils will provide insight into die relationships ot the plants, animals, history and geology to enhance the student’s understand mg and appreciation ol how it all fits together OREGON FORESTS — NOVEMBER 22, 23, 24 Fee $150 plus $20 travel • 2 credits (LSS 408/508) Hns workshop w ill provide a close up look at the environment with an opportunity to study the relationships, concepts and s ariety that are present in Oregon's forests. Participants w ill gain a Ix-lter understanding of die plants, animals, history and geology ol Oregon's forest lands The experience of w alkmg among the MX) year old giants w ill cultis ate a depth ol appreciation for our forest resources RISK AND LIABILITY — DECEMBER 6 AND 7 Fee $75 • 1 credit (L SS 4W508) This workshop is ilosigned for guides, leaders and recreation personnel w ho deal directly w ith risk and liability issues Ihc workshop w ill cover areas such as standards, negligence, adventure recreation, protection issues, insurance choices ami purposes, litigation, risk reduction, permission ami release forms, accident reduction insurance, and contracts and contracted services NORTH COAST — DECEMBER 18 TO 22 Fee $225 plus $50 tre vel • 3 credits (L SS 40&'508) Investigate the tidepools and headlands of the Oregon Coast. This workshop covers history, concepts, recreational uses, plants, animals, and the relationships which create the delicate web of this coastal environment. This workshop creates a unique opportunity for learning as we spend four days and three nights at the field lab site. Study w ill take place in several environments, including, dunes, beaches, estuaries, tide pools and the coastal bush. History, geology, geography, plants and animals will be investigated, all with concern for tlieir interrelationship with tin- environment. To register tor arty ol these workshops or tor more information, stop by the Continuation Center at 333 Oregon Mall or just call: 346-4231 Oregon West - F I T N E S S 1/2 Off initiation BEST HOURS 7 Days a Week 6 a m -11 p m expires 10/21/91 HAI.LOV/TEN PART\« w»tm rur BLUBWOS COSTtWF contfst tvoo 1ST PP!7F tlOO VNP PPf 7F V>0 iiPP TWUPSPAY OCT OIST I §73d & AtJer '343-0681