210 HELP WANTED AIRLINE Now seek ng student* and Q'iXl .4'**% 10 !.i'i many entry ovw pox Pons vamng salary rang* to 24K wttn iwvo 303-441-2455 Extension 9A "llral" 4 path lo Room 300 tx'forV »r* I1K» Uliv HA I HE At drmt/Unr in/J*. Ipm \L ASK A SUMMER EMPLOYMENT 'c.henes Earn $5,000* fmontf Free tra'isponato?' Room S Board1 Over • »•> M«»# Fwiutai f 0' Empioym*"? Se-V'Ces ■»' 1 ?0f* 54 5 4155. oirt ' ;4_ Basketball refer®#* needed No Qipefwoc* noonsvary Jr High * M*gn ScE»oo- love f arn jp to $ t5*v ’4• 1434, ask tor Mark EARN MONEY Read ng boohs $30,000>yr income potentwa* Detai -, (805) 962 8000 oC Y 964? Experience Eugene * newest state o! tho-art plasma center Call 683 9430 and we ll tot: you how to help yourself and others . FULL-TIME ASSISTANT COORDINATOR needed to help run a busy campus office mid Sept to mid June Must be proficient in Wordporloa. have proofreading background, supervisory experience, an eclectic education, compjiif skiiis. and bo able to work with deadlines and balance multiple tasks Prefer some teaching^ rawing sk, s Start 4P $8 $i0-t»our Unpaid X mas and Spring breaks Send covertettor, resume and references by October 31 to Student Projects. Suite 4 E MU. U of O. I ugene OR 97403 Wome- mmo'ipes lesbians encouraged to appiy f Of Helper for disabled woman Snort spH hours $ ' f>C'v ■ ' M 1 Near campus 484 !>4;' i LEADERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES l*.e i SCAPE FIELD STUDIES PROGRAM is looking lo? a student interosfed m Mono 'the HUMAN SERVH t DIVISION I • s postun roqu^is u. • motivation the Jo mo' vote others and commitment to expefientta; learning Receive stipend and credit tor wo'K App ^alions an» ava .-iblo n " [ SCAPF Oft >i. M * ’' i MU n i H" duo OCTOBER 25th 34t, 4 >v ODt SIAM I'm- )! v KiRAPHl R position is open lor an experienced pnotOjOurna »: Musi nave own equipment, darkroom experience, and tiexipie hours Can Jett Pa . ay .t 346 5511 to mane an interview appointment Dead- '>e •-» S p m Monday, Qt;t 18_ Outs id 0 sales I «*■>' grow • a'M*tr fum representing f ire&tone looking tor outgoing energetic people ’or ate afternoon & eve hrs %' 5 V3C ’ we guarantee *8 hr 1 800 3?3 /WJ OVERSEAS JOBS *900 *:*000/mo Summer yr round, ail countries, afl fields Free into Wf te UC F*0 B» 5? Of TO 3. Corona L>e Mar CA 92625 PSYCHOLOGY PEER ADVISING s now recruiting tor Winter term Pk> up applications in 141 Straub Deadline tor submit11r»g applications *s October ?5 Sun Vsllsy Ski rssort is hiring tor ski season wan staff, cashiers, cooks, bakers, and mountain restaurant staff Housing available. discount skiing and excellent benefits Interviews will be held at E M U. on Thurs Oct 3lat and Fri., Nov 1st from 9-4 For info call Student Employment __ lele-marketmg, auto , t » Ntus 5 to 10 hr* per woo* J»5 per hour ♦ bonus Dean 485 0164 HOUSES FOB RENT CLOSE TO CAMPUS Charming 5 bdrm, 2 bath horn* 1697 Orchard St. Recently remodeled w th ru’ngerator, Stove, microwave wur.hor toryer /• a great neighborhood $13J‘> As * about Our Move In Spec » 343 r>0_ 230 HOUSES FOR RENT On* bedroom houoo, ?0?4 f irueram, Uw f *i & #6 $ma neat and vwy qw ♦>; No p«!ft *325 firs: and a»; $200 •»<»Cun?y and $' 00 non ?