LOSS Continued from Page 1 and Europe Besides fus international recognition. Broekhoff also received a favorable reputa tion among University nol le a g u e s and s t u il e n t s. Osternig said. "Evoryone is still reacting m tiieir own way," he said "People are saddened by the loss of a truly great profes sional in our field He was a fantastic teacher His course evaluations were as good .is I’ve ever seen He was a tre mendous teacher and a tre mendous colleague." Broekhoff is survived by his wife, Mama; and sons, Derik, Christopher and Alex The family asks that re membrances fie contributions to Sacred Heart General Hos pital's cancer care unit or the International Institute for Sports and Human Perfor mance in care of the Univer sity Foundation. MEDRANO Continued trom Page 1 gest memories of the ordeal is when .1 soldier one e took him out of prison to complain of the trouble he was causing Medrano said the soldier showed him a thic k sta< k of pa pers and said.' "lheso are the protests around the world I have received just because you are here ' " His release finally came alter repeated Inquiries from the In ternational Red Cross Medrano said he feels verv fortunate to have been able to leave prison "It's nothing short of a mira do if (a) person walks out of prison alive,” he said Medrano said Salvadoran prison doors should be eriibla zoned with the words from Dante's Inferno "Ye who on ter here should give up all hope ” our Recycle This * Paper Mario Medrano You can buy STAMPS at the UO Bookstore! COMPACT DISC WORLD'S FALL BLOW — OUT SALE hurry in for EVERY DISC IS ON SALE BEST SELECTION (ENDS 10-27-91) c%/cm a I Aurcu ivn/CAimov YOU WON I SEE WITH EVEN A LARGER INVENTORY OVER 27,000 DISCS IN STOCK ALL ON SALE A SALE LIKE THIS FOR A LONG TIME! EVERY DISC IN STORE ISON SALE!! THE COMMITMENTS * CO**"1 M< A CHOOSE FROM OVER 27,000 DISCS WHAT A SELECTION! BELINDA CARLISLE IJYE VOUflLJFE BE FREE ALL STORAGE UNITS ARE ON SALE AIL CARRYING CASES ARE ON SALE 2100 W. 11th (ACROSS FROM WAREMAR0 683-6902 opln S1.VEN Days a wi i k DIM / This Week's SUM / luncheon Specials fvity Sun/ 1 1> ■»;'/ Satav Chicken w/Rice t (»!■/ Chicken and Vegetable* / w/ a Hoi IVanul Sauce / A CAMPUS FAVORITE $4.50 Rice w/Teriyaki Oiicken Wings $3.65 CHINA BLUE RESTAURANT Try our dinrwrs, too! 879 E. 13th • Upstairs. Next to UO Bookstore • 343-2832 Engine Service 1000 S BerteKfin Rd »l f ugt*nr OR 9740? One Block North of W 11th Nolan Ind PM/a Speci n>:ing Ve-xswagon Service forj;' yea's 342-3952 Student and Faculty Discounts te-' AMt 'SBIl NT I'Nl IM11 KD INC. [i'JJ N )J~~ TUESDAY, OCT. 22nd 6:00 p.m. EMU REC. CENTER ARCADE ENTRY FEE: S2.00 TONS OF GREAT PRIZES! TRACK TOWN PIZZA I /Al\ I fac.' 'M JJIuMU THE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON Regrettably, the Labinski brothers had selected an apartment in the heart ot the Bermuda Triangle ot jam sessions