Board to take bids on Alton Baker golf course By Rachel Runyan Emerald Contributor The Lam- County Board of Commissioners has decided to take land bids on the proposed Alton Baker golf course, do spite public outcry the de velopment will interfere with other park activities The hoard sent revised re quests for land use proposals to businesses Oct 2, in hopes of proving to golf course opposi tion groups that the course will not take the area away from other uses 1'he proposal to build an 18 hole golf course pnlfit! acres m the eastern section of Alton Baker l’.irk has drawn oppose tion from community groups These groups claim the pro posed course will affect the quality of fogging, hiking, ca hoeing .and other activities the park supports "The proposal has fleet! re vvorded to make it clear that e\ isting uses are not to be detract ed from in quality or other ways," Commissioner Peter, Thurston said. The revised proposal states that "portions of the COA (goll opportunity area) have other park uses such as running trails, hike paths, 5-acre BMX facility, and canoeway, which must he incorporated into any acceptable golf course plan." At the head of the opposition is ,i group will’ll Allan Baker For Allot" Us which iws col levied more than 5,(KK) signa tures rejecting the proposal, said tnemher Wes Bigalnvv The golf course would be built in .1 part at the park • 1 (in "opportunity area" that was set aside for development in the 1 dHt> master plan A golf course was chosen from other possible develop nient options because it meets the plan's criteria; that develop ments generate''.revenue and he Goinpatible with other re< be i lion d uses, Thurston said The hoard has not vet voted on vvhi'ttier to build tie god course, Thurston said, hut a public hearing wall lie held in the first two months of Teij to discuss the selected proposal. ,'il■ ie will lie no other hear digs on the subject until the commissioners receive propus als they believe indicate that golf course can be built wit bout infringing on other uses or en dungeting park users Then the committee will select a pmj»is al. Alton Baker For All Of Us plans to light the proposal with an initiative process to tee county citizens a sav in the matter. "(liven that they're looking at proposals, it's clear that one may be accepted," Bigalow said "The request for proposal The lane County Board of Commissions hos decided to take land bids on the proposed golf course tor Alton Boker Pork despite criticism that the course will interfere with the quality of biking, fogging, canoeing and other activities in the park shows they're not really inter listed m tile primary Uses of the pari. "Should 40 pen ent of the park tie used for a game that only 15 percent of Americans play7" Bigalovv said, adding a lOit1) i itv park master plan re port expel ted the area north of the park to exponent e a ot per cent population increase In the next 20 years Another major disagreement between the two sides < one ' ins the si/e of the park lligalow said the master plan and maps made from aerial photographs show that the park is t '•< a : This means the golf course woulil t.ikn tip ■!() prn nut uf tho park Thurston said the gull course; would tnkr up onlv about to p.n ent of the park, basin! on cult illations bv the AutoCAD t oniputiT blueprint program, vvh rh calculated 4X1 acres of fwrk PUBLIC Continued from Page 6 17. cumpluincut about what ho said wore recant racially motivator) arrests on Sept 27, when police tried to dis perse a crowd in front of the 7-Uleven at the c orner of 13th Avnnui! and Alder Street Alluh-M u hham had said there was a crowd of young people hanging out in front of the 7-Kleven on 13th and Alder When the crowd con sisting of lilt) white pnoplo anci two black men re fused to leave, polite mime diately arrested one of the b I a c k m e n , All a h Miihh.imhad said Minnies later police arrested the oth er black man They searched him and found Mat e A police officer then charged the other bint k man with menacing her w ith the Mace, when in fact it was never drawn and never even detected until the suspect was in handcuffs, Allah Muhhamhad said "White people were w.ilk ing around and calling them pigs but instead they arrest ed the two blai». guys who weren't doing anything,” Al lah M ihharnhad said Cody Yarbrough. in. com plained of police officers who treat young people with contempt because they look different "There's a lot ol cops that come oft with this attitude that we re all shit, something that needs to be scraped oti the boot of society.” he said PATROL Continued from Page 6 “VVo don't go t<> p.irtios to break up their fun, were sunt to put tiiss and wo have to do our job." At thu und of tliu ridu, my exhausted brain could only tell mu one thing I was wrong I was wrong in thinking that all cops wore out to make my life miserable, that then, wuru nothing but racist, fascist jujks preying on (ollege kids and transients and that they were crops only Uurause they wanted power und those shiny guns I'm not saving cops are all gix>d and students are nothing but re b' ilious brats A vie ious circle exists with students sometimes be mg hostile to officers, and in turn, offu ers developing negative at11 ludes toward students If students exhibited a cooperative attitude toward the police, i think the circle i mild bo broken It has to start son tew here Seeing fitsthand what it is like to lie a cop made me realize the\ are people with families, interests, desires and a tough job GERMAN AUTO SERVICE, INC. “27 years of Quality Service” Mercedes • BMW • Voikswagon Audi • Datsun • Toyota 342-2912 2025 Franklin Blvd Eugene, Oregon 97403 U'W . -r C, •' r- « • ' tywt4fvty^ r\$'(<’ f'uOnc • George s neiv album SuMMfP it now available on IP cane lie and CD ^ Of i< Jf ' C. u'!,y l'V t ’1 o Ck>l Hjt* >i. c»f J'M '•-* food to ffx* cone eft • r -1 PALESTINE/ISRAEL PEACE! An Israil Palestine Dialogue: CONFLICT & PROSPECTS FOR RESOLVING THE PALESTINIAN-ISRAELI CONFLICT WITH Shimona Sharoni and Mohammad AbuNimer Hirv arc !>otli Israeli cUi/cns (one Muslim, one Jewish), having grown up in the Galilee, and have participated in Neve Shalom, a Jewish Arab cn operative settlement Currently, they are working toward doctorate de grees in Conflict (Resolution at George Mason University Monday, October 21, 1991 7:30 P.M. FIR ROOM. ERB MEMORIAL UNION. U of O Admission is Free! Sponsors Sigma Alpha Mu Jud.ue Adairs I'und. < irrfj. A ,'v < • Kugrne Intel Religious Committee for IVaii- in the Middle K-ist. Me Ken/ie Kivcr ■ '.jliiering. Jewish Student Uinm. Studenl As--« mho:.