Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, October 21, 1991, Page 8, Image 8

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Photo by P4* .iji
Women cross-country runners (left to right) Lucy Nusrala. Lu Wilson, Lisa Karnopp and Nicole
Woodward head tor the hnish line in Saturday 's Jell Dronth Memorial run at Alton Baker Park
Despite flu, men runners stay undefeated
By I rick Studemcka
iU,. <.ild Contributor
A cool. ( risp fall Saturday af
lernoon A large i rowd of parti
saa l.uis cheering on outshine!
ing collegiate athletes A dose
struggle not decided until the
final seconds of the contest
Sounds like another gre.it foot
hall game, doesn't it?
Well, maybe in most colle
giate towns, hut in luigene with
the Oregon football team hav
ing a bye week, this scenario
heller describes the Jeff Dreiith
Memorial i mss countrv meet at
Alton Itaker Park, where the
Ducks' men's team captured the
team title despite being ham
pered hv injury and the flu
With top .!() teams including
Dartmouth Washington, and
the University of I’ortland in
the field. il looked uni ortnin
whether tile Dinks could con
[imir their unbeaten season
string when And\ Maris n.o
forced to drop out with an in
jured foot, and Tim Julian
dropped out due to flu syrup
Fortunately for Oregon, it
proved to have the depth not
essary to cover for Maris' and
Julian's anticipated high fin
A large field of 1 OH runners
started the 8 kilometer race, in
cluding collegiate athletes and
famous Olympic, hopefuls such
as Dan Nelson, Brad Hudson
and Oreg Whitolv About 10
runners remained in the lead
pack at two miles, where Ned
son began to press the pace and
form the field to string out. Or
egon runners Colin Dalton.
Shannon Lomora. ami Put Hal
ler all found themselves in
good position within the se< -
: :.d and third par ks - I runners
Alter four miles of the ap
proximate five-mile course.
Nelson, a former Oregon
steeplechaser, broke away hum
the held with Karl Van Calcar,
a former Oregon State
steeplechaser The two ran
stride for stride until the final
200-moter straightaway, where
Van Calcar was able to sprint
avvav from Nelson for a narrow
two-second victory in 2 \ on
Barely HO meters behind was
Dalton, who had run a fantastic
final mile to capture third over
Tum to FLU Page 9
Women’s cross country
team cruises to victory
By Dave Charbonneau
• "-k'.i:?! Sports Reporter
The Oregon women's cross
country team run only hope its
next three meets go .IS vse|| as
its first three
On Saturday, the Ducks easi
ly won 'the Jet! Drenth NS m .ri
al at Alton Baker Bark, jil.e ,ng
three of the top four finishers
tie the third meet in a row
I,lie Ducks outclassed \. hi
that consisted mostly of smaller
Northwest schools in a meet
that was more of .1 tune-up for
tlie upcoming Bacilli It) (hui
ference Championships than
anything else
"A low-kev rate was . tie
considering we have three
championship races coming
up," Oregon (vouch Tom
Heinonen said
The Ban- It) meet veil 1 he held
Nov 2 at Stanford and will be
followed hv the Kegion 111
championships on Nov US and
the NCAA Championships the
h lowing week
Senior Lucy Nusrala led tho
way ior the Dm C, winning iier
third race in as many attempts
with a lime of 17,11 Sopho
more Nicole Woodward fin
ished second with 11 time of
17 1-1 and 1 lsn Karnopp fin
ished fourth behind ex-Duck
star i,i/. Wilson at 1 7 7-1
In the three meets this year.
Nusrala. Woodward, and
karnopp have all finished in
the lop four
! think today Lucy reaf
firmed iiurseli as the strong
runner she is," Heinonen said,
and Nicole and Lisa also ran
as strong as ever."
The throe runners and
Wilson stayed in a tight group
for much of the race until
Ncsralu broke ivv.iv from the
1 waited 'til about the two
mile mark, and then 1 made my
mi vr aii.l no one went with
A low-key race
was fine
considering we
have three
races coming up.’
Coach Tom Heinonen
me,” Nusraia said "Sometimes
it's easier to run on your own
on these trails.”
Woodwarci said she was hap
py with the way the meet went
and looked ahead to the Par 10
"I was really pleased with
the way 1 ran, and Lucy ran ter
rific, us usual,” she said. "Tm
excited for the l’ac-10 meet I
think we're doing even better
than we thought we'd do this
season. ”
Junior Carol Holmen also ran
a strong race, finishing seventh
at 17-la Freshmen Jill Callero,
Jenna Carlson and Monica Da
vidson finished 15th, ltith and
1 7th, respectively.
The four will most likel\
round out tile team the Ducks
Turn to RUNNERS, Page 9
Photo Dy P«*l*ry
Runner Colin Dalton crosses the hnish line first in Saturday s Jett
Drcnth Memorial at Alton Baker Park
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