205 OPPORTUNITIES STUDENT GOVERNMENT ASUO is now hiring lor th* position of EVENTS COORDINATOR $1 75 month, 20 hrs we«k Applica tions and job descriptions srs available in tha ASUO offica, Suita 4.IMU ASUO le an AA EOF_ Tutoring, Classes m wnt-ng, maih. crilt cal thinking, counseling; advising, rotor r«i. advocacy; workshops. available tree to students eligible to join. Educe ttonal Opportunities Program If you are first generation in coLngo, tow income, or nave physical or teaming limitations, Slop by 68 PIC and-ask »or into on EOP Other academe support services are available to ait students 210 HELP WANTED AIRLINE Now seeking students and grant .atos to Ml many entry-level positions .Stan ng sa ary range to 24K w thlrave* benefits' Toapp'y 303-441-2455 Extension 9A ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT fishones tarn S5.000 ♦■’month \ roo transportation1 Room 4 Board1 Over 8.000 openings No experience necessary Male or Femals I or employment program call Student Employment Services at 1 -206 545 41 55. ext 114 Baby sitter needed one wookond a month m my home Retoronoes Cali Julie. 683 6945 _ Basketball referees needed No experience necessary Jr High ♦ M>gh School Level Earn up to 741 1434. ask tor Mark t AHN MONEY Reading books' 530.000/yr income potent a; Del ails (805) 9§2 8000. ext Y-IK.V42 Experience Eugene's newest state of the an plasma center Caii 683 IM30 and we’ll tell you how to help yourself and others LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES The ESCAPE FIELD STUDIES PROGRAM is looking lor a student interested in heading the HUMAN SERVICE DIVISION. This position requires seif mot vat ion, the ability to motivate others and commitment to experiential learning Receive stipend and credit kx work Applications are available in the ESCAPE office, Mill EMU and are due OCTOBER 25th Call 346 4351 w th any questions OVERSEAS JOBS *900 *2000 mo Summer, yr round, ai countries, ail fields Free info Write UC. PO Bx 52 0R03. Corona Del Mar. CA 9?fi?5 PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING is now recruT;ng tor Winter term P«> up applications in 141 Straub Deadline for submitting applications is October 25 Tala marketing, auto ms..'.we N>tos 5 to 10 hrs per week. *5 per hour ♦ bonus Dean. 485 0164 RAIS! $500...$ 1000...$ 1500 FOOL RAISING fo* tt*t*n**ty nvtviiy faam iw oth+* cmntfHJ* oiqjuhi*!•*>•> mount. no mrnnmr Movttir HO HOUSES FOR RENT One bedroom hotme, 2C2« l meratu. Unit f*> A *S Sm«» nflrti and \n»ry Qw*af Wo pots £325, ' and teal $.*00 mcurn y and $100 w n*f 609 3026 ot 609 7601 1995 OAK Recently remoODMid and v*xy clean 3 bdrma and Sludy f -replace $700 Wo Pots Showm by Appointment Spyfl!iV> r. As IOC 4U0« 345 Wes i l Of h t . Ht-, n g A L ARGE. CLL AN. OUlf T 2 bdrrn. 1 bk U Of O AvaHabte nee turn, b-g kDW*t**p. biabie soon Lots of extra storage, fireplace Musi see to apprea ale $550 Aiso 2 bedroom apartment ava Ou**f. parv-ng. .t /icJry $340 S3? w B*n i Bndroon f dM.hw.lfc'VK 1*4 1WO OF DROOM US; w«v 11 !M Hug.* • w*# ha* very nice $450 MOO MS .‘14 I Lt .