ET ALS MEETINGS < »nirr of Omega member mealing will ukj* piat» tonight at 5 in the EMU (.-<*11 US OW1 for mow information Student* f«w ( how m will r;*»»l tonight at '» on the third floor of (.hapman ( ail M.v4W for more information (.rattan Kenan* will i(w>ik «t a mooting f the Vm ifi< North****! Pert'-nnei Manager Attodaticm today from « to 1 1 a rn in the Burlington Northern Room {22lt} Chile* I mvmiljr Owmirral* will m«*»t tonight i\ n 10 in EMU Century Room A ( all MMi 4'.2tt for more information f luent y Support Group meet* every Tufltday from 4 to S 10 p m at the University Cltr.uaJ ’-rvice* iKuIdjng, tail i. lath Ave . Room 1»IJ <-»i! ‘40 v.t») for mom in formation KVAK new* department w( 1 have information meeting tonight at 7 in Hoorn ] s Alien ( all ‘4». 4 util for more in for m«uo» OSPIKt. ( all MO 437? ff»r mote information • mmiing will u»«> j*l*f #* tonight «t *j in 3 34 Pad fie • ' . • » . in EMU Cedar Room (. • K<* yt ling Ptojnct meeting tonight '> JO in 314 Pad fir * Tunn. % (,unn.'-r.t Pi«. »v t meeting tonight at 5 30 in 214 Parjftt MJSCFi I..ANKOI S Pacific S o r I h » r t I I p a d r r • h I }» (iHiffnm# will Um- } •*'«’ t-.-night at 0 30 in ito 1 Mr Maple K rn < -aii »4»> l’lfi f«n more tn lot rnaUott '{h«* (Jan *rf One HrraUr*»i Women" be mad today by author Terry Temjj«»t William* t night at 7 30 In the PMl t.umvN iH Call i4f> . .M I r more information David Hradon a visiting and v hoUr in the humanUi«i tWitai from iha l .ni varsity of South Wal»», will »j«ji on "Whit* I«a w. Hi* i leila Ij-'vb Keg. rtainun and » Sente of HI** in Australian Literature*' today at 4 p m in the KMl .•••*• -od Koorn KFI K.ION A Pra»*r (.athrnng wiii t a »«• ; . ,i « • ** : at ft if the Wheeler flout®. '*•*’> Aider St Sponsored by the Restoration i jim put Mi nit try Mali Man .« . • .« s;' y.«*r ai:d •» r.gwr < r will share hit muut tonight at u at Os® SttwrMi (a« to find information in education tod Ay At t 10 p m in thr reference dej*»rirn«nt of the Knight library Inletr^led ui Podiatry*" l* the title f A workshop with Frank jiminex from the California College of Podia in- Medicine I wofksh' j i* bom i >0 r> j rn in lft4 Oregon Hall I rre chofowtnrul Imtini today from 9 ’ 1} iO « m in the Ilmallh Kdu< alum G*nutr it; the Student Health On ter "The testing i* sponsored by the Lifestyle Planning Hi g r a m (.all I4»‘. 4 4 ?> fi ! o t mot« information ( arm Harming and Piant Serv m «** off.te orientation unjiini wdl lake plain '.•day ft m !»<■•« n to 5 p m in 238 hen dll ( ks The following group meeting* will lake pla> today • • p m in KMC’ Hoard Room • . ■ , : Ml ( k*» K • Hidling lor lh« folUmtng < onipanimt will u*« j \*e today thr< Wednesday in 244 Ikmdildi • • K li Ma< y t ( • K Man Apparel • Oofgia Pad ft < • i-i ly i t.. :li* knr • An'lor sen Consulting • Intel ()pr>n * a;n up twrginst< day for • (Ihevron Corp • Wal Mart <.orp • • KA J (iallu Winery • • Very,on A Meyer • Frito l-ay. Int • .v headline f»t submitting Kt Ah to the Emerald (rout desk. KS41 Suitv UX), is noon the day hufon* publication I t Alt run the day of the event unless the event takes phot before noon Daily Emerald CLASSIFIEDS BAT BEAT To Place, Cancel or Correct your ad call: 346-4343 105 PERSONALS A ((•niton ’ “ ;•» rum* M i <:.i: •, • ; t : • .. • . , \ Ml ! \Z JEN B. »i4/y i Ui •. ;;ot logoff** w*i ao uy h; lun! Y B S J*mn» KAPPA DELTA HAPPY FOUNDER S DAY AOT W« ara »o p*oud of Jill llfown ouf r >a» % 1 initial*1 K.\ .__KA L4»! W* n*v*f kr>««nr jail could t>a to much tun. I**ia » 10 Prohibition 92'" 1 hank you L o»o, KA no LOST 4 FOUND l oat»rmai> tv» po*nt pom. TOT / >n ( , • «Jvjn M.t COK>f ItKlOMJ vf*** y 3876. m?»g __ LOST ■ >n cv •«**/ camp . 'T ho*11 j a*.J l i' i uii-t A .i i..m ► 115 TYPWG SERVICES Printed text to computer files BBDEDtmnB 7474S80 SI20Ih»*U"6M *j 344-4510 QUAITI\ WCJMD mOCESSIMi <.H«P( *1* u IMMX *fT*OVlH T^n\! w o'4r1 -ng (all I on* at • r-, • i, ,cn DIAL A-TYPIST _$<3-7777 _ i agli i yi typing t diting Hy t*J * i*' 1“ IJ d •. <»'*«i \.ytn niudart l&ga typing 4B4 7*596 l icallont ft- ilo ■. nj Ur a! .