210 HELP WANTED FULL-TIME ASSISTANT COORDINATOR needed 10 help fun a busy campus offxe m»d Sept to m*3 Junt Must be profoent m WordPerfect. have proof r«i*dng background. supervisory ftiponsncs, an eclectic education. computer skies, and be abo to work w*;f> deadhnes and Parana* multiple tuKt Prefer soma teaching4ri*mng s*u s Start <£* $8 S’Ortouf Unpaid X mas and Spring breaks Send covedetier. resume. and references by October 3t lo Student Protects. Suite 4 l MU. U of O. Eugene. OH 9 ’403 Women. mmontiaa. physically challenged, and flays and lesbians encouraged to apply EOF GYM SUPERVISORS NEEDED Part lim* positions • week nights «r>d weekends tor Volleyball sesstorv Nov 9 Dec 8 and weekends for Basketball aeaaon-Jan 11-Mar 15. Must be 10 or over, have transportation, flexible and reliabla, first aid certification pretarred Starting wags $5 2S/hr. Contact Tom Boldon. 683-2373 or apply at 2190 Polk, Eugene or 1030 G Street. Springfield. Positions needed to be filled immediately. _ LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: The ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PROGRAM »S looking lor a Student interested in heading the HUMAN SI RVtCE DIVISION This position requires self motivation, the ability to motivate oihers and commitment to experiential learning Receive stipond and credit for work Applications are available in the ESCAPE office. M111 EMU and are due OCTOBER 25th Call 346 4351 with any questions OVERSEAS JOBS *900 $?000/mo Summer, yr round, all countries, alt fields Free into Write IJC. F*0 Bx 52-0R03. Corona Dei Mar. CA 9?ti?5 PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING is now recruiting for Winter term Pick up applications in 141 Straub Deadline for submitting applications is October 25 Sun Valley Shi resort is hiring tor ski season wart stafl, cashiers, cooks, bakers, and mountain restaurant staff Mousing available, discount skiing and excellent benefits Interviews will be held at E M U. on Thurs , Oct 31st and Frl., Nov tst from 9-4. For info call Student Empl o* ment Telemarketing, auto insurance Nil os 5 to 10 hrs per week. $5.'per hour ♦ bonus Dean, 485 0164 2i5 WORK SrUDY STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUO is now hiring tor 1 the position of EVENTS COORDINATOR ■ $17S-month, 20 hrsyweek ; Applications arvd job deaci ip'.Kma 1 are availat>le In the ASUO office 1 Suite 4, EMU. ASUO is an AMOI 220 HOUSES FOR RENT CLOSE TO CAMPUS Charming 5 txfrm, 2 hath home 1697 Orchard St. Recently r&mode>od with refrigerator, stove, microwave, washer dryer in a g'eat neighborhood $1095 Ask about our Move In Special' 343 6000 1995 OAK Recently remodekid arid va/y clean 3 bdrms and study Fireplace $700 No Pets Shown by Appc ntment Spyglass Associates 345 West 10th tW> 1 1 TQ 1995 OAK Recently remodeled and very dean 3 bdrma and study Fireplace $700 1250 SUNNY DRIVE liver Rd 3 bedrooms, wood floors, weathen/ed. hot tub $795 No Pets Shown by Appointment Spy gum Associates 345 West 10th _606-1130_ 225 APTS DUPLEXES Large, 1 bedroom No pets $340 464-1057 2ii APTS DUPLEXES A LARGE, CLEAN, QUIET 2 bdrm. 1 t>k U Of 0 Ava JiNt now Funv. b>g Mchor. DWo<»p, b*g cia* ett. now cwpet Iinoteum. tot* o* perk mg, laundry. Sundae* 683 6919 C«ji Now For MOVE IN SPECIAL N«w & BmuIiIuI 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM $505 * COVE RE 0 PARKING * WASHER ORVER HOOKUPS * EUROPE AN KITCHf NS * FITNESS ROOM * CONVENIENT TO VAllET RIVERCENTEH 1811 King»l«y Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Man*g*m*n1 Co CAMPUS Vs BLK 1 bod room, V» blk cantor of campus Now carpal*, air. tacura, qu»*( 1350 mo 687-0821 or 485- 78 *8_ GARDEN TERRACE APTS 1893 Cardan Avanua The BEST Kf PT SECRE T on campus 2 