* Irv ' 1 o-. a *1 kilt San u*-o Oily one room avt ab»» vy r'a.»4i»i' ■ $’ 85 ’ rtf -? k r :amod»»w*J two bedroom w’fi I ‘I/ A 11 H A I r i: . <" :*»»*.« *»*ry ’w ' [ I. n..«»nt l ;J* .<■ A>n * ' V.‘.”> l/u, ,A]«I1 lit: :'.*** ' ’ Month lo Month Twnan. y * IV ,w by * ."►J M'fyanl • i uy Tun .'d t 1t> y*rd) Hu.l t V_l*n No’‘>y»»)"d L t 4* U ★ $225 ★ 441 E. 17th Ctaon. cju’*rt compioi Wa* to i,»» A avoid tr-.«» pack.ng $*>0 move in bonus1 Of I ST HI E I PARKING All U TUI Tit S PAID Call 344 9£*X> or 143 VH ’ Janmnga • Co 683-4219 245 ROOMS Shara 2 bdrm houaa to campus M t>o uk i rx>n trnotuur $2 SO An on » V| Jt.i 141 7S4 7 iiuvamotf 255 ROOMMATES WANTED looking (or (am a la lo shara homa furniVuid room $t‘iQ iJopovi •. * ' | f'v* .-.tlfu J41 MI P*»t Nh *t .■•»! jriKtJ tool'*. n -VI () . •»( Wr ad * rj t)»v.t‘ • •» of U o( O t a 344 93C2 Matura ra*pon»4)la f J ti ■-< o Oclrm apt l >kr j put'., 1 dm-M J*m tail *;.**> 2 bedroom* in 4 hadroont houaa. rr..u»i or lomaii pad t y f?.m>sh4*l. yard, a) o* k.!t:h*m ' ay i« *o ^ AOC4. rs ONL rt [a«*d by NWI Twvw A FLAME IN MY HEART L- Carwm* jr»« pr .4 Caaw tt»*r am k*i •<.** • BARTON FINK SlMUrrHtoy 0*10*0* LLIIilJJ 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES Moving sala lte»!*».1 ?h*1 q„*M»V OlOtutWI &«**», Of’ A rgfomo}**' Co'^'an 3 raft arth oa/s> H'u* mot** > ms I r.i ••* ,*■> B%!«?'. Thursday OdOtMV ?4. S JO pm 10 / p m 346 ?!>1 3 tot to»ji!;on 1 SpoO*ot«tl l>y (i*iy \ 1*. ! Tits* 12“_ 1 3is COUNSELING Vocational rahabtlftatlon counaator train#* lot pnvats vocational con sulting firm Coonsalmg, paychok) gy of aocwlogy gr adust# studant nesdad lor a hall tana position Good suiting and raaaarch skills Position bacornas fulMtma upon fa ca*X of maatar a dagraa 2 yaar commitmant raquirad Call W3-0014 fur a jot) dasctlption Mail r a sum a to Sturgas Vocatioival Consulting. P O Hot 104J2t., t ugans. OH tt?440 [In • crunch? Paper* due? If yo- | r'-ivM t-h-nry-phobia, ckwil proems!' I 'mm l at "h* h*xp you «n IN© library 1459H01 _I LOST CONI ACT UNS? Wo «v hop-' Ov<* 3.300 contAefa tn Hoc*, ’©mpo'.ry kvu'HKS if rxenkMl No chm/\}*» to c*« your doctor kv pfttt- '-pfion C«U HA S V'W iV’k S __KH»!_ Planned Parenthood ofUu-% p-uu '.i wy U»l wrtW unbiased counaelmg 344 0411 SCMOi ARSMIPS Ovwr $13*S rtni.**on t.n ■ schoM/shtps te-il , > . »i*1 ufk'<» "’•»! Mi t *• 'h '\> i'.PA ’«»] . »«¥”« F Of in'o or «i Jk:fH>ljir\h*piS, Su«’.o 342. 1?J4*> lafctt •, Wav s«» r »* WA Considering abortion? - <•* 19 Hn k»*.l In 1 f uman in 4/1 2 1 A I isk 24 Now mollusk 2*» I ’» food 2b llibbt »l punish 10 * )un K !< i 31 32 I’.»i!y m • 33 f‘iop.ifoxh for . Off) 3 W1 nn oiil f.H ohOf?i*» 4 M »1 v > 5 out (•., okl) 6 ( u< k ( H » 1 * »oiKjhf oMk «> H .loshifMj 9 M«i.ir 1 0 l OtlOM inqimJiunt 1 1 ( 16 In (jiv. xl 20 '.liHKitff 21 M.iltto montonlo 22 It tt^njht t>«> red 23 Atiowl to h.i^jon Solution time 24 mins 2 4 On Coition (movie) 26 |.w«K-m1onl 27 I Vun the *»cof* 28 N.Hur.il 29 Mtivilth fO'.OfU. 31 Muni lor Mod CM lobor * 34 (>ki I m jii'.h eel 35 ( .l.r,‘:,ili*i<1 37 "f Palm a*. Mart 38 iup4»f horo g.irb 39 Portont 40 Un«* (> NOT QNt TWINS _ H&o HKfWNT D ’ I _ A me. ry > NOW &mdette