«' 68'* 3K*ti 0* IMS OAK H*«m> » «'XJ vary CHM 3 bd*m» and f $700 1?W3 SUNNY DHfVE RtVtV F%J * tMd'OOn WV«3 ’,*>'% h Nof>«% i.'v.iw- by A;s>: 225 APTS DUPLEXES A l ARGE. CLEAN, QUILT ? txtr* ’ &h U Of O Av v at)«* ow Lorn , t>*g k>u.n«n L)W*J«sp. t*g dor ♦Ms. r»«** carp®M»no*«um kxs Of par* mg laundry. s.ndacfc 683 6919 v » Mow F(N MOVE IN SPECIAL Now & Beautiful 1 & 2 BEDROOM FROM S505 * COVERE D PARKING * WASHER DRYER HOOKUPS a EUROPEAN KITCHENS a FfTNESS ROOM a CONVENIENT TO VALL EY RIVER CENTER 1811 Kingslay Rd 343-4549 NORRIS & STEVENS Management Co CoodGwits Forest Village Apartments Quiet piece To study, weight room utin« pool Bus to csmjxjs 2 bdrm 1 t bat’ $4 7 5-mo A $4 • * 'T Hit". : 'vow A lor Nov 68/ 1 318 GARDEN TERRACE APTS 1893 Garden Avenue TneBEST KE.PT SHORE r on campus . Dddroom apartmentava .iO:e fur SPECIAL only $39tr*l Paul 144 1 ,’21 Jennings ♦ Co 683-2271 GREAT DOWNTOWN LOCATION HUGE 2 cxxjruom apart mom ava iat)io lor *> t o App .a >«*» . #.}« OVw ish er and disposal. private balconies off SlnxM paring fight on Ck-► - o to U Ol 0 ONI Y $395“' Jennings ♦ Co 683 ???\ JEFFERSON APTS SOO JEFFERSON Roomy 2 bedroom town house slyke apartment available soon Private pa toy on vie laundry and park«r>g « Must .»*» to appro* ale $550 A so 2 bedroom apartment dv.t aO-ti in comp^i* in ?o»if $395 Jennings • Co 663-2271 Large. 1 bedroom No pets $»4 464 105/ ONE BEDROOM 1370 High Parking .aundry pa; kji $325 195 E 24th Qua*. parking. laurxjry $340 532 W 81r * Badroom. brep.a;«, dishwasher $340 1 WO BEDROOM 1150 West * t th $.500 ROOMS 2140 Mart*’ Inc xte* ! !«#*. and kiitJvan iso Or:y one room ava ab.« for male student $’ 65 1862 K,'V. ad Very ciean room $150 ma.xJof. water, garbage* arU wtchen ‘No smokers oniy No pets S' own by appoint man! SPYGl ASS ASSOCIA T t S 666-11 30 MS APTS DUPLEXES 1 bdrm lurn, jtw •. qua# D-W drftQOa a. it O'V ooviwad p»t » >g S36!vrno *200 f •K'y 343 3318 1 badroom aparlmant Mail L*-> » - *• of?o' o' c«mpus "Mm trp*»f -g cxt/K ■\j S3 *5 88? 0€C?*' dr #w»a 486 '8 ’rt 2 bdrm turn. *»-« (j.. »«• , W ■•. ;pcr. .» o .•nJ,y aovtt'ad pa* ng. S4'3Vmo I200f«*ry 343 3310 2 badroom. ‘ . n or unfurr 4 put W»* U Of 0 04 xI'V 54V V- t-i- .» 48 2 MONTHS f-Ht f •*.» Plumtree Apts 1555 West 18th t WLEK FRtt t .. . S-t 3* »vr«. 4 • • 3 W , 1 BLOCK TO CAMPUS 1 MONTH f HI L ’ Oftt.-ti-uify »*j■■*■• «*o N*;- h•• '• Turmahad until naar muatc building, on# bedroom, S3 IS, two badroom. S 360 Hatarancaa. call altar 2 pm 688-5760. Ridgawood Apartmanta Studio, or>« and two badroom af>artmanta Pool-laundry lacilrtia* waatharuad F rva building*, 15th 4 Hilyard location 404 0922 Would you UK# a raalfy me# room all to your**N with a p/tvata hath room. cIom to campua, In a naw tHJildmg whit* you/ maala ara p/a par ad lor you? Call tha CoHayian 343-1255 UNIVERSITY MANOR SOUTH Rfc NT NOW FOR FAIL’ * CLOSf TO CAMPUS * PARKING * ON-SITE IAUNOHY 2 ♦ badrooms *$7;» 3 badrooms from *68‘j. C*il M3-0/i’9 NOW' J*nmng8 • Co, 683 4219 SOUTHGATE APTS Vary larga 1 bdrm apt & ? bdrm IOMI)l>OU»« All apfK>ancas p«tva!S patio, pool, sauna.and laundry taC on sil«t Near campus 34$ 44/1 234$ PATTI RSON $100.00 MOVE-IN BONUS! CHANTILLY APARTMENTS 124 7 W flth #2 i Btdrooffts Irom *325 ? Hudroom f a: * u.‘ I'OCX PAHKING IAUNOHY Oil N»00, 344 5583 JwnniMflt » Co._ M 1. 