bedroom apartments, ava.:.»pie fur nished or unfurnished. private parking, on site laundry Ask about MO VI IN SPECIAL only S395J' Paul. 344 1 7?1 Jennings ♦ Co 683-2271 GREAT DOWNTOWN LOCATION HUGE 2 bedroom apartment available lor ieaso App i.incos include dishwasn or and disposal, private balcony. oft street parking, right on busline lo U of O ONLY $395' Jennings ♦ Co 683-2271 JEFFERSON APTS 500 JEFFERSON Roomy 2 bedroom lownhouM Slyie apartment available soon Private pa hos. on-site laundry and parking Call Larry lo view, 343 9235 Jennings ♦ Co 683-22/1 Would you IA • a really me* room all to yourself wflh a private bath room. close to campus, In a new building where your meals are pre pared for you? Call the Collegian. 343-1253.__ UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH RF NT NOW FOR FALL! a CL OSE TO CAMPUS a PARKING * ON-SITE LAUNDRY 2 ♦ bedrooms $5/5 3 bedrooms from $665 Call 683 0/29 NOW’ Jennings ♦ Co 683 4219 SQUIMC.AU A l' T' i Very large I bdrrn apt A 2 bdrm town house All appliances, private patio, pool, sauna.and laundry fee onsite Near campus 345-44/1 2345 PATTERSON Will to campus 1 bdrm apt aval Nov 16th 5335 1st. last A dep Call 34 5 6281_ l arge on# bedroom unit near U of O, $50 move in bonus 1840 Agate St , $360 Call JLT Investment Services, 485 6606 ONE BEDROOM 13/0 High Parking, laundry, pai*o $325 195 1 24th Quiet parking, laundry $340 532 W 8th 1 Bedroom, f.replace, dishwasher $340 TWO BEDROOM 1150 West 11th Hugo lower halt, very n»c« $450 ROOMS 2140 Harris* Includes utilities and kitchen use Only one room available lor male sludeo? $185 1862 Kmcaid Very dean room $150 includes wa’or garbage, and kitchen use 'Non smokers only No pets Shown by appointment SPYGLASS ASSOCIATES686-1130 225 APTS DUPLEXES Studio, on* and two b* 1 oom apartments PooMaundry faolHias waatharUad. ttve building*, 15th 4 Hilyard location 444 9922 934 WASHINGTON #10 Huy** bedroom apa/’Twit «n vmt*ig4i he '■*> avaitabia aoor tots of »«’'a *tCK<»y« r fupWK M Mu%i MM lO Ota $*»50 A,vo 2 N»droom apo/t.-nont av .«)«£><• m com pw*« m rwv $395 Janning* ♦ Co 64X7271 IMPROVE YOUR STANDARD OF LIVING! It you ara trtuck paying loo much tot loo llttla. coma aaa out apactoua lato badroom apartmanla L oca lad on lha Mi iliac a at aia onty 7 btocha lo U Ot O Ptlvala balcomaa ot patioa Aafc abotlt BUY OUT SPtCIAl! HaaT MILLRACE APARTMENTS 1605 Garden Avenue 344-5696 Jennings & Co. 683-2271 $100.00 MOVE-IN BONUS! CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 124 7 W 8th #2 1 Bud-oom* 'rom VVS 2 Bodtoom \ k« $» POOt PARKING LAUNDRY Cal' Nino. 1)44 ‘>S83 Jannlnqa » Co_443 4? 1 fl 1 bdrm turn, quMM. l)W d^.;xja a). taundry, covornri *v> vj. V365/n>o 1200 f wry 343 331b 1 bedroom apartment Mail Dkk.a from c»KU«f ot campu*. now carpeting, parK mg $3/5 >■ 0821 of®vu* 4rt‘» 78/8 2 bdrm turn, < e*n. qu*tf 11 W d**pa» ai. laundry, covwmu pit'* ng, $4JVmo 1200 f wry 343 3318 Plumtree Apts. 1555 West 18th t WEEK HU l • largo, two badroom. «v--«» * Furntahad. util paid a l aundry facility, covarad parking * $229'month DUCK INTO ATALRAYQUAD Campus view, S249 & up! Woodaida Manor 344 2657 Campus Court Quada 344 2816 Campus Quads 344 2616 TAiRAT 401 DlNCS (OREGON), NC 144-9763 553 E. 18th Ave Furn«*bad quad with PfHVATf: BATHS and refngaraiors Parking a/xl laundry ONL Y $2651 Jannings ♦ Co 683-2271 240 •* 2 Wl I KS FHf f. *• W.v* to dwt»p*j* from th*rs« neerfy <•* furb«.N»d quadi * Prtvate £ ntrarve * * £ lceftertt Locaf'or' * 41225 fnctodea l* : * * Month to Month Tetwncy * Dr>ve by ’ 750 Mortal , n a tty behind 1 742 M»iytvd) Mtwii I v’;*t«'t Northwest_'M * ★ $225 ★ 441 E. 17th CUMtn. qu**X corh()i*»i Ailto CUA« A *vokJ lha parting return* VO move m bony*1 Off STIU 1 T PAIRING At