« f km prompt i®rv>c« CA;i Ruby (603) IMS 3114 _ i M f i -MONAi typing Art© mvd pfoufctvng. <*} • ’ •} I '»*> ;w k p43<>:ry fV>?x.Ja 93*> 1 M’>„‘ ^•^flrsii U\' 4,*:' '-9 A rv.'.Co R*KtA. '■*£:*» f *»'«»♦. jI'/ikJ *i G»f •ryi1 • K j V 344 ‘(-Vi TYPING 344-8836 I *»l, Ai curat* 1yf»ng A word pioceating ( Mn;s<}c>ut-'4» pag** *’4 fv turn around f '(**« p*> up A tkyivtyy Of' campus ■>>'•> 4tl4 CXrtft _ _ TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara l and l at*r Ptmtar 46S 3343 f ormeriy kxralod B*(Ou Tt*uv«» tUtg l i#< tromc music instruction from r’i -. c •#*' •• .*n atfh l oar tuog b.n Kgro. 'XJ »n tun &!ud*o BoD \H> ’ M uvos FREE MAC ORIENTATION Wednesday, October 23 4 30 pm • 6:30 pm Room 185 Computing Ctntir Uaaic Macintosh Op*iations l _ tor bsginna rs_ 130 FOR SALE MSC. Airplana lick*t from*n« to Button rMr;>.t'w'O 1074 • V -’ 484 1 Jt>' 1)0 FOR SALE IISC. Dorm fridge Avif»lM7, walnut j finish Just charged |70 Matt | 484 4069__ Word proceaaor. I * - ► *,*, .• na'>. only $.*2G OOO 34,> 3161 ?0 Magnavoi Color TV 1 yt old $200 687 1779__ 3 piece w^io gold **•>’. ■ -g 9 diamond* $21*0 tefn :>4 ‘ 2114 m BUY OR TRADE WEEKLY WORLD Nf WS W pay 10 borrow or hoy Oct 8 -csoe. Co"-**' 346 9449 i«$ CARS TRUCKS ford LTD. t* .♦* 76 m good funreng. ported cond*! *on $2000 x>bO M /•>! • .» 48‘> GOVI HNMf NT SEIZED Vet os from $100 f ons& Merceckis Corvw'.’us Chwys Surplus Buy on Gu«*o (1) 805 962 6000 f *1 S 9642 MX / for Sale I condit or A: 4 AWI M Mwfoo lore r As*,ng $4Kx) A on or DavxJ. 3454489 89 Honda Civic SI B .« * g-.*»J i and ' •*.* »A>mo w and »».»' ■*§ *.* »«• f4*ttA tape 8 sp*us a-arm son fix/ 687 ;nn ft»y sS_ ‘73 VW Bug. " ,« •.« g'uu' V-.! cat $ • ,*vC obo 484 2 *,i *> (Jays and i so MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS f or Sale i 98/ Ya • »' a H »a »o t • onty 150 •«*-.. 'mm * 495 l»i4i $'.*00 Obo 942 7170 IMS Honda Spree Son ^ «• 4 > rr.H#*> wth helmet i' inx $.'9*) 746797? 71 Yamaha AC 1?S Dependable transportation less than 3 000 Rviw $. • \>l>o 683 7668 85 Honda Aero 80, w m.*#*. o IU» «>' -.! con04 *on $ 500. ubo 747-6070__ 85 HONDA CLfTE 150, $400 345 2711 or 485 9261, John ;«*w» 155 BICYCLES Schwinn LaTouf LUXE. ’8 sp. I- a * bom rats hanl‘y over ridden, oicu^om condi'ron $’75 obo Dan, 344 3845 Spaed* fkxtd fiic*ng fkiio»gh Aluminum P.R E Tech L i:.o* 8165 1991 Mongooae Alta, 18 M> ■ nta.n H.ku I XCELtf NT CONDITION $300 -ot.<) 345 4563 155 BICYCLES 165 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS HP 4?S calculator a • *».i" .»r ruvo u«ma!rve, attention to detail, problem solving, demonstrated ability to worn w»th a Mac rto&h |Wo'U, Works. Pagemaker) and the ability to communicate effectively Compensation includes a $750 a term srpund Position description is available m 244 Hendricks Ftaii Submit a cover letter and resume to 244 Hendricks Han by November 6. Questions, contact John Crenshaw 3466011 GREEKS! Paolrc Northwest Leadership Confererxte (tormerty Rocky Mountain Greek Conference) is now recruiting staff for the 1992 Conference to be hosted by the UO Greek System' Come to a general interest meeting, Tuesday. October 22, m EMU Room at S'JO p m r TERIYAKf! j ALLEY j I Japanese Udon $5 00 i j MisoorWonton Soup $1.00 | *| Teriyaki Chicken $2 75 | \ Vakisoba- Large $3 50 } i Noodles Small $2 50 j l Tofu Dish Large $3 50 J i Small $2.50 i i-1 Buy one and get a small pop. N Bring coupon j 1306 Hilyard n...: Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU YOU CAN'T Bt 'YftdS' \X v tXNc : AcctPi ‘•A-XXx * J) ■U‘V. ■■: ■ a or Hex 'f,V!7 ilfXJN ’ "I »f ¥ ‘'t’■*’ ' COURSt 1M PROUD row A POINT O' . it ’ ; v PROUD (V MY ANh i *!*• VtAUR MUZAK /[ rA ■' ! iV-Ktt *VV ■ YOUPtM PRiU ’ ,r s/aw>err>\rn- / ?, ,t> ■ <-<#? V OfCAfPIT' I'M UNWORTHY. 71 / BALONEY' they we*? VOURBAKKY MAmOUWES'.