4 230 T0WNH0USES CONDOS GREYSTONE TOWNHOUSES Racantfy ranovatad 2 bad room townhousas Naw carpal. diapas. vi nyl, appltancas larga grassy play araas. on ifla laundry call Tim, 669-8667 ONLY *37$' Janmngs ♦ Co 683 2271 240 QUADS AFFORDABLE 1360 Aldar St 345-S949 N < •». cioaf’ *«*!■ maintained qu*«Js avtUdDie * f urntshad. uti! paid a L aundry facility, covarad parking A *229 month DUCK INTO ATALRAYQUAD Campus view, $249 & up! WoodawJa Manor 344 2657 Campus Court Quads 344 2616 Campus Quads 344 2816 TJU RAT HOLDINGS (OREGON). NC 344 9 763 240 QUADS 553 E. 18th Ave i .' - • ,j .»! w"' Pits V A T l H A THS i'nj ■<»•' Par* ; v«1 * ONI * V-'t-*' JanmnQ* ♦ Co 663-2271 ★ $225 ★ 441 E. 17th %'*j -^OvO f' &Onw*V v>» f STMl i \ PAH* Mi; A11 UTil IT is :i PAH) Cd: 144 J4 » 1,'tt' Jannmg* * Co 663-4219 245 ROOMS Shara ? txJrm hoot* ^ M fxi «m *-i ** •» &."* 250 DORM CONTRACTS Dorm contract lor Cim*. 346 9609 255 ROOMMATES WANTED looting for famaU lo ahara horn a fcVVmonth ♦ ‘h household «apen««i W :• ' -.1 • -vj <• »• WJrm ap» l ;*i»s •! «*; v -\j nun »m,)i Than** for fMdirg our C .*%& '«o»‘ M M A j » «tn lUf f 1 2 twdrooma in 4 badroocn houae »VJ S’ 265 GARAGE MOVING SALES Moving aala ***.«:■• * m qlhmt umt'i •>»» D »«. Of1 Airgrof M 3990 f rankln B 30 pm lo/pm 346 2S13 for tocaSion Sponvi'iid Dy Gaylur.: i Ids* f or CO Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson ; i • V» I v VJ- . S’, T, » ' ’VI >, 5 ^ ' > jH ' * -U K MS ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT MY OWN PRIVATE IDAHO, BARTON FINK iMOt s^x,w H.gr ♦» ii n j.i THELMA & LOUISE i 0*r% m. jre» > ’ 4c rs >.»*. f t-1 Tt«* A FLAME IN MY HEART MO SERVICES In a crunch? Pafwre di>e? If you novo t)':»'V phOtMl (tori k*OC.'ttV vj!« l or me hoip you in the {y«ry MS _j l OS T CON 1 A t; T l l NS ? Wo 7” .ry i -«h»’««j N ; t\l>.;n f..> , .\ V'.* ’ d K.lvV ft* »> ,i. »•* Vk% »” 341 3333 _ Planned Parenthood 1 * Pop v*hm Concerned about fuegivancy? V\«» Lttr •*'0«p 3 rmi prey.if y iw. s 0 , aer-Bbst SCHOiARSMIf’S 'vW $ • )*> n' Il'iV' •' ftCfM1 I k.'» rt'Vl GPA r«nj ScftO i Ships. Sotfo 34.'. l iM4S l aMi > -ty VS.*» WAM’.'S T*mpt>fary haaan insurance »•- < < «• al naav i ’>' x»n, K-doy v )<>'» days '(.I ■ S 't,i 4*i *lit ' 'i ,i '• ; • ■' CROSSWORD By Eugene Shaffer ACROSS 1 B. .*• *> Mrttdl • 8 u 12 ( 1 4 W ' • **>«?*•' 1 S r * to!** of { r1«< 16 l>o - 1 7 I **-.? , 18 M^U.O, 20 llov i Aiion 23 '.m » 24 i.VHl-. hu.b<* nd ?S Aff «.• 28 B ■ it** 29 Marks to lot stand 30 Pol;-.ft v* jnrow.fy J2 Apjxiinl*. 34 and hounds 35 M 36 Ami Ai«V* 1 • 3 7 * 40 4 1 W lior.t* 47 r , 4; h i • If* Mil 4H I - 49 50 * 51 < DOWN I ' ,4>M . M. • mini 1 » IVI*» -»• A. , *n,io ♦ . .. Al Hi An, joins . I lO,p i 1 toHil Kill I him* ‘J'% nun Saturday % .m*wpf 10 *’1 } 3 A* »t»t \ 19 V.< 1 > ! y U>!t»»r\ 20 ’ < >»»> til Ml 21 I »ull 22 H i'iu> . 2*i M »► oHrtil 26 I 27 (Ji.ipli>' ol tht* Kitr i. 29 Dir»• 31 I j,p! c PO.I nil tn*. 11 1.1V* >< N I J6 • IcMN IWI'1 J7 3H 39 ( >n*» (Jiaplm •10 I i. 1111 * m 11 45 < 46 I mKtty r Yogurt— now (SundeUcs 99$ Coupon expires 10/31/91 *No limits A > No! good with other offers .VsjvVj^^ I** Tcev I lu L niinlry's Hist hnjnit ■ 3131 W 1 1th Marketplace West 4 NEW „ k LOCATION r Franklin & ' 7 Villard % Hi . .