ET ALS MEETINGS International Students A hoc i a I ion subgroup meeting will uko pi* * tonight at 7 in EMC (iviaf Koom C C-aII 346 4387 for morn information Hag and ra//b* dazzle football managers meeting today at 4 .10 in 102 Cerlmger Mandatory meeting for team* going Into the playoffs Society of Professional journalists general meeting tonight at '• 10 In 301 Alien Chanukah party planning mooting today at 4 10 p m at Hlllel (in the Koinonia Center. 1414 Kim aid St ) Call 141-6820 for more Information College Kopuhliian* will ltl«cl tonight at 0 30 tn KMl Century Room H Call 144 1181 for more Information ASIJO Program* Count il will meet tonight at 0 in EMU Odar Room H Men Against Rspn't wouldy meeting will Imi tonight at 6:30 in EMC Century Room D It will by followed by a group discussion and support for men Call 346 4206 for more information FILMS Napa ()t*rr Tree*, a video by thu Audubon Society, will h« shown tonight at 7 in KMC Cedar Room E A discussion will follow Call *46 4356 for more information Himalayan Niver Nun. an Outdoor Program vidao, will he shown today at 12 30 tn KMC Ro rn 23 l-tll 146 430S for more information MISCELLANEOUS "Abortion 1% dialogue possible?” is tlio topic of a roundtable discussion tonight at 7 in KMC Century Room A (.all Campus Restoration Ministry at 143 4714 for more information “When the State Kill* The Death Penalty, a Human Rights Issue" will be the topic of a discussion s{wmsor»td by Amnesty International tonight at 7 30 in the KMU Gumwood Room Cameroon will be the topit of an International Student 1«* turn by Nagimeh Moshtael today at 4 30 p m at the University Museum of Natural History. 1680 East 15lh Avo Call 14»> 3024 lor more information Lesbian l)rop-in Sitii*s will take place every Wednesday beginning today from 1 Ml to r> 30 p m at the Counseling (aintur Check at thu Counseling Center or the Women's ('.enter for listed topics Call 140 3227 for more information Students for United Nat ions'Model United Nations • Celiera! it* lure Will lake pltOI tonight at U 30 m 142 Straub • C N and Pe»n « in the Middle East will bo discussed tonight at 7 in 142 Straub Call 342-8 264 for more information Correction In Monday's edition of tin: Emerald, I’liil Zucker mun’s position at tin: Jew ish Student Union was misstated He is one of the co-directors. The Emerald regrets the error RALLY I he Hemp Action Coalition rally will lake place lo.iay at 12 30 p m in the l-INfl Courtyard RKUCION Spirituality and the Aria final w-rksh-, will uke place tonight from 7 to « a; ■ o United Mtihodin (ampu* Ministry. K\v» Kincaid St ( all 3 4 6 4ftw4 for m rn information Torah study at Hlllel will tak e p!a« r every Wednesday at 3 30 pm in the Koinonia Center. 1414 Kincaid St Call 343 «M20 for more information Student Men followed by a Hi i' Kriapto" dessert *. < ta! will Uko pla. a tonight at 0 at the Niwman Onter. 1 «’*0 Emerald St (all 34ft 44rt« ?>r moi# information Newman Club will rno«t t-.might at 7 30 at the Newman Center. 18'«o Emerald St Ol’I’ORTl NIHES Cl) HUM Tutorial MIA BlHUlX-KAPHY I awrn to use the Library's computerised dauKiwj to find information in language and literature The tutorial begin* at 2 p m in the reference d«qu»rtfnent of the Knight lubrury M«*di« .*1 and Dental Scluml Interviews" i* the topic of a workshop to dlwun interview formats, c <>*U, nneiquemei an 1 typical questions The workshop is today at i 30 p rn in 164 Oregon Hall Carom* Planning and Placement Serve e* of he m mentation sesslunt Will take pla« C‘ today from 5 30 to b 30 p rn tn *» hondneks The billowing group inerting* will take* plat «• today • • • Hoard Room Kidding for the following i ompamr* w ... take plat e today in 244 Hendric k* •I S ( crural Intelligence A gem y • K H Mac y * Co • K Mart Apparel • ('.corgi a Pat ifn • lady l until*, kur • Anderson Consulting • Intel Deadline for submitting hr Alt to the Emerald front desk. WW(' .Suite HMJ, is noon tho day bttforv pubhutdon H Al* tun the day of tho event unless tho want takes plami he/ore noon Notnos of events with a donation t admission charge will not tn* a< • apted ('jtrnf)Us events and tho*** v».hodulml nearest tho publication data will he given priority The Emerald reserves the right to eiiit notic as f >r grammar and style Rackets & Balls at the UO Bookstore STUDENTS• FACULTY •STAFF ‘ffu ‘Vaccination f 4 Influenza vaccinations will be given at the Student Health Center every WEDNESDAY, T11URSDAY AND FRIDAY FROM 8:00 a m to 9:00 beginning October 23rd and continuing until the end of Fall term. Only one injection is needed. Students $3.50 Faculty and Staff $4.00 Annual flu immunizations ARE RECOM MENDED for the following: 1. 1 iealthy persons 65 years or older. 2. Persons with long-term heart or lung problems. 3. Persons with any of the following: kidney disease, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, anemia, se vere asthma, and conditions which compro mise immune mechanism. Influenza vaccine MAY be Riven to persons wishing Jo reduce their chances of catching the flu, persons who provide essential community services, and stu dents or others in schools or colleges For more information, call the STUDENT HEALTH CENTER at 346-4441 flMiNDBaAND swv.r.Ti | 5 ,C VIDEO ^GAMES 5th STHtFr Jo PUBUC MARKET^ oowwtow* r^otmt 683-8464 VlDtO ADVernuKt VALLEY RIVER PIAZA *»5 AA »H| ;«W' .•*» *~r **.• >44 tin tut rr TOO*u LAI rr CPPS - CPPS CPI'S ( \KKKR PI. WMMi \M> PI U1MKYI SKRMCK - (PPs WeVe Set Our Sights On Your Front Door. i>iu\m im rv M sjI I ljr« Mkliujfn Sin. iitsHv^pm We Now Deliver FREE To The Campus Area. Come in and pie k up ,i menu: 1225 Alder CALL US FOR QUICK, FREE DELIVERY: 345-24 H