l UTllim S PAID Cefl 344 9290 or 343 3iW t Jenrwnga « Co 663-4210 245 ROOMS Share 2 bdrm houM dotta to crimpo* Must Cm cttxtn, non imoKar $250 mon ♦ V» util 343 764 7 Wmivo me&& 2S5 ROOMMATES WANTED Shara cUan, quiet dopiei No amoh mg. no p«** %2*0>tno * ' » irt- ? u% 342 404b _ _ _ 2 badrooma to 4 bad room houae, mate or fom*»? . i 5.10 pm to 7 p m 340 2513 kx location Sponsor od by (»«iy t u'.O an T ask f otea 29S ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT KAREN FINLEY SPEAKS OUT Thurs Oct. 24 Noon Condon School ChaHangtog c*o*or»htp this performance arg*t ia no< afraid to confront lh« moat painful •♦notion* •round In# hft*u*o of rap*, domestic aboae. AIDS, and homophobia t MU Guttural f orum Praaanta Hungarian Folk Music MUZSIKAS 8 p.m. Beall Hall |*> Studanta ft Saniora Ganaral T ickota •( Mam Daak I too ledufatterno 3 10 Betti I v» f too I Oik Ortftf v, H'Ron 10 p ^ UKOUNr IMUW1 VA« W v u«> 11 i tn 3 liltt WJV • »H»|| — • rwm rrmiwfi • «■ • » « » .MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHOj k’ n../ •tT"T_; V; SuSTE® > (.**>«• an* t»M( «m *•'**_ BARTON FINK 9t**''*a«r OetOVOM BIJOU LATE Nl IMP* fcOONI nil £ THELMA ft LOUISE r 1MD« rV4*OAAOW N^>*r n 40 ADU rs ONL rr Uk«M by AJato Timw A FLAME IN MY HEART ^ Caxm Arm Haas 1 ra i«a o* iM-fi 300 FOOD 4 DRINK KEGS TO GO! 4 IU«f Gurtton i 26*7 Willamette 144-0416 2*c PooH tone* toes Screen TV 26 n»r*h & dom«*C and bee* £V«j_ Ha^ry * I Mca>fl*»e or tap 315 COUNSELING Vocational rehabilitation counselor trains for prhrate vocal o.ial consulting firm Cxjnieling, psychology or sociology graduate student needed for a half tana position Good writing and raaaarch skills Position becomes full time upon receipt of masfar s dagraa 2 yaar commitment required Call 14 3 60 *4 for a job deaeration Mail resume to Sturgea Vocational Consulting, P O Bo* 10626, t ugene, OH 9 7440 320 SERVICES Considering abortion? Cor .M>«r the niter rvorve* BWTJ\RtCMf, -»>*i a-'to conlOaniuil 66/ 0661 In a crunch? Paper* due? II you '\*ve library photon. donl procrna!tf l u( ,r*u hatp you m the < Ovw 3.000 contact* m stock, temporary kwmw* ? nMdad No Cftarga (o Co your doctor Ior pr osar O'1' C ail HAH80W Of T ICS. 34 3-1311 Planned Parenthood 'or Pup s maxim. miociun chock* t> I nka > 'v Way Seattle WA tlfl i ?S CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 n.tfH7 makoc's b*j job 15 Mount a»n m Orel* 16 R i>nbow 18 WfHxl^n 20 '»< owl rmtliJy 21 n tl*»f b«aio covering 24 1 *i iudo 28 ( «t.ft>f r»» \ 32 RwrtoMal 33 t iplore* Johnso«i 34 Ab-.fr.v 1 36 Youf'.nif 37 Work 39 Mm h 41 f\lj« •! o 43 W.* ' !•> bu* 44 V»»n.- . SO I iM 55 1 l.n«>m 56 N< >l>*' 57 Nov - .* 58 I No 1 59 Sho.i lo.im ’ 60 IV i- ! H« ». » 61 Am.: , DOWN 1 ! Am* 2 VV ' ■ l w-ilftf or » ,ink«» luoitkor 1 Mn< tk Yokn f* r «ti of \ IhmII. / > olU*<|«* • *M lh«* •I * I) 'ft If IM I <1 I ,| flft'tM I in v\ •• i i I l / I 'o|>ol.W I * * * * m il. !u-.t }I mMmi Minorl /Ill . m»Mi h ml Yftstordiiy s answer 10 i’J flM.IIW »Of 7S kl.ind ov.l of l.lv.l lit A? tbi.in (JtiH 71 Kouhno ?H Kind of 19 I '.Kni‘. JO Mr.'. JIM iw im.im (My 1*» I nl.mjod fioonti Ml * t|**fi *10 11 i w i >r 42 M ii m •. 4r» > .mMimI ho* tklr y A 1 Am in 48 low .h moolh 48 I .In ♦. p iclmif r>0 Kind of muffin *» 1 < I'lml.i r»? flJMlfod ?»3 An.in,JO fiumodly *>4 pfo nobr. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson KW«E. ON N't uwj a Ufc BED' mcytOftR’ V t\)t IS WM OftR MU 61* W Wet, lUtfi 'OftEV CALVIN, BE QUIET mp sleep// *Xi ut ' >.io to yn ON MC> AM TTt WIST, NTH ' IVlM S NOT tWM tt'jW)’ HEY’ moo sim-. mm nuow'w. I iJMMM CMt •• ■Kvkr >: NOW Coupon expires 10/31/91 »No limik A > Not good with other otters “TCBV” I he L ountrij\ lit^t hnjitri • 3131 W 11th Marketplace West A