ETALS MEETINGS Native Hawaiian Student Union will moot tonight at 5 in EMU Codar Room l) Call 346-0340 for morn information MEChA weekly mooting will take place tonight at S ilt) in EMU Cedar Room I-' ('.all 340-3500 for more information. Alpha Phi Omega will mod tonight at l>:3() in liNil Cedar Room C MISCELLANEOUS Child ('are, Im ;■ .pun a mg a "Sandwich & Savvy" par ent education workshop on stranger awareness tonight at 5:30 at del N Washington St Call 344-1105 for more infor mation and to sign up for child care. 'Win Not a f eminist Them \ ot Jllslil e" |-. the 1. ,;ui .1 .1 | turo bv Ruth Anna i’utnam to il, iv at 4:30 p in in 137 Chiles Center. The lecture is spon sored by the Philosophy Club "Sex and I s: l et's talk About It" will he the topic of a forum sponsored by the Black Student Union tonight at 7 in tiie KMU Cumwood Room "hi Salvador at a Cross roads" is the topic of a discus sion by Mario Medrano, a Sal vadorun teacher and activist The disc ussion will take place tonight at 7:30 in EMU Cumwood Room OSPIKC Grassroots Toxic i ampaign will kic k oil its first postcard drive on campus to day Call Mary Beth Kurilo at 340-4377 or stop hv the office in Suite 1, EMU for more infor mation. RELIGION Bible Study will take place tonight at 7:30 at the Newman Center. 1850 Emerald St Call 340-440H lor more information Rap With the Rabbi takes place today from 3:30 to 5 p m at Hillci (in the Koinoina Cen ter. 1414 Kincaid St.) Call 343 8U20 for more information OPPOR i CNI'I'lL-iS 1’si Chi the National Honor Society in Psychology. is spon soring .1 gr.iduato school semi nar with tips on how to get in to graduate school tonight at rgia Pad In • Lady Footioc ker • Andersen CConsulting • Intel Deadllm• for submitting ft Ms to the Emerald front desk. EMI Suite 100. is noon the d,i\ before publication. Et Als run the day of the event utiless the e\ ent lakes place before noon Notices of events with a do nation or admission charge will not be accepted Campus events and those scheduled nearest the publication dale will be given priority The Em era Id reserves the right to edit notices for grammar and St) le. Ike Copy Shop 539 E. 13th Open Sal 10-4 Hriwrrn Pattrtimn it f rrr\ - Hliihl i>n i Jthi 485-6253 South Eugene Chiropractic Center * Sports Injuries * Stress Reduction * Chronic Postural Problems Dr. Frank F. Muhr 396 E. 18th St. 683-9070 -dj Student rate4 Near Campus ATION UPDATE Librarian to haul home books The Knight Library will soon see the return of it's share of more than Smillion in stolon rare books and manuscripts discovered a year and .1 half ago in the Ottumwa. Iowa home of Stephen Mumberg Frasier ( a>< kv curator of the library"s Special (!olle< tiori, said the FBI informed him W'ednes duv morning that all identified materials, a! ut itO percent of the total, will hr released to the proper owners tanks said fie plans on flying to Omaha Ni h , n Nov 1 and renting a moving in., k to haul the bunks and documents bat v ■'ll anybody's going to land them in a dm h after all this time, it s going to lie me. not an airline or a moving ( ompany." he said Hocks said about us percent of the ! 'niversl tv's stolen hooks and inanust ripts are account ed for l ire total v alue of the loss is $(>(..!,iH)0 Fascism conference slated for April April I I at tne l nivcrsity C.raduote students from-five English, (airman and (Comparative ; ilerature departments are organizing the conference the first time that University graduate students have formed a committee to organize a t onferent e specifical ly goared toward graduate students 'i'lio committee is planning to invite two speakers to the i onference, one to establish the historical frame of European fascism, and an other to explore fascism in a broader sense The prime choices at tills stage in the plan ning are either (leorge Mosse. author of \i i What should go in library capsule? Next full, after the construction of the Knight Library addition and before the renova lion of the original building, the library will install a time capsule ut the base of the Solan Si nth Slairwav .mil (taller v In- i ipsute will cclchrutn lliti end of ion siruc !; in iihd t umtnemorate the old library, containing items that record for future library users the image that library users mul employ* i t -, is,id ot tin- Knight Library in 1‘iti.’ Be foie the capsule 1,111 be installed, the li brurv needs xuiigcslions and ideas about what jn nji.e trunk aiiout when thev think ot the li brurv yte-.tnins can be dropped til the sugges tii-ai box on the first floor of the Knight Li brary, or mailed to Karen Darling, Serials De partment Dnivefsitv ot .(begun -Library, Ku ,;ei:e ( )j{ 'i',' |() t K’-I'l Higher-ed pTtnel picked \ panel to examine the Department of High er Liisn alum's administrative costs and struc ture ot Us administrative support systems lias tun appointed by George Kh bard soil, |r, president of the Hoard ot Higher Kducaiion Giti/.en memliers of the Board Administra live Kev lew t Committee are Dan Terpar k. (len eral Manager -t Hewlett -Packard; Gerrv Thompson, vice president lor marketing, Him Gross Blue Shield, Jon Vunker, director lor business services, Saleni-Kei/.er School Dis tnct, V Sbetrv Slieng, direr tor ot Metro Wash ington Park Zoo; Phil Bogun, retired Portland business exei utive and Sue Nailiiu secretary treasurer of Nannies Ini Hoard of Higher Kducaiion members Janice Wilson. Mark Dodson and Roll Miller also have been appointed to the panel Miller will serve as committee chair "Tile Hoard of Higher Kducaiion lias a strong commitment to conduct a thorough review ol its administrative costs and structure ol Stale System administrative support services." Uit li urdson said The panel will report its findings and recoin ineiidalions In the lull Board ol Higher Kduca lion by mid l'l'l.’ M££TT£RRYHMR£ST WILLIAMS AUTHOR OF AUTOGRAPHING Tuesday, October 22 12:00-1:00 -At the UO BOOKSTORE General Book Department n*a nmt *fin» AUTHOR READING Tuesday, October 22 7:30 p.m. K At the i Ml (iUMWOOD ROOM Sjxmsofcd by the Center fur the Study of W imik ii In St n n i) and l:nvirin»m:n!al Slutlici f (Terry Tempest Williams' gtandmothers ami mother taught her to trust her emotions, ami she learned the lesson well Refuge, her record of a family whose women have been haunted h\ s am er.' ontrac ted from living downwind of the Nevada atomn test site, is an unflinching and wrenching emotional experience Tins was a clan of strong women who lived under a ewae hot loved life to their last breath. The ordeal is set against the catastrophic rise of (beat Salt l ake that drove ned and destroyed the bird s.mctuar y w hete I erry Williams spent much of her professional lime The extravagant bird life of the marshes dwindles and all but disappears before the rising title ol salt water ass the women of Tempest Romney families two grandmothers, a mother, six aunts. Terry Williams herself wilt before the inexorable invasion u: disease But buried in the journal joltings of this book is an angry indictment ol the evasive culpability of the Atomic Htctgy t ommisMim. and .1 tpn turning of the Mormon obedience that led that led these women to accept so calmly anti philosophically the unjust fate they wete expose.! Is.01 derful thing about this btrok, though, is liiat Terry Williams docs accept, even w title she rages I here isn t a page here that doesn t whistle vt ith the sound $21.00 hardcover — WAUACi: SI Id AI l< STORE 13th & Kincaid 346-4331 M F 7:30 Sat. 10:00-6