I^13(6 l wavs to receive income, irit lulling lifetime retirement income. pa\ merits ovei a lixetl period, 01 as t ash TIAA-CRKF C AN HFIP MARK VOl K DR HAMS COMK TRIF. Wit 11 the help of l l VA CR !■■}•■. retirement can he \ our t ham e to look after yourself tin- wav you ve always wantetl Alter all. nohodv deserves it more t,l r YOI R I R1 I SR \ KIT v* fm h m> luiir* 4 1 4I1 ulilof fuf c*l ir»» 4! mg 14 x *..» v \ Mail (hi* ( t>u|Kin fo 11A A ( K 1 I I Vju *.V) Tlur J Avrnur Nr« Yiwk N 'l 1001 (), < *11 I 800 8*12-2733. r*t 8016 %.»/•*. 4 l*ir«u JW ml ) ( '•/* Vw'. S.*f ( U ► uH name ) r,//. fh¥nm. •/»*.•Hr ( ) Hi i « till ifnmt It *f • .V^u/Xft»n/| • k : ] .v. cn 1 H fast ( .• Ilc»l t Imur r Krpor I*. / i/7V-< lad/yfi.*/ /w^/vni^, Mutual h uml IVrformamr \rv*h»i« FIRE Continued from Page 4 Rod Cross, he said. While the staff of the Dully Californian watched the events unfold at close ranee, Francesca Vogl, ono of the many University of Oregon students from the Day area, spent the last two days wor rying and waiting for news about her family and friends. Vogl, a native of Piedmont, a town just near Oakland, said her parents worn evacu ated Sunday when the fire got to within four blocks of their home "My dad said last night that people would fly by in helicopters and that's how thev knew they had to evacu ate," she said. "People would fly overhead and announce it. Ho said it was kind of like being in a war zone every thing was black, helicopters were dumping chemicals and telling people to evacuate." f guItar-strIngs i | 50% OFF I j OUR LIST PRICE j J I N