COMMUNITY Campus area an edgy locale for regulars, police Frequenters of campus claim police harassment, brutality By Gernt Koeppmg Emerald Ho(vx!e looking for a confrontation "I don't know what they are mad at tile world, tile University but the police tend to re c eivc the negative gulf from people when they are frustrated by the government." Costanza said. "When something happens from police impropri eties, such as the Rodney King incident in L A . we are the ones people can see and get their hands on. so we tend to receive that kind of treat ment " being a student, I had my own answers about why it was so much "fun" to hate cops For one, it is the norm Secondly, cops are the ultimate sign ol authority and who likes authority? And finally, it's so much easier to blame someonu else for your mistake than to actually admit that you screwed up. Costanza agreed all those were probably fac tors One thing is for sure I have never heard as ninny "fucking pigs" comments in my life C.istanza had to meet another police oilic er at The Mission Mexican Restaurant, and as we were merely walking to the table, this comment, com ing from several different students’ mouths, was definitely meant to he heard by more people than their friends Once at the table, Castanza asked il I had heard the comments and proceeded to toll me that it was not unusual they hear il all the time W hat a pleasant job Around 9 p in I switched cars and rode the rest 11f Officer Linda Fischer's shift until •! am, which in,uii? gutting up at 7 am. lor my geology field trip out of the question. Anyway. I-isher, otherw ise known as "Officer Lriendlv" on campus, is one of female officers on the force Any question about her success or failure .is a female police officer should slop right here she could kick just about every guv's be hind I know from the minute I got into the racy police car. the action started Three fraternity guys walking down the side w ;ik. one holding a cup, spotted the cop car The g i\ with the crip threw it and kept walking. l-iv her slammed on the brakes and cited the guv for a minor in possession of alcohol. Fisher, getting back itr the car, was surprised to find hint .cooperative and polite. "That's very rare," she said as she drove away "Most of tiie time, you get a student lying to you, saving that no. you did not see me throwing that i up Ninety sev en percent of the tilings vve hear are not true, so when the other d percent are tell ing tiie truth, they don’t get the benefit of the doubt." Our next call led us to arresting a homeless woman who was sleeping in tiie hall of an apart ment complex She was arrested because she had gotten a tii bet earlier licit day lor sleeping in the same building and the student who called the po lice warded her arrested My former misconceptions ol all cops treating the homeless like dirt, were just that misconcep tions lire officers were nothing hut polite and it turned out that although jail is definitely not the Hilton, the woman hud a warm place to stay for the night Next Fisher arrested a former Oregon State Uni versity football player because there was a war rant out for his arrest We look him to jail all the while listening to, "You fucking ruined my week end, hitch that's the last time I say hi to you on liiu street. I admit I never used to say, "Hey, how's it go ing7" to any cop before, but it was a real eye opener to see only glares and hear "fucking pig" comments all night. Our next mission led us to responding to a noise pollution call at the Sigma Chi fraternity Fisher talked to tiie president and issued him a i itation for loud music, the second given in a week "lie was pleasant,” she said as we were walk ing liar k to the car "A lot of the hats aren't Peo ple think we're here to break up their party 1 have so many bettor tilings to do titan crush your party. Turn to PATROL, Page 7 Women's Experiences With Eating Disorders Come to a panel discussion on the topics of: ★ Body Image ★ Eating Disorders ★ Weight Issues Facilitated by: Bev McCreary, M.S. Brit Ellis, M.S. Place: Gerlinger Lounge I ime: 7:00 P.M. Date: Wednesday, Oc t. 23rd IT'S FREE Sponsored by Lifestyle Planning Program FALL MOUNTAIN BIKE SALE $30l to *200 OFF every bike in stock! • Cary Fisher • Mongoose • Haro • Fat City We offer 10% discounts to students. (service & regular-priced items only) HKPAMM * CYCLMM 1540 WILLAMETTE